Novel:The Achievement Junkie - Chapter 267

The Achievement Junkie
Total of 736 chapters
Chapter 267
The Death of a Party Member
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Chapter (1-736) Exchange

Trank's finger crackled as electricity ran over it and the man let the arrow phase through him."That's one down." He mocked them as he reached forward for his next killing strike. However, he found himself unable to move either of his arms.

Vines from the nearby undergrowth had started to wrap around him.

"Stay away from her!"

That familiar voice shouted as more vines reached out and pulled Daliea away from the bounty hunter.

Jack forced himself to stand up, bearing the pain as he saw Eliza and Keela descend from Appa above. Some water in his eyes still ran but in gladness, not sorrow.

While Trank destroyed the vines crowding his body, Keela waved her staff and removed the stun placed on Jack and Daliea. With both supports to back them up, the party was feeling a bit more optimistic about the situation.

"So, you won the race, huh? No matter. My men will be here shortly, " stated Trank, now acting more serious than perverse."You've earned my respect lasting this long and somehow keeping her alive, despite losing such a precious Flame Tiger. I can accept killing the others, but please don't make me have to kill you, Mr. Party Leader."

Not saying a word verbally, Jack refocused himself and stored Appa as Keela healed him and Rydel. Though Rydel's wound wasn't fully healed, at least he could use a bow now, albeit slower than he would wish.

'We need to hurry and kill him. His team will be here any second, and there's no telling what will happen if they help him. '

'Then you'll need Bowzer, Jack, ' Rydel flat out stated his opinion. 'We don't want to reveal ourselves, but would you rather die? Bowzer's the only one he can't touch, and if you use your flame body then it's the same as revealing Bowzer. '

Not disagreeing with Rydel, Jack ordered, 'Bring out your companions. Do it now while you have the chance. '

All at once, more beasts appeared to join the battle. Eliza's dryad emerged with an aura of life and vibrant energy to bless the party members with increased mana. Keela's fairy shone a light on the entire party, blessing them with partial health regen.

Ayden and Appa were kept away, as to both offer a getaway and to also not reveal their location due to the giant bird that's visible at a distance.

Bowzer finally emerged, more anxious than ever to get out and join a fight instead of only spitting out a few fireballs. His bestial instincts took over the moment he saw Trank standing over the corpse of the Flame Tiger, the beast that had only recently befriended.

"That's... Wait, are you with the Adventurers Association?" Trank couldn't help but ask when he saw the fox.

Rumors of an adventuring hero named Jack and his companion Hell-flame Fox were traveling across the continent. They were only rumors and most didn't believe them, but Trank felt it was too much a coincidence considering the skill of the young man and the sudden appearance of a fire-red fox.

Jack's only response was the activation of his flame body as he used Sudden Death to charge the man.

Not daring to take that flame unprotected, Trank evaded the attack, but only to notice the fangs of the now flaming fox barreling towards him. Again, he dodged the attack and created some distance between him and his fiery opponents.

"I don't like the idea of antagonizing the association, but if it means playing with you two then I won't be able to help myself."

While Trank gathered more and more electricity around him, a few figures appeared from the forest.

"Men, these two are mine. No matter what, don't interfere with my game!" Trank shouted ecstatically."Now I can focus on my true prey."

Not wasting a moment, the six new arrivals leaped into action. Two targeted Dirk as the remaining four fought alone.

'Protect Daliea!' Jack's order blared in Bowzer's head.

'But Jack--'


Unwillingly, Bowzer snarled at Trank before darting back toward the other party members.

Jack kept a grasp of the big picture and understood that while the others were very capable, two supports and a weakened Rydel wouldn't be able to handle protecting Daliea on their own. They needed someone who could attack head-on, and the usual candidate for that was either in Prachten, busy with Trank, or completely out of mana. Dirk could possibly fill that role, but he was already being double-teamed, making that highly unlikely.

Trank also understood this, which is why he hurled himself at the turned-around fox. However, he was met with the reappearing Jack who was covered in living flames.

Backing away, Trank asked, "That ability of yours resembles that of the fox. How are you able to use it?"

Jack cast both Feather Walk and Flame Burst as he charged his opponent. Though Trank narrowly avoided it, some of his clothes were catching fire as the flames got too close for comfort.

"Can't we discuss this like men, not only with our fists but with words also?"

Still ignoring Trank's statements, Jack focused on attacking and attacking alone. His Sudden Death allowed him to appear behind Trank, nearly pinning the man against a tree.

Anticipating the predictable attack, Trank pushed off the tree to increase his speed but was rudely interrupted as Jack had not attacked but instead used Sudden Death again to cut him off. And since he was already in motion, Trank's perverse smile reemerged as he was forced to trade blows with Jack.

Jack's Penetrating Fist boosted by his flame body bore into Trank's chest, but he was forced to accept five piercing fingers from the lanky man in return.

Somewhat regretful of his attack choice, Trank noticed the terrible burns across his hand. Most of the skin was gone and a lot of his hand's muscles were nothing but char. He also took notice of his bare, burnt chest as he spat up blood from the internal damage.

Jack didn't appear to have taken any damage thanks to his flame body, but he wasn't faring any better. His flame body meant he sacrificed defense for strength, just like Trank's glass cannon build.

"I see... You felt that it would be better for your fox to help defend the others and were confident in your own abilities, " stated Trank, still licking his lips."That was a smart bet. But either way, you won't come out victorious."

Cracks of thunder rang out as two bolts of lightning rained down from the sky and consecutively struck Jack.


Not missing an opening, Trank lunged at Jack, who managed to step back and avoid the slash of electricity.

Shaking the stun off, Jack's high-temperature blood was coursing too quickly to be permanently slowed with his flame body active. But he did feel a sharp pain in his chest from where Trank had swiped just a moment ago.

That was when Jack noticed Trank licking blood from a pair of steel claws adorned on his hands."So, you still bleed in that form? Then you can still die."

A brilliant flash filled the area, blinding not only Jack but everyone else, including Trank's own men.

On guard and ready, Jack braced himself for the next attack while keeping his depleting mana in mind. When the light faded Jack activated Penetrating Fist, ready to trade blows yet again. But he couldn't find Trank.


That cry took the life out of Jack's eyes. The hero deactivated Penetrating Fist and instead activated Sudden Death as he raced to his party.

However, Bowzer beat Jack to the punch. The flaming fox grew larger, catching the trees on fire as his anger caused Bowzer's flame body to turn white-hot. He attacked at full speed while abandoning defense entirely.

Trank only snickered as he dodged the attack and licked the blood of his most recent victim from his claws. Exchange

Chapter (1-736)