Novel:The Achievement Junkie - Chapter 249

The Achievement Junkie
Total of 736 chapters
Chapter 249
Scouring Zurden
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Chapter (1-736) Exchange

Well before the sun began to rise over the mountains of Limneer, Jack and the others had left town under the cover of night.

With Zurden as their destination, they all hurried at top speed on Appa's back. Though it was riskier to travel that way, they didn't dare give the army on the mountainside enough time to regroup. Time was what they were lacking, so they had no choice but to do everything they can to make up for it, hoping night offered enough cover for the massive bird.

Thanks to the risk, the party managed to reach the outskirts of Zurden just before the sun came up. And with haste in every step, they quickly entered the city.

'Everyone, it may be best if we split up and search for any lead we can get throughout the city. I'll go on my own while you all split into groups of two, ' mentioned Rydel as he bolted into a shaded ally.

'Keela, let's go. ' Daliea, already disguising her goblin self under an illusion, grabbed the cleric's hand, but was surprised to feel some resistance.

'Just a moment. ' Keela turned to Eliza and handed her an envelope. 'Hold onto this for me, okay?'

'Okay. What are you, some sort of secret admirer?" joked Eliza.

'Just hold onto it. It's in case I don't get a chance to tell you all something later. Okay?'

'Oh... Then I'll keep it safe for you. '

'Alright, let's go, Daliea!' Keela, in turn, grabbed Daliea's hand and ran off in the opposite direction as Rydel.

'Then that just leaves us. ' Eliza smiled as she grabbed Jack by the arm and pressed herself against him. 'How about we check out the city square together?'

'I guess. ' Jack easily caved and escorted his wife through the streets. 'But let's make sure to not draw too much attention. '

'Well, so long as we don't draw the wrong kind of attention, then there's nothing wrong with the right kind of attention. '

'What do you--'

As Jack looked back at her, he was caught off guard by her sudden kiss, but he didn't fight it. In fact, it was the first time he returned the favor.

After their moment of passion, Jack then noticed the many eyes gathering on him, some green with envy and others filled with approval.

'See, Jack. Sometimes the right kind of attention is better than no attention at all. None of them would guess that we're here covertly or have intentions to fight anyone. Right?' reasoned Eliza.

'R-right... Let's just keep that to a minimum, though. '

'Okay. ' Happy to have him agree, Eliza brushed his arm while holding tight, making sure Jack and everyone else know that she cared for him.

Thanks to there couple's antics, the two of them found it easy to make their way through the streets that were growing more crowded as the sun continued to rise. In less than half an hour they found themselves in the center of town, near the market, town hall, and all other important buildings.

'What's that?'

���Look's like some sort of bulletin board. You think we'll find any interesting announcements there?' Jack led Eliza closer to get a better look. But as the many posters became discernable, his face stiffened. 'Is that... '

'We need to tell the others now!'


To the west side of town near the most rural areas, Daliea and Keela wandered the streets side-by-side.

It had only been a couple of minutes since the party had split up and they already noticed a dramatic change in the social class of the citizens. Though they weren't at the center of town like Jack and Eliza where the wealthy lived, the run-down shacks and half-destroyed buildings stuck out like a sore thumb.

'What is this? What happened here?' Keela couldn't help but question herself about the surroundings. 'Was it like this when we last came here?'

'... No... it wasn't. ' Also stuck in a daze, Daliea did her best to remain astute. 'My question is, where are all the men? All I see are women and children. '

Both of the girls were blown away by the rubble of the west side of town. The further from city center they got, the more startling the sight became. After five minutes of walking in shock, they paused in confusion.

In front of them was the very inn at which they had stayed, or at least what was left of it. Most of the buildings in the area were still standing, albeit missing some walls or a roof. But that inn was only rubble, completely demolished.

'What... What happened?' mumbled Keela in the depths of her mind.

As they were in utter shock of the scene before them, a small gathering of women was coming out of hiding. Each of them was paying close attention to the two girls frozen in the middle of the street. Some were even signaling to each other, gradually surrounding them from inside the remaining buildings.

'Keela... did you notice that?' asked Daliea, who was more used to the cruelty of the world and didn't completely forget her surroundings.

'Huh? What do you mean?'

Daliea grabbed Keela's hand and once again started walking. 'I think we're being surrounded. '


Now realizing the truth of her surroundings, Keela acted calmly and followed Daliea's lead but they were both quickly blocked by a small mob of women.

Since the women said nothing, Daliea was the first to speak, "Would you please excuse us."

"No, we can't let you do that. Not without handing her over!" shouted a middle-aged woman at the frown of the crowd.

"Her?" Startle again, Daliea pointed and Keela to see all the women nod in response."And why is that? Has she done something wrong?"

"Yes!" Following the mob mentality, each of the gathered women shouted in unison.

Their leader continued, "Hand her over and we can let you pass. Otherwise, we'll be forced to take action against you both."

Appearing clueless, Daliea asked, "Well, can you at least tell me what she did wrong?"

"Because of her, all of our husbands have been forced away to serve the military on the front lines..." The woman's voice started to crack, showing the depravity she was trying to hide."But if we can bring her in, then they'll bring us back our husbands safe and sound!"

"But... That doesn't make sense, " reasoned Daliea."How could she have caused such a thing?"

"Because that's what she caused! The general made himself clear and the only hope for our husbands to return alive is for her to be turned in."

"But what has she--"

"Will you give her up or not!" shouted the woman as she held back tears."If not, then we're bringing you in with her!"

Keela and Daliea both looked to each other. They didn't seem worried, but they weren't relaxed either. It had become clear that things were going to be far more complicated then they had anticipated.


In the northeast part of the city, Rydel weaved through allies and scaled rooftops unbeknownst to anyone thanks to Sterfen's blessing.

This being notorious as the midnight district, Rydel was sure there was dirt to be dug up.

The silent hunter stalked many businessmen and wealthy merchants visiting the many exotic establishments. Only the truly proud and powerful were willing to visit in broad daylight.

After a few minutes of searching, Rydel caught sight of a peculiar target, someone he knew personally. They had only spoken a few times and the man didn't even know Rydel's true face, but Rydel knew the man's.

Rydel immediately chose the man to be his target and stayed within earshot to not miss anything the man said as he approached a plush building made for the most wealthy of men to enjoy themselves.

The man smiled and bowed his head to the doorman."I'm here as an assistant to the general."

"Right this way, " stated the hulking man while propping the door open."I'm sure Assistant Loire will find himself at home with our services."

"Thank you." Assistant Loire slipped the man a gold coin before entering the room and seemingly disappearing before Rydel's eyes.

Noticing the enchantment lining the inside of the building, Rydel knew that his only hope of learning more was to get inside and personally follow the man he had previously deceived.

Being noticed wasn't the issue, it was getting the door to stay open long enough for him to enter. The doorman had meticulously opened the door for not only Assitant Loire, but the previous guest who had entered. At that rate, Rydel wouldn't have enough time to enter without cousin trouble.

Taking the chance, Rydel crept closer to the door. He was practically leaning on it, only leaving the area near the handle unoccupied. And after a couple of minutes, another wealthy man approached the doorman, who in turn bowed his head and moved toward the door.

With one hand over his mouth, Rydel made sure not to breathe on the man directly in front of him.

As the door was unlocked by the doorman and slowly pushed open Rydel ducked under the doorman's arm and heaved a quiet sigh of relief as he too vanished into the luxurious building. Exchange

Chapter (1-736)