The Invaders Offer
← Ch.259 | Ch.261 → |
"Dirk, I want you to join Trodar."
Again thrown for a loop, Dirk looked to his wife and then back to Jack with a laugh."If that's all, then you're just wasting your time and my time. You have no reason to believe that--"
"Actually, I have all the reason to believe that you would be willing to join Trodar, " interjected Jack."I know more about you than your own general, is that hard to believe considering me and my team managed to creep into your camp without any issues?"
Dirk stayed silent, letting Jack continue the irrelevant attempts to sway him.
"Wenda, how happy are you with your husband's position in the army?" Jack calmly asked her.
"I-I'm very happy with it. He's such a great man, so of course, he deserves his position and rank."
"Are you happy with him being forced to leave the city and the citizens behind while the city burns to ashes?"
Shocked to hear such a statement, Wenda confidently replied, "Dirk would never--"
Jack shook his head and cut her off, "But it's not about what your husband wants, it's about what General Toms wants. Did you know he's breaking orders coming here? The general wants to leave the city immediately without offering any aid to the city, its citizens, or the families of all those soldiers he just forcefully recruited."
"What do you mean? What's going on exactly?" Wenda was confused and looked to her husband for support, but she only saw how hollow and empty his eyes were."Dirk, what does he mean by all of this?"
"Do you want to tell her, or should I?" Jack asked.
"I-I..." The assistant who was always calm, cool, and collected finally showed the kink in his armor, but only in front of his wife."Wenda, it's not like that. With what's happening now, the general wants--"
"Wait, is the city really in danger?! Why are we sitting here calmly?!" Wenda shouted and jumped to her feet."We need to get the kids out of here! We need to--"
"Please, calm down Wenda, " Jack serenely stood up and motioned back toward Dirk."Trust me, you and you're family are more than fine. With me here, the flames surrounding the city are of no threat to you."
"What do you mean by that?" asked Dirk, ignoring his wife's confusion.
"Exactly that. That flame is of no threat to me, nor to you while I'm here. So, let's continue our little discussion. But first, help your wife to sit and calm down."
Still trying to piece together an impression of Jack, Dirk stood up and embraced his wife."Wenda, please calm down. I'll always make sure you and the kids are safe, no matter what."
"And that's my reason, " shouted Jack, pointing eagerly at Dirk.
Not understanding Jack's meaning, Dirk asked, "You're what?"
"That's why I'm here talking with you and not already outside of the city walls. You care for other people dearly, and especially your family. That's why you're not cut out for the Limneer military and should join Trodar."
"So, because I care about my family, I should betray my country and join my enemy? Tugging on my heartstrings doesn't mean I won't keep a clear view on the bigger picture, " stated Dirk as he sat back down with his wife.
Jack laughed, "Who said I was your enemy?"
"You're with Trodar and you've been sent to kill me and other high ranking officers, why wouldn't you be our enemy?"
"My mission was originally to investigate rumors of a secret army, which the general has hidden in the nearby mountains, along with Sandros troops, which shows that you've broken the war pact as a nation."
Wenda was dumbfounded as Jack continued, "My current objective is to delay the army, but not at all cost. Why else would we only steal your resources at the camp and assassinate a few captains here in Zurden? And if you argue about the fire, in all honesty, most of it is fake and used as a scare tactic to get my team out of the city. I'm sure your scouts will report that if they haven't already."
"Then... Why are we talking right now?" Dirk questioned, not understanding why Jack would go out on a limb to meet with him.
"Because I'm not your enemy, and neither is Trodar. I don't want this war to end through bloodshed, I want to end it through diplomacy."
Dirk suddenly burst into laughter, "Diplomacy? Have you met any of the higher-ups in Limneer? There's no way you could ever--"
"The nobles of Limneer may be a lost cause, but do you want the entire nation to suffer because of that?" reasoned Jack."Since Limneer broke the war pact, so long as we can work together with Prachten and Iscantor, then diplomacy isn't impossible, is it?"
"Well... maybe not..." Gears spun in Dirk's head as he pieced together the puzzle."But that's just a theory, nothing guaranteed. Why should I join you?"
"Because your wife and children will be happier in Trodar, and your aid will quicken our efforts to end this war, freeing the common citizens of Limneer from forced warfare." Again, Jack turned to Wenda."Do you know why Trodar hasn't invaded Limneer?"
"Because they can't, right? Their forces are split into three fronts, " replied Wenda.
"Wrong. Because the higher-ups refuse to force war on their people. We've only been fighting defensively, taking abuse mostly from the merciless armies of Limeer who torch and destroy all villages and towns they pass in Trodar, " Jack stated, bringing a grim expression to Wenda's face.
"Dirk, he's lying, right? You would never..." Wenda stopped talking as her husband looked away in shame, not daring to reply with words."That... That can't be..."
"Your husband knows plenty about the cruelty that the Limneer military thrives on, just ask him about his perverse coworker, Assistant Loire."
"Loire, what's wrong with him?" asked Wenda."He was such a nice man. He even visited us earlier today when--"
"What!" A switch flipped in Dirk as he grabbed his wife by the shoulders and looked caringly into her eyes."That presto came here while I was gone? Don't tell me he played with the children?"
"Y-yes... that's exactly--"
"Dirk, Wenda, don't worry about that pig any longer. My scout found him alone in a back room of the Lavish Lute and he made sure that pig would never come out again."
"The Lavish Lute?!" This time Wenda exploded."That man would go there? Impossible! He's a respectable assistant like my--"
"Wenda, that's enough." Dirk pulled her in close for a moment before looking back to Jack."So, hypothetically, if I were to side with you, what would that entail?"
"The safe passage and transport of your family to Trodar, a home fully paid for in Gilga, and a job in the Leisure Guild."
"The Leisure Guild?" Dirk mumbled to himself before asking, "Why the Leisure Guild?"
"Cause that's who I'm with. I'm good friends with the guild leader and we can make sure that your protected and not abused for information against Limneer, " explained Jack."If you want, I can even have your family in Gilga within the hour."
"WHAT?!" Both Dirk and Wenda shouted in shock.
"No, really. I can have it arranged for your family to be in Gilga within the hour. If you weren't so busy with work orders, then I can even let you join them and bring you back shortly after."
"That... That's impossible, " chuckled Dirk.
Jack also laughed, "To me, that word may as well not exist."
Within his mind, Jack sent a mental message, 'Tralon, now. '
While Dirk and Wenda tried to grasp how serious Jack's offer was, a flash of light blinded them. But as soon as Dirk covered his wife to protect her, the light vanished leaving behind a wrinkly, old man that was somehow filled with vitality.
Wenda was even more confused. Dirk, on the other hand, was frozen in place. He felt a mix of awe and fear as he instantly recognized the man before them.
Jack stood up and introduced the man properly, "Dirk, Wenda, this is my good friend, Tralon, the leader of the Leisure Guild."
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Tralon smiled and bowed his head to the couple, terrifying Dirk all the more.
"T-there's no need to bow your head. I wouldn't want you to feel--"
"Young man, there's no need for such formalities right now. I'm not here as a guild leader, I'm here as a friend and former companion to this man, " stated Tralon, pointing to Jack."What he said is true. I can guarantee the safety of your family and we will gladly accept you into our ranks if you so wish."
"I-I... I can't just--"
"We get it. You worked hard for years to provide for your family. You may have joined the military thinking they were righteous, but your prior commitment shouldn't mean you compromise your values as a human being, " interjected Jack."Also, now that you can no longer hide your secret misery from your wife, what do you think she would prefer?"
Dirk opened his mouth but said nothing. He turned to his wife, who was shocked at the sudden development."Wenda, I..."
"Dirk, you should've told me sooner." Wenda buried her face in Dirk's chest."If I knew it was that bad, I never would've pushed you to get a promotion. The money helps, but other things are more important."
Hearing her words, Dirk turned to Jack and Tralon."I... This is so sudden, I can't just--"
"You're father-in-law and mother-in-law are welcome to come too. We'll even pay for the medicine she needs, " Jack added with a chuckle.
"You..." Dirk broke into laughter."You really do know more about me than the general."
← Ch. 259 | Ch. 261 → |