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Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas
"哈哈, 老子也有希望拥有X能力, 麻蛋的, 像老子这样的天才怎么可能是普通人, 不就是钱吗, 老子有的是钱!"
然后兴奋的冲了出去, 临走的时候还鄙视了一眼王铮, 搞得王铮莫名其妙.
林回音也呆了呆, "怎么会这样, 要不要再测试一次?"
"Haha, even an old geezer like me can hope to have ability X. Damn it all, how could a genius like me ever be a common man? It's just a matter of money, isn't it? I have money!"
And then he rushed out happily, casting a disdainful eye at Wang Zheng as he left, leaving Wang Zheng bemused.
Because Wang Zheng's test results was all 5 affinities, Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth.
Lin Huiyin was taken aback as well."How could this be? Do you want to test again?"
"What's wrong?"
"每个人都应该有一个属性比较突出的, 太平衡相互制约的话, 就什么都没了, 不对啊, 你是很强的X能力者, 会不会出错了?"
王铮摸摸林回音的小脑袋, "小可爱, 这些事儿你就不要操心了."
就凭一个虚拟世界就能测出他的所有, 他就真不用混了, 测不出来才是正常的, 自从经过黑炭的调整, 他的归一诀正是五行平衡, 当然从某种方面说, 这里的玩意还挺准确的.
"Everybody should have one affinity that stands out. If all are equally balanced, then that means nothing stands out. That can't be right? You're a very strong ability X user, could there have been some error?"
Lin Huiyin mused to herself.
Wang Zheng patted her head."Little cutie, some things you need not worry about."
Even a virtual world could test his ability. What was tested was not normal. After he had been recalibrated by Charcoal, his Primordial Regression Technique had indeed been balanced across all 5 elements. It seemed like this plaything was pretty accurate.
王铮还真想看看, 这里究竟还隐藏着什么秘密!
林回音很想多陪王铮一会儿, 只有跟王铮在一起的时候她才可以甩掉身份的包袱, 算起来王铮是表姐的男朋友也可以说是她的哥哥, 小丫头眼中有一份依赖, 只是天讯的提醒说明外面又有事儿了.
虽然年纪小, 但也知道, 一旦被皇室的人察觉, 可能又要阻挠王铮和姐姐, 所以林回音也不想有太多的异常让安吉利发现.
安吉利对她很忠心了, 可是她毕竟是皇室成员的一份子, 要对阿斯兰帝国负责, 有些事情可以睁一眼闭一只眼, 但有些事情她还是控制不住的, 尤其是跟林回音无关的情况下.
Wang Zheng was dying to find out what other secrets were hidden within this place!
Lin Huiyin really wanted to spend more time with Wang Zheng. Only when she was with Wang Zheng, she could shed her identity. Since he was her cousin's boyfriend, he was practically an elder brother. She loved having someone to rely on. Only, her Skylink notification was telling her that there were matters to attend to outside.
Although she was young, but she knew that once those of the palace found out, they might find ways to stop Wang Zheng and her sister getting together, so Lin Huiyin did not want to arouse Angela's suspicion.
Angela was very loyal to her, but still a member of the palace. She had responsibilities to the Aslan Empire. While she could turn a blind eye to some things, but others were out of her control, especially those that did not only concern Lin Huiyin.
虽然爱娜也是公主, 但在安吉利眼中, 林回音才是最重要的.
离开圣徒世界, 林回音发了一会儿呆, 打开衣橱, 她要选择一会儿出场的衣服, 不同的场合不同的伪装, 这个时候她真的很感谢表姐, 以前真不知道她是怎么过来的, 这种生活确实让人抓狂.
安吉利已经在门口静静的等待了, 她永远都是那么有耐心, 手一挥, 侍女们陆续的走了进去.
皇室的侍女都是精挑细选, 且经过三代身份查证, 不能是移民, 三代不可有犯罪记录, 同时要经过专业的贵族学校培训礼仪, 能进皇室绝对不容易.
Although Aina was also a princess, but in Angela's eyes, Lin Huiyin was the most important.
Leaving the Saint world, Lin Huiyin brooded for a while. She opened her wardrobe, intent on choosing her outfit for her appearance later. Different occasions required different attires, and at this moment she felt grateful to Aina. She had no idea how she managed to survive in the past. Such a life drove one crazy.
Angela was already waiting silently by the door. She was ever so patient. With a wave of her hand, the women-in-waiting filed in.
The women-in-waiting of the palace were all carefully chosen, including 3 generational identity checks. They could not be migrants, and could not have any criminal records in the past 3 generations. At the same time, they needed to be professionally trained in aristocrat school to cultivate their manners. Entering the palace was definitely no easy matter.
但正因为这样, 林回音周围的一切都是刻板的.
回音这小丫头走了, 王铮倒是可以放手施为, 经过测试之后, 王铮的系统控制中多了一个信息栏.
搞得噱头还挺大, 到底要看看有什么东西, 随手翻开五行之火使用的功法.
但是映入眼帘的名字, 瞬间就震住了王铮.
But exactly because of this, Lin Huiyin was surrounded by boring people.
After Huiyin left, Wang Zheng could move a little more freely. After the test, his system controls had a new notification.
One of them made Wang Zheng happy - 5 Systems Martial Arts Ranking.
It sounded pretty comical, and he wanted to see what it was. He flipped casually to the Fire martial arts.
But a name caught his eye, and Wang Zheng froze in surprise.
因为烈火诀赫然在列, 属于三十二度功法, 巧合?仅仅是名字相同?
可惜王铮无从印证, 上面罗列着数十种功法, 看得出八度刀锋诀是万能的五行基础, 入门功法, 下一步进阶就是十六度功法了, 到了三十二度功法就相当凶悍.
烈火诀在五行之火的功法里排名第三, 在五行之木的功法里, 王铮看到了天师诀, 排名第一, 三十二度功法, 这要是真的话, 可是要逆天了.
只可惜, 真相只有得到的人才知道, 但, 王同学是真的真的动了心.
The Lie Fiery Arts was on the list! It belonged to a 32 Tier martial art. Coincidence? Or simply a same-name situation?
But Wang Zheng had no way to find out. On it was listed about 10 different types of martial arts. It looked like 8 Tier Blade Skills was the common basic across all 5 affinities, a foundational skill. The next step would be the 16 Tier skills. Once the 32 Tier arts were attained, the user would be fearsome.
The Lie Fiery Arts was ranked 3rd in the Fire Arts. In the Earth arts, Wang Zheng spotted the Sage Arts as ranked 1st, a 32 Tier skill. If that was true, that would be crazy.
The only pity was that only those who had it would know the truth, but Wang Zheng was really, really hooked.
对别人来说, 可能要把这些东西带出去才有用, 但对王铮来说, 他需要的是印证对功法的理解, 足以让他获得质上的飞跃.
显然, 这在门徒层是什么都做不到的, 这里只有八度刀锋诀.
想要进入信徒层, 需要完成十六个训练任务, 同时把八度刀锋诀修炼到圆满.
当然想去信徒层观光并不会禁止, 很容易, 只要交纳五十个小时的传输费用就行了.
To others, these things were only useful if you could bring them out. But to Wang Zheng, all he needed was to confirm his understanding of them, which would be sufficient for him to improve by leaps and bounds.
Clearly, nothing much could be accomplished in the Disciple level, which only had the 8 Tier Blade Skills.
To enter the Acolyte level, one neede to finish 16 training missions, and also finish mastering the 8 Tier Blade Skills.
Of course, if one merely wished to visit the Acolyte level, it was not prohibited. It was a simple matter of forking out the cost of 50 hours.
所以, 王同学果断的吐槽之后放弃了.
有钱也没这么花的, 创造这个圣徒世界的人是不是穷神转世啊.
淡定下来的王铮, 朝着第一个训练目标过去, 地图上有清晰的指引, 前面几个任务都在圣殿之内.
第一个任务竟然是... 蹲马步...
这跟魔方竟然是差不多的东西, 准确的说, 走的是古地球文明的套路, 看来确实是同源了.
And so, Wang Zheng tossed that idea out of the window.
Even if one was rich, this was no way to spend money. The creator of the Saint world must have been some Poor-God reincarnated.
After he calmed himself, Wang Zheng headed for the first training objective. There were clear instructions on his map, and the first few missions were all within the Saint hall.
The first mission was... to do the horse stance...
This was about the same as the Magic Cube. More accurately, it followed the Ancient Earth Civilization's path, which further confirmed that they came from the same source.
大殿之中, 不少人都在那儿站着, 只有得到系统认可才算是完成.
"我靠, 有完没完啊, 我已经花了一个多月的时间了, 怎么还没完没了的蹲着!"
"你才一个月, 我这里花了一百多万了, 已经三个月了, 一个训练项目都没过去, 要不是..."
看他们的体态, 也不像是练家子, 很可能是得到了开窍的好处.
In the great hall, many people were standing around. Only once the system gave recognition could the mission be considered complete.
"Damn, is it ever ending? I've been standing here for more than a month now. Why hasn't it reached completed status yet?"
"Just a month? I've spent more than 1 million here. It's been 3 months, and I haven't even passed a single training task. If it wasn't for..."
Seeing their physical stature, these were not trained people. Perhaps they had just been enlightened.
这招儿也挺狠的, 先给个甜头, 不愁这些人不进来, 但他们这种情况, 距离修炼之路差的太远了, 马步要求心神合一, 这里有不少只是摆个架子, 想通过才有鬼.
当然貌似这些任务都是可以花钱通过, 吃不了苦的人倒是可以考虑, 只是价格... 王铮连看的欲望都没有.
来到自己的位置, 圆圈之内光芒闪烁, 王铮瞬间摆了一个姿势.
不到两秒中, 光圈的红光变成了绿光.
This was a calculated move. First, a teaser to draw these people in. But given their situation, they were just too far from the right path. Horse stance needed a unity between heart and spirit. Many were just assuming the stance. It would be a miracle if they passed.
Of course, these missions could be passed through spending money. Many who had suffered considerably were contemplating such a course of action. But the price... Wang Zheng did not even have the luxury of contemplating such a thing.
Reaching his position, the circle was infused with light. Wang Zheng assumed a pose.
Before 2 seconds were up, the red light in the circle changed to green.
顿时周围还在训练的人都呆住了, 目瞪口呆, 一看王铮的打扮就知道新的不能在新的嫩菜, 这家伙怎么刚蹲进去就好了???
王铮蹲马步那可是被骨头操练出来的, 这重心绝对是稳若泰山, 精气神一体, 所以王铮在操作机甲的战斗中, 重心从来不是问题, 哪怕是在高难度的漂移和撞击过程.
Instantly, everyone around him was shocked. One look at Wang Zheng's attire, and they knew that he was as raw as a newbie got. How could this guy have passed just by squatting for a moment???
Damn, they had seen a ghost.
Wang Zheng's storage space now had a purple crystal card - Horse Stance Insight.
Wang Zheng's horse stance had been drilled by Bonehead, and his core was definitely as steady as a mountain. Energy, breath, mind in unison. This was why when Wang Zheng was operating mechas in battle, his core was never a problem, no matter how difficult the maneuver and impact was.
王铮很好奇的把紫色水晶卡拿出来翻看了一下, 这玩意...
瞬间整个训练大厅都炸掉了, 所有人的眼中都充满了羡慕贪婪渴望...
"咳咳, 兄弟, 你这个卖吗?我出五十小时!"刚刚一直在抱怨的胖子说道, 听声音, 年纪大概也四十多了, 四十多了才想起练这个, 这还真是...
"哥们, 别听他的, 紫色水晶卡, 这是A级卡了, 基础训练中第一次听说有A级卡, 至少值一百!"
A solid foundation determined the limit of growth.
Wang Zheng was very curious, and retrieved the purple crystal card to take a look. This play thing...
Instantly, the entire training hall erupted. Everybody was filled with admiring and covetous looks...
"Keke, brother, are you selling that? I'll pay 50 hours!" The fatty who had been grumbling a while back said. From his voice, he must be at least 40 years old. To want to learn something like that at 40, this guy...
"Brother, don't listen to him. A purple crystal card is A-rank. It's the first time I've heard of an A-rank card from basic training, it must be worth at least a hundred!"
顿时一群人把王铮围在中间, 领悟所得水晶卡, 按照S, A, B, C, D, 依次降低, 级别越高, 利用卡片领悟的人就能得到更多, 简单说, 这是一种分享体验的方式, 无比珍贵.
王同学可不傻, 看这帮人赤裸裸的样子, 就知道是好东西, 是好东西就先留着, 他又不差这点.
关键是, 如果这圣徒世界没什么危险的话, 他打算让紫苏和土豪稣都试试, 有没有X能力不重要, 增强身体, 加强精神状态, 对两人都是大有裨益.
Suddenly, Wang Zheng was thronged by people. Crystal cards of understanding were classified by S, A, B, C, D in descending order. The higher the rank, the more the card user could glean in understanding. Simply put, this was a way for the experience to be shared with others, and was incomparably valuable.
Wang Zheng was no fool. Seeing the naked lust around him, he already knew it was a good thing. And good things should be kept well. He knew as much.
The crucial thing was, if this Saint world posed no real danger, he intended to let both Zisu and Tyrant Su try it. The lack of ability X was not important. It would strengthen the body and spirit, which would be very beneficial to both of them.
他们没有什么战斗基础, 并不需要成为什么高手, 光是开窍成功就会有所收获, 只是王铮需要先了解一下这个世界的情况.
目前感觉, 这个世界主要是圈钱, 只是这样就比较好了.
趁着众人争执不下的时候, 王铮一溜烟闪人了.
所谓的基础训练不外乎力量, 速度, 敏捷, 反应, 稳定, 跟魔方里的情况大同小异, 当然难度不可同日而与, 这里更多的只是需要感觉, 而并不是你的身体条件一定要达到.
对他来说, 无疑都是小儿科了.
Neither had any battle foundations, but they did not need to become experts. A successful enlightenment alone would be a huge gain. But first, Wang Zheng needed to understand this world better.
Previously, he had thought the world was just a way to suck your money, but this was more like it.
Using the chaos of the crowd, Wang Zheng slipped away.
The so-called basic training was composed of strength, speed, agility, response, stability training, which was more or less the same as the magic cube's. Of course the difficulty was different. Here, you only needed a sense of it, and there was no need for the body condition to match it.
To him, this was going to be a piece of cake.
王铮迅速的扫荡了十六项基础训练, 并且全部得到A级水晶卡.
还别说, 王铮望着储物空间里闪闪发光的水晶卡还是满舒服的, 不光是龙喜欢亮晶晶的东西, 人也喜欢.
这东西做的真精致, 最关键是, 这里面所蕴含的内容很重要, 这可是王铮的体验.
完成了这一套东西, 王铮发现, 自己的时间又见底了, 每次测验要交费, 当然完成的好, 会有一定的时间奖励, 但完全是入不敷出, 不过这样王铮反而放心了, 这可能是对方用来积累资金的方式.
Wang Zheng quickly swept through all 16 basic training tasks, attaining A-rank crystal cards from all of them.
It was a good feeling, as Wang Zheng eyed the twinkling crystal cards in his inventory. It was not just dragons that liked shiny things. People too.
They were made very intricately. More importantly, the content inside them was important. These were Wang Zheng's experiences.
Finishing up, Wang Zheng discovered that his time had diminished again. Each test had a fee. Of course completing it with distinction yielded a time reward, but it was not enough to cover the fee. However, Wang Zheng was rather satisfied. This was perhaps the game's way of sinking money.
该花的钱, 王铮绝对不吝啬.
王铮离开了圣徒时间, 完成这些测试来来回回的也花了王铮一个多小时.
他是走了, 但二十多分钟之后, 门徒层的情报网公布了一个震撼性的消息.
A级水晶卡, 是在这个难度下最高的领悟了, 已经很久很久没听说过有这样的事儿了.
Necessary spending was something that Wang Zheng would not stint on.
As he left Saint, these tasks had cost Wang Zheng about an hour.
He had left, but after 20 minutes, the Disciple Intelligence Web announced a startling piece of news.
Somebody had completed all 16 basic challenges with a stellar score!
A-rank crystal cards, were the highest obtainable understanding at this difficulty. It had been ages since something like that had last occurred.
而且完成全部十六项测试的时间不过一个多小时, 这是绝无仅有的!
爆炸性的消息, 瞬间传遍门徒层, 让那些苦苦挣扎在基础难关上的人一下子兴奋了.
要知道这种领悟卡, 只能领悟一次, 这跟市面上存在的学习卡是完全不同的, A级的紫水晶领悟卡, 基本上不知猪的话, 使用了之后怎么都能通过测试了.
Furthermore, all 16 tests had not taken more than an hour in total. This was unheard of!
The sensational news immediately spread through the Disciple level. It made those who had been struggling bitterly in the Disciple level rejoice.
These understanding cards could only be used once. These were completely different from the learning cards available in the market. A-rank purple understanding cards, even used by those who were hopeless, would allow one to pass the test.
Who had done this?
显然不可能是上层的人, 已经通过的人是做不出领悟卡的.
门徒层在圣徒世界无疑是最底层, 但最底层不代表这里的人没钱.
在圣徒世界, 全靠钱是不行的, 没有钱也是不行的, 有不少人戏称, 这里应该叫做钱眼世界.
Clearly not someone from the higher levels. Those that had passed already could not yield a understanding card.
The Disciple level, in the Saint world, was undoubtedly the lowest level, but that did not mean that people here were poor.
In the Saint world, depending solely on money was impossible, but having no money was also impossible. Many had nicknamed this as Money-Eyed World.
Such an uproar went on without Wang Zheng's knowledge.
而在信徒层, 李尔和罗非又完成了一个任务, 很难, 哪怕是对李尔这样的高手, 也花费了不少功法.
让李尔彻底震撼, 下决心要进入圣徒层的原因是, 他在这里看到了战神诀!
克洛诺斯家族的天炼心法就是源自于战神诀, 并不完整, 当看到战神诀的时候, 李尔绝对相信, 这圣徒世界肯定跟那个古老消失的势力有关系.
他必须得到这一切, 那个白袍人既然来到克洛诺斯家族肯定是有所暗示, 爷爷的意思是, 他们在选人, 也就是传承者.
Meanwhile, in the Acolyte level, Lear and Luo Fei had finished another mission. It had been very difficult. Even an expert like Lear had been sorely tested.
What had shaken Lear completely, and made him decide to enter the Saint level, was that he had seen the Ares Arts!
The Chronos family's Skies Refinement technique was derived from the Ares Arts. It was not complete. When he had seen the Ares Arts, Lear believed that this Saint world must be connected to the ancient lost power.
He must acquire this. Since that white-robed man had come to the Chronos family, he must be hinting that they were choosing a successor.
这不仅仅是一个传承者的意思, 更重要的是, 一旦接触到, 他将得到一个庞大势力的支持.
李尔想要走出太阳系, 在银盟范围内获得位置, 克洛诺斯家族显然是远远不够的, 可以说, 家族力量只是给他提供一个机会, 剩下的就看他自己了.
至少, 他已经在那个势力的考察范围之中了.
无论是这个圣徒世界, 还是功法力量的觉醒, 都意味着大地球时代的来临.
李尔感觉到, 这简直是天命所归啊!
This was not just about succession. More importantly, once he accessed it, he would have a huge source of power supporting him.
Lear wanted to break out of the Solar System, and earn his place within the Milky Way. The Chronos family was far from sufficient. It could be said that the family's strength only gave him a chance, but the rest was up to him.
At least, he was within the boundaries of consideration for that power.
Whether it was this Saint world, or the awakening of martial arts abilities, it heralded Earth's time was coming.
Who would be this era's King?
Lear felt that this was the will of the heavens!
罗非这胖子让他减肥简直就跟要了他的命一样, 李尔真的饿了他一个周, 结果这家伙喝凉水都能胖, 这让李尔都无语了, 胖也是一种无奈, 好在并不影响他的行动.
在李尔心中, 可无神圣一说, 唯有力量, 胖子将是他的得力助手, 还别说, 在进入门徒层的表现相当不错, 顺利过关, 当然花钱方面, 李尔从来不手软, 对于这个世界的情况, 李尔也是一清二楚, 对他有利的是只有找到战神诀, 了解其他功法的威力, 然后就是想方设法带出去.
有白袍人的线索, 想来证明了自己的实力, 对方应该知道怎么做, 这是合则两利的事儿.
对方想崛起, 就需要人!
Luo Fei, that fatty. Making him lose weight was like killing him. Lear had really starved him for a week, but the punk had managed to stay fat drinking just water. Lear was speechless. The fat was frustrating, but at least it did not affect his movements.
In Lear's heart, there was no saint, only power. Fatty would be his assistant in this undertaking. Their performance since entering the Disciple tier had been fairly good, smoothly passing through the levels. Of course in terms of spending, Lear had never been stingy. Lear's understanding of the world was also crystal clear. The only thing of benefit to him here was finding the Ares manual, and understanding the power of the other arts, and then finding a way to bring it out with him.
With the clues from the white-robed man, he had come to prove his own strength. The other party should know what to do as well, to achieve mutual benefit.
If the other party wanted to rise, he needed people!
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