Novel:Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou - Chapter 141

Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou
Total of 171 chapters
Chapter 141
Weak Person's Blame (Part 3-5)
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Chapter (1-171) Exchange

Part 3

"Skyscrapers that make one think of the Tower of Babel, mechanical vehicles that fly, tearing across the sky... this is a city that gives form to people's greed and pride. It makes one unable to calm down a little, doesn't it, Beatrix."

"Tha...that's right isn't it? Still I came to get used to it though."

"You must not get used to it you know."

When they exited Hotel Flamingo, Hrotsvit looked up to the sky and said that. Beatrix was quite nervous. As if she was hiding something shady.

Because their timing of coming out matched, it felt as if she was added into their group.

"Hrotsvit, is it fine to talk a little?"

Arthur grabbed her shoulder and pulled her closer.

"My my." Arthur led Hrotsvit, that let herself be treated like that, into the back alley like a yankee. At the same time his empty hand was also signaling Kazuki to follow.

Telling his comrades to go back first, Kazuki followed them along.

Arthur pulled Hrotsvit forcefully and whispered into her ear.

"The tactics that you did just now, everything is meaningless."

Rather than an intimidation, Arthur was saying that calmly as if to inform her. His voice was low, he was freezing the air around them so that other people couldn't hear.

"For us, there is meaning at all even if we increase our territory in this late hour."

"What do you mean I wonder? Our Mythology will increase in strength the more number of people that believe in them....This late hour, what do you mean?"

"It's something that has to be pondered in short term vision....Before long the time when everything is going to be settled will come."

Arthur released her shoulder. Hrotsvit turned around to Arthur from the front.

"I heard from Regina that if I cooperate with you I can learn an important secret. So can you teach me the secret now in this place I wonder?"

Was there such a verbal message to Hrotsvit? Regina was like a gofer doing that.

"I cannot say it now. I'll tell you after the battle of America has ended in the shape that we desire."

"Just a verbal promise like that? Although, what is called information is something that loses its value the instant it's taught to others."

Arthur took out a thin wooden plate from his breast pocket. When he ran his finger on it, the surface of the plate was carved with thin words of light.

"This is a rune of oath. In the case I break my promise, I'll lose the power of Basileus."

While saying that, Arthur handed over the wooden plate to Hrotsvit.

"The famous ogham script in Celtic Myth, [geis(pledge)] isn't it? ...But trying to move someone using information as a bargaining condition is unpleasant isn't it? The legacy of Basileus Basileon in Britain... originally shouldn't it be something that is all shared between the Magic Advanced Countries I wonder? To use that as a bargaining condition, is that something the country of chivalry should do I wonder."

"I don't intend to use information as compensation. This is not a bargaining condition, it's a selection. I cannot give important information towards a country that cooperates with Divas of the Chaos Side. If you prove to me that you are a Basileus that can contribute to the world's order, I'll share the information."

"...How unpleasant, looking down from above like that. Just because your country is the origin where Basileus Basileon came from, you are already pretending that you are the manager of this world?"

"Human that obtained knowledge, even though he obtained it not from his own wish, he still has the responsibility to treat that knowledge responsibly."

Both sides had a fair argument in them. The inheritance of Basileus Basileon...

The great alchemist who was the leader of the secret society that was once called [Libel Mundi(Dawn's Almighty)], Basileus Basileon gave birth to the [Philosopher's Stone] to this world. Humans who were embed with a Philosopher's Stone would have their force of will expanded and awakened to the power of magic, their surrounding humans would also reacted in concert and slowly made to awaken to the power of magic. [Libel Mundi] put their headquarters in Britain while putting their branches in seven big countries, they sold the Philosopher's Stone and enlarged their organization.

However, Basileus Basileon was assassinated due to a power struggle in the organization's internal. Due to the charismatic leader's death, Libel Mundi lost its unifying force and its branches scattered apart before they got absorbed by the world's nations. Those seven powerful countries stayed like that and became the Magic Advanced Countries.

Britain was Basileus Basileon's birthplace and the country where [Libel Mundi]'s headquarters was located. There was important information that didn't exist in other countries left in Britain as inheritance... that was what Arthur had talked about with Kazuki before.

"So this single piece of plate is the compensation then....However, you, is it fine for you to toss away geis all over the place so simply like this?"

"My power increases from the number of my oath. Only in a little amount though."

"The things you do are unexpectedly calculating and petty aren't they... Well it's fine. Putting that aside, there is one more thing I'm concerned about. You over there... Hayashizaki Kazuki."

Turning around, Hrotsvit turned to the direction of Kazuki who turned into a bystander.

"Is there something you need with me?"

"Arthur and I are going to bet on you. Even if Arthur is fine doing that as he pleases, I don't like to entrust my own future to other people, if that person is not a formidable warrior."

"...You are saying to show my strength in a fight?"

"Yes. That's correct. Problems will come out later on if we clash with our respective full power so a rule is needed. I heard that you are an unparalleled warrior in Japan. Then... without using our respective Summoning Magic and King's Authority and Sacred Treasures at all, with only pure martial arts, if you can hit me once it's your win, is such a rule fine with you?"

"It's an exaggeration to call me unparalleled but, please do as you like. We are going to do it, here?"

"Of course. It's a little cramped back alley, but there will be no problem if we don't use Summoning Magic."

It was a rule that seemed to make light of him, but what was she planning he wondered.

Kazuki smoothly drew his sword. If the opponent didn't use Summoning Magic, sword draw technique was unnecessary. For the Hayashizaki style, sword draw was a technique to approach the enemy while evading attack magic in sheathed sword stance that was easy to move in, leap into the enemy's bosom and then immediately draw out the sword and strike.

Hrotsvit's figure emitted light, the clothes on her body transformed. Her white skin carved by Stigmata was exposed, her modest veil was replaced by a green wide brimmed hat, and a green mantel flapped at her back. That appearance reminded him of Odin's outfit as sage that was told in myth.

Her neat standing figure changed completely with her long legs largely opened, her hand raised overhead the staff that she held in a stance. The tips of that staff wriggled, swelled ― turning into an iron ball attached with sharp thorns.

It was not a staff but a long handled blunt weapon, a mace.

"This weapon is a Sacred Treasure, but I'm not going to use its special power."

"My sword is also a Sacred Treasure so I don't mind."

"...Then let's begin."

Hrotsvit grinned... it was an eerie smile.

The next instant, a roar reverberated on the asphalt of the back alley and her figure blurred. At the same time, Kazuki was already stepping back. A single vertical flash, the wind pressure of the swung down mace shook his front bang.

Kazuki stepped on the iron ball of the swung down mace and leaped. He jumped right above Hrotsvit and swung down his sword on her defenseless back head.

He planned to test what kind of warrior Hrotsvit was with this single swing.

Regardless of east or west, there were few traditional martial arts that hypothesized of attacks right from overhead. Furthermore even the origin of the movement was out of the field of vision, it was a perfectly unseen movement. Hrotsvit was superior in the pure speed of the movement, but Kazuki's single attack was exactly like a teleportation from Hrotsvit's position.

But the instant Kazuki stepped on the mace, Hrotsvit had already began to move in evasion.

She smoothly slipped through to the side and Kazuki's slash including his body hit empty air.

And then the mace that was swung down just now was raised overhead with lightning speed. With a form completely like a baseball batter, the raised iron ball on the tip was swung directly horizontal.

Immediately what came to Kazuki's mind was an imitation of [Tenrou Kaidan] from Ikousai on his body.

But the technique was a risky undertaking like a joke that if he could he didn't want to show.

Kazuki had such leeway to make that kind of calculation because he was Foresighting Hrotsvit.

But Hrotsvit was also reading ahead his movement from his sign.

Kazuki concentrated Enchant Aura into his blade and stabbed the ground with all his strength, snapping it diagonally. The asphalt was not pierced by his blade, instead the body of Kazuki in the air was the one that got rebounded up.

As if played by a curve ball, Hrotsvit's swing hit empty air.

Kazuki landed on the wall surface of the building right beside him, and leaped at Hrotsvit's back. Kazuki attempted to stab from her blind spot.

Even if she read ahead his movement from his magic power... the more his movement turned complicated the harder it would be to read him. With this much three dimensional movement ― Hrotsvit perfectly reacted to him.

Synchronized with Kazuki's encirclement, Hrotsvit was also rotating her body. At the same time his launched stab was lightly repelled by the grip part―the butt-end of the mace.

A perfect reading and movement like a machine. A perfect reaction that he couldn't feel any humanness from it.

Kazuki felt an out of place feeling. Even though Hrotsvit's body was moving perfectly, only the light of her silver colored eyes was slightly falling behind. Only the motion of her eyeballs couldn't catch up.

As if only her eyes couldn't do anything and only following along.

Aah, so that was it, it was something like that then. His doubt was cleared and he understood the aim of this mock battle.

Kazuki retook a distance between them and Hrotsvit also recovered her stance.

There he took a breath and simultaneously ― Kazuki blew out magic power from his whole body.

"...!" Hrotsvit's expression stiffened.

Kazuki didn't make any sound and softly, with a slow movement that wasn't strengthened by magic power, walked closer to Hrotsvit. He released a stab. The simple strike was sucked into Hrotsvit's white chest, and hit. The weak strike that was not filled with magic power didn't even inflict a dust-sized scar and was repelled by a thick defensive magic power.

Hrotsvit stood bolt upright. Just as the rule said, with that it was the end and Kazuki sheathed his sword.

"...The mock battle to measure your capability" Hrotsvit quietly asked.

"Why did you do an act that won't have any meaning in the real battle?"

Most likely if he did a needless trick of trying to put magic power only just before the tip of the sword hit, Hrotsvit would surely evade with a super reflex. Because he used a meaninglessly empty attack that it could hit.

"But the rule is that a single strike determined the winner, so a win is a win."

Perhaps she couldn't ask him to show his true strength in a real battle for a test. However,

"In the first place, it's another matter if it's Beatrix, but I cannot imagine that you have that much of an interest in the pure techniques of a swordsman. What meaning is there in testing my capability not including Summoning Magic?"

This was not Thor's trial, but Odin's trial.

"Three moves." Hrotsvit murmured.

At the first move Kazuki saw through that Hrotsvit possessed a not so simple Foresight technique. At the second move he noticed that Hrotsvit was blind, and then at the third move he ended the match.

"If you can arrive that far in three moves, perhaps I should give you a passing mark. I don't know how much of an opponent the Basileus of those Indians are but, perhaps you won't lose I think."

Hrotsvit's Magic Dress came apart into light and she returned to her previous appearance. Her mace that was attached with a huge thorny iron ball also deflated and returned to the previous staff.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Hrotsvit."

"In the first place I didn't doubt you that seriously. I enjoying fighting and ascertaining you by myself."

The woman turned her back at Kazuki with a swish and walked towards the main street briskly.

Kazuki and also Arthur followed her along.

Hrotsvit bended her back in a big way, and after taking a deep breath she yelled.

"BEE―! AA―! TT―! RII―! XX―!!!"

It was a large voice that was not a metaphor if one said the voice rattled the dome city Las Vegas. Kazuki and Arthur reflexively pressed their ears while looking at each other. The dweller of the surrounding buildings got outside in great panic and looked around restlessly. From the direction of hotel Yggdrasil, *DODODODO!* with the force of a raging bull Beatrix was rushing here.

"MA'AM! HERE I AM!!" The rushing Beatrix stood at attention.

"I'm going home to the motherland, so take care of the rest. As much as you can, I hope you build an exceedingly amicable relationship with Hayashizaki Kazuki."

"Ha?" For a moment, Beatrix was staring blankly, then "MA'AM!!" she replied with a large voice.

"Manifest thyself in this dimension from beyond the horizon of several lines, Skíeblaenir(Geometry Distortion Air Warship)!"

Hrotsvit joined both her palms in front of her chest as if praying. When she opened her hand with a clap, a small dot of light was created. The dot of light ran straight and became a line, the line ran and became a surface, the surface opened and turned into a cube... Via a change like polygon depiction, it turned into a huge structure of light ― a shining ship.

"Dragon ship... so that's Odin's collapsible warship!"

Arthur raised a voice of admiration. So that was a Summoning Magic, or was that a Sacred Treasure of a different league, or maybe a part of her King's Authority... Kazuki couldn't immediately discern it but, the flying ship was floating in front of Hrotsvit's eyes. Its hull was shallow, long and narrow, making a Viking ship of peculiar shape, so this was what was called dragon ship, there was an ornament of dragon head at the bow of the ship.

When Hrotsvit jumped to board onto the ship alone, "Well then everyone, adieu." She bowed elegantly. With that as the signal, the dragon ship raised a roar and tore through the sky.

The shining ship was fading away from sight in the blink of an eye. Beatrix was trembling all over. It was a tremble like a warrior being excited before a war but her cheeks was reddening.

"The obstacle disappeared! I got the authorization that it's fine to get along with Kazuki..."

'Was that really so', Kazuki doubted inside his heart. Rather if it was the personality of that person... he had the feeling that she wanted to make Kazuki and Beatrix have good relations so she could make use of that for the sake of defeating Kazuki.

If someday the day he confronted Beatrix came... surely he would hesitate. In that opening, that disagreeable woman would attempt to bash Kazuki's head in with her mace from the back.

"Yosh, Kazuki, quick! No, however even if now try to get close with you I don't know what to do! Muscle training!? Kazuki sitting on my back while I do push-ups... My heart is throbbing hard! I want to do handcart!"

"Sorry to interrupt while you are getting fired up, but please wait. I still have something to talk about with him just the two of us."

From the side Arthur grabbed Kazuki's shoulder as if to take him away. Beatrix left with a really dejected face. Kazuki then noticed with a 'hah' face.

"That woman Hrotsvit, she flew away as she pleased with that ship but, was she planning to go home by smashing down the dome ceiling?"

One couldn't get in and out through Las Vegas's dome except through the window exclusive for airplane that was controlled by McCarran airport. Hearing that Beatrix nodded, "Mu, that might be difficult to do."

"Beatrix, can you tell one of Las Vegas' hotel-keepers that there is a need to guide Hrotsvit's ship?"

"Mu, got it!"

Beatrix's face turned serious and rushed away. While chasing that back with his eyes, Kazuki was worrying how he should handle her.

"Let me confirm for the sake of your peace of mind, I had already told you the secret that I'm going to teach to Hrotsvit."

"I know that, I don't think that you are ostracizing me or anything."

"When all the Basileus are backed by the Mythologies, an unusual phenomenon will happen in the world. The stage for the battle for the sake of determining the true Basileus will raise from the bottom of the sea."

Basileus Basileon's prophecy that was left behind in Britain. Arthur believed that like a devout believer.

"When you said that there is no meaning in territory" Kazuki began to talk.

"There must be something like a proof of the winner in that new continent don't you think. Something that will overturn even the boundary of countries that had been determined until now."

"As for me I think there is the great original of the [Philosopher's Stone] there. Not the small stone that was once sold to the people but a big boulder... something like a monolith."

If one had to say a thing that one would associate with from the name of Basileus Basileon, it was the Philosopher's Stone. That thing granted the power called magic to the human race, and pulled up the earth's civilization to a new stage.

It was believed that Basileus Basileon created it with alchemy, but after his death, the creation method of Philospher's Stone became wrapped in mystery.

...When Arthur was saying it was a monolith, for some reason it felt like a relic of an ancient civilization.

However in the Magic Advanced Countries, the percentage of the newly born children possessing magic power was already almost a hundred percent. Now, after such a long time it could be said that the role of the Philosopher's Stone was over, yet...

Did the Philosopher's Stone still possess an even further power?

"All the Basileus will compete for the single throne of the true Basileus. If the battle in this America is ended... The time is approaching."

Compete for ― suddenly a spark scattered inside Kazuki's head, from the depth of his memory there were words resurrected into his mind.

[ through the game. And then this hand will usurp the world soul(Astrum) that every Mythology desires. ]

...When Nyarlathotep displayed his true color, that guy was highly excited while spouting out words with irritating fast-talking. At the time he didn't understand what he was talking about, and just like that he completely forgot it in the corner of his mind but... in this situation those words were matching exactly.

Astrum ― all life's mind was connected by Astrum. He didn't clearly understand what in the world Astrum was, but it was a vast mental world that all life shared, it was something like a mind cosmos. Something like the trigger to shake that everything was in that new continent. That thing, the Mythologies that carried their own respective [Order] and the Divas of [Chaos] would scramble for that.

Did this mean that this something could be used to dye the minds of all life with that Order or Chaos?

Certainly with something like that there would be no meaning territory could accomplish. Something in an even higher dimension than that which could be used to rule over people.

Kazuki felt a chilling cold. He thought of some kind of earth-shattering conflict. Kazuki didn't want to win in that kind of match, he also didn't want anyone else to win.

"Whatever it is"

Arthur gathered his thought as if cutting off Kazuki's thought.

"What I can say for sure is, there is no way such thing can be handed off to the Divas of the Chaos Side or the Mythology's Basileus that joins hand with them."

Certainly rather than the Basileus of China's Mythology that carried some plan like [Red Nopperabou] became the ruler of all life, it was still better if it was Arthur instead. But he could only say 'better'.

Kazuki felt he had began to finally see in the end of his sight, the final destination of this strange destiny.

"With all the happenings today, I have met with almost all the Basileus haven't I..."

Ilyailia Muromets.

Arthur Basileus.

Regina Olympia Fornar.

Clark Moore, possibly Medicine Wheel.

Hrotsvit Lesedrama.

And then the one whose story he only heard from Shouko, the Basileus of China―Fu Xi.

"Does Loki know about this matter?"

"He shouldn't know about it. I think he only has a vague hunch about the conflict between fellow Mythologies though."

When Leme materialized by bringing out her avatar from Astrum into the real world, her knowledge and feelings from the other side went away she said. It seemed that it was different than being forgetful according to the Diva.

Loki said the word [Ragnarok], he had the hunch about a conflict between Mythologies but he didn't seem to know more than that. He didn't think that Loki had ever said of an objective other than something vague like [spreading Chaos] and [making those Norse Mythology guys lose].

Prometheus was also saying words [the Third Machia], but he didn't actually know the specific. However he had said that the role to stop that disaster, as small as possible... might be Kazuki's role.

Nyarlathotep that granted Kazuki the hint was established in his Mythology as a being that conducted himself as someone that knew everything, even among Divas he was a special existence.

If Loki knew about this matter... he would recover the original power and knowledge of Nairlako that he put beside him, or perhaps he would attack Britain and steal [Basileus Basileon's inheritance], he would do things like that Kazuki guessed.

"Thinking about the future events, I think your resolve to defeat both the Indian Basileus and also Clark is a good decision. At first the idea is to win over one of them into the alliance in order to oppose Loki's camp, but... that woman is a ruffian. She is not a type of human that we can feel relieved if she is entered into our camp."

Clark Moore was certainly scary whether as an ally or as an enemy. As a fellow human of civilized society, Kazuki felt that her fundamental sense of values didn't out of sync too much from him.

But she didn't care about her method so much that it made him feel terror.

Using and throwing away weak humans and building wealth and power... if she decided that as the most rational way, then she would do that thoroughly without any compassion. He could understand it but, it was a savage act. Perhaps something inside her had been completely paralyzed while she was continuously being driven by necessity.

That was why to make her stop there was no other way than to defeat her. Defeat the Indian Basileus [Medicine Wheel], then betray Clark with his returning blade, and defeat her.

Possibly just before they enter Wakan Takan in order to fight Medicine Wheel, at the all-out war with South America might be the most optimum timing for betrayal by taking advantage of the chaos.

But there was the possibility that Clark was thinking exactly the same thing.

Clark was definitely doubting Kazuki and regarded him as dangerous. She might think that Kazuki had served his purpose when the seven Chiefs were defeated.

No, she would most likely think so. When he remembered back to that dream... Clark should be thinking that she wanted to defeat Medicine Wheel with her own hands.

While they both had the common objective of defeating South America, they were also mutually looking for the timing of the betrayal... He felt like even he himself was doing a crooked thing.

What a battle that worn down one's nerve.

"Thanks to our success in dragging out Clark onto the battlefield, it's easier for us to aim at her, and then it's also easy to be vigilant. When South America invades here, let's prepare so that we are ready to fight Clark anytime."

Part 4

"I mostly understood that man."

After Hayashizaki Kazuki's group exited the room, Clark and her elites were staying behind there.

Clark promptly scanned a bundle of several pieces of document while musing about the dialogue just now. If there was just time, Clark would reread these documents again ― it was the summarized report of the surveillance on Kazuki and co. 's activity during their stay in America.

She didn't get tired of it no matter how many times she read... she even felt an eccentric fun from it.

"If those kind of guys didn't come then this kind of humiliation won't... even though without cooperating with them we could just win by ourselves...!" One of the Numbers talked in indignation.

"Why did you let them talk as they pleased until that much!?"

"That's obvious, if one of those three countries allied themselves with the south side then our victory prospects will be gone....But there is no possibility of that. Arthur Basileus is following Hayashizaki Kazuki. As for Hrotsvit Lesedrama... she will only wait-and-see before appealing her presence towards the one that will be [the victorious nation]. These two countries are not really that serious to get involved that far with America. The one that is serious is only Japan that is confronting the threat of this Loki and China. That Hayashizaki Kazuki is not just giving lip service but he is really thinking of [wanting to respect America]. He is that kind of human."

Reading from the document while recalling the remarks made in the meeting just now, Clark concluded that.

~Profiling~―in order to read Kazuki's true feeling and aim, Clark gathered all possible information. The report was including trifling everyday habits and behaviors that at first glance seemed meaningless, forming comprehensive information. Using psychology and statistic liberally from that information led to the conclusion that [this kind of human has this kind of tendency], predicting the personality.

Hayashizaki Kazuki and the others warily froze their surrounding air in order to not be bugged when they were having important conversations. To guess their true intentions, decoding technology of faulty language communication was essential.

"I understood well from meeting him for real. First he is quick-witted. He has the habit of reading the other side's thinking and act. He creates creative ideas in order to achieve his objective....It looks like he also has a specialty like cooking creative cuisines for the sake of his lovers. He is a stoic martial artist but he is also a tactician. But his senses of values are straightforward. He fastidiously hates warped things. Well, he is still a kid."

"Seems like a charming person isn't he?" One of the Numbers talked honestly.

"That's why whether that guy's subordinates or Arthur too, they cannot raise objection to that guy's correct decision. In reality there is a dictatorship built under the trust. That's why it's fine for us to just watch closely at Hayashizaki Kazuki's thought alone. There is no cowardly method or sacrificing option in that guy's choices."

Just from fragmentary information, Clark wrung out a conclusive possibility.

"He killed Red Metallica... I guess he didn't plan as far as killing though... the perpetrator that destroyed the Slave Battery Factory is not the Indians, but Hayashizaki Kazuki."

There was no proof. Clark occasionally didn't even hesitate to make assumptions that was inside the realm of wild idea.

The most important thing for a ruler was decisiveness. Someone who couldn't decide unless all the proofs were lined up couldn't be said to be decisive. Decisiveness ― was the power of imagination and courage.

"Hayashizaki Kazuki is someone that possesses the ability to take action prudently. He has stayed this long in Las Vegas, so surely there must be already some kind of cue that made him notice the existence of slavery here. If he noticed that, Hayashizaki Kazuki cannot tolerate the existence of something like slavery. He cannot avert his eyes. Then is he going to ally with South America? No, he is even more incompatible fundamentally with South America. Hayashizaki Kazuki is a person that accepted civilization and love culture. He enjoys games, he enjoys show attractions, he enjoys cooking."

From reading the report, it could be understood well what Hayashizaki Kazuki liked in Las Vegas.

"Then what is the aim of Hayashizaki Kazuki....It's my neck. He will cooperate with North America and defeat South America. While making North America win, he will take the neck of the main cause of slavery that is me. If I'm just gone then America can stay America and he won't have any problem. Makes you so grateful that you're going to cry huh."

As if revealing out the hidden cards one after another, Clark kept turning her brain.

Rather than Clark explaining her own thinking to the Numbers around her, she was sorting and deepening her own thinking by continuing to talk. There was almost no interruption from the Numbers around.

"...Is he thinking over-ambitiously until that far?"

No, rarely, there was someone that would interject.

Still expressionless, Clark turned her gaze to the speaker. The one that opened her mouth was Mary Mayweather Junior. An amazingly skilled boxer. She was a woman whose fighting strength was valued and introduced into Numbers, but in the first place she had the strong personality that asserted herself. But to interject at Clark's pondering, was deviating from [the usual her]. It was an abnormal action that the usual her wasn't supposed to do.

Her abnormal action had some kind of reason... a cause.

"Hayashizaki Kazuki only brought a few number of his troops from Japan here. As expected he cannot seriously stir-up trouble with North America. If he can defeat South America, wouldn't it only be natural to satisfy himself with that and compromise before going back to his country?"

The content of her speech was really plausible ― although the act of speaking itself was the one that was strange.

With Mary interjecting, Virginia Dance ― nickname Ginny was slightly shaken in her eyes. She was showing a slight subconscious stress. She was losing her calm. Why?

For a while Clark was scrutinizing the situation wordlessly. There was a cause to this for sure...

Mary and Ginny were the two persons left with the role to guide Hayashizaki Kazuki. Were they harboring good will for Hayashizaki Kazuki?

It was not impossible. Certainly Hayashizaki Kazuki was a charming person.

Further stepping into that possibility... would they chose Hayashizaki Kazuki even over this Clark Moore?

Betrayal ― yes, that was also not something impossible she guessed. In the first place these two had a strong sense of justice. They often felt stress towards Clark's decisions and sense of values. That was why the dirtiest part of the slave application system Clark built with Red was hidden from these two.

Did they see the whole story of the slave system, together with Hayashizaki Kazuki?

Aah, now that she thought back Mary's origin was from the slum wasn't she?

Clark opened her mouth once more.

"Hayashizaki Kazuki doesn't like compromising. He is a childish idealist. However because he has the strength able to carry his ideal, he can be recognized as a King(Basileus) in the whole of Japan even by the dirty adults. He is the exact opposite of me huh."

Clark was also recognized as a young King. But what Clark held was not idealism but realism. She carried a thorough realism and continued to prove a mental strength worthy of that. She used any kind of method, win any kind of gamble, and massacred the opposing adults without even lifting an eyebrow.

"Because he is that kind of person, he won't compromise like that. He will aim for my neck for sure."

Clark declared so and closed Mary's thoughts. She returned her gaze to the document. She didn't even glance anymore to Mary and Ginny.

She only exposed the actual and hidden cards as needed.

Now, the decision.

"In short, thankfully this is not a problem between countries but a problem between individuals. Hayashizaki Kazuki accepted the country North America, but he absolutely rejected me personally. That idealism is based on Hayashizaki Kazuki's personal virtue rather than the whole Japan's policy. If they lose their leader Hayashizaki Kazuki, I guess Japan won't be too concerned about the existence of slavery. As long as Hayashizaki Kazuki is defeated Japan will just leave. Arthur and Hrotsvit too, if Japan leave then they will stop getting deeply involved with America. This is really a thankful situation... if it's a head-on confrontation between the two countries, America cannot win whether it's against Japan or Britain or Germany after all."

Was there a possibility of Hrotsvit changing direction to invade America alone?

―No, it wouldn't happen. She also had already thought about what kind of condition Europe was in right now from the meeting just now. Even though it was not as serious as Japan, but Europe was also facing the threat of Loki?China?Russia. Hrotsvit was bluntly looking down on them just now but their side here was also indifferent to Hrotsvit from the bottom of the heart. She didn't mind ignoring the woman's exaggerated appeal.

"We are going to use Japan and defeat South America. When our business with Japan's cooperation is finished we will make Hayashizaki Kazuki exit the stage. Then we will take an approach to Loki. If we can skillfully play the gap in the confrontation between Japan and Loki, even this minor country of America still has a chance of victory left."

Clark's talking around was by no means making a bet on a small chance.

Clark Moore liberally used all kinds of methods and won through until here exactly in that kind of match.

"The justice of America will take the crown of the world...!"

The Numbers raised a voice carried by passion.

But looking at the matter just now... it bothered her to not know at all about the secret of the world. Arthur and Hrotsvit, possibly Hayashizaki Kazuki too, there was no mistake that they were moving holding some kind of clue regarding this era of magic. That was what Clark felt while remembering the scene where Arthur was exchanging a gaze with Hrotsvit and made her quiet.

"A fight not between countries but between individuals called Clark Moore and Hayashizaki Kazuki. The most important thing is the timing. While building a structure of cooperation, we are mutually measuring the timing for the betrayal. The advantage is in my side. After all Hayashizaki Kazuki cannot defeat South America with just his own troops. The virtuous Hayashizaki Kazuki has to rely on our army strength in order to save the innocent American people and the slaves. The one who has the privilege to prepare the situation is this side. We can set as many traps as we like."

If she thoroughly pickled at the opponent's idealism, their position was completely reversed.

Catching a good person into a trap was something really easy.

"As long as the Chiefs can just be defeated, we won't have any more business with Hayashizaki Kazuki and his group. Clean up the Japanese bunch by taking advantage of the fight with those Chiefs. Medicine Wheel will be defeated by my hands."

Medicine Wheel ― Eimi Moore would be defeated by this hand. Clark felt she unconsciously put strength in her hand that was holding the document. There was no emotion at all that came out in her expression, but when she thought about Eimi, a violent emotion naturally welled up inside her head. Her real little sister that became the Basileus of South America due to the unfortunate destiny.

Even Clark that had decided to use any kind of means inside her heart, had only one emotional fixation. To defeat Eimi Moore with this hand, those Japanese were hindrances. She couldn't watch her little sister sufficiently, and when she noticed her little sister was tainted by some numbskull religion at the university. That was the big sister's responsibility.

If by any chance Hayashizaki Kazuki knew about this Clark Moore's only fixation, then Clark's timing where she would try to remove Kazuki would be completely seen through. She thought of that for a fleeting second....Though of course the possibility he might possibly learn of this was, endlessly zero.

In preparation for the battle with Medicine Wheel, she had to defeat Hayashizaki Kazuki with enough spare energy left. This stocked power was after all limited by its connection to wealth.

She would easily defeat a Basileus that was above her rank....Her side had the method to make that possible.

"Jeremy, you understand right? The ability that you have is our trump card."

Clark called to one of the Numbers that was standing by at the side.

Her most loyal childhood friend returned a reply "Understood" with a calm voice.

Jeremy Barrett. She was younger than her but, her history in the gang was even longer than Clark. She was a destined veteran. During the course since Clark entered the organization until she suddenly rose in the world, Jeremy immediately saw through Clark's character, adored Clark's ideology, and became a loyal follower.

Possessing an excellent combat skill, she constantly put her body in danger and carried out as Clark's bodyguard whether in the light or shadow. Since Clark rose as the boss of the gang, and then when she further gained the power as King, Jeremy continued to become Clark's most reliable combat specialist subordinate. When Red kept becoming more emotionally unstable day by day, the time Clark put Jeremy at her side was naturally increasing.

When American Justice Mythology showed their figures in North America, Jeremy also accomplished a contract with the Diva ~Frontier Spirit~.

The girl who got through the most numerous battlefields in North America accomplished a perfect synchronization with her contracted Diva, and she also succeeded in manifesting an [Original One] that only she could use.

That was Clark's trump card.

Diva granted their contractor ten Summoning Magic to call their power in the real world, but a Diva would create a unique and original new magic and grant it to a contractor that was bound to them in even stronger affinity.

It would become the one and only magic from the mix of the Diva and the contractor's spirituality.

~Frontier Spirit~ that symbolized the challenge toward difficulty, and Jeremy that held 100% adoration toward Clark's ideology. The magic born from the mix of spirituality between these two was ― exactly a present intended towards Clark. It was as if Clark's longstanding desire was turned just like that into magic.

[Giant Killing(Super Star Shooting, Blame of Scream)]

Its effect was ― loading Jeremy's important thing into a bullet, and seal those that corresponded to what was loaded.

A magic in order for the weak to throw away everything and defeat the strong.

"In order to seal Hayashizaki Kazuki's power of Basilleus, how much bet is needed?"

Jeremy was already fighting Hayashizaki Kazuki once ― she had finished assessing him.

"I need to bet all the magic power that I have."

Jeremy answered shortly. The sealing affixed to the target was just a temporary thing, but the thing that was loaded into the bullet as the bet would be lost forever. That would mean using and then throwing away Jeremy's life as a warrior. But if she paid the compensation until that much then ― it was not impossible.

"That's just fine. If the Basileus' power can be sealed with that then it's good."

Clark didn't hesitate against the risk and the compensation. She wouldn't reconsider even if she had to sacrifice her comrade.

She already had the determination to throw away everything except her pride.

She betted everything except her pride, kept winning through ice thin gambles, and rose from a small delinquent until a gangster.

"However, that man can evade my bullet."

Clark dropped her sight to the report in her hand once more. She naturally looked at that page. The most important page. Hayashizaki Kazuki possessed the evasion ability as if he was seeing through the future.

He was a monster that won by decision against the strongest boxing king in North America, [Defense Master] Mary Mayweather Junior, in his first time boxing experience. Using word like monster was still too lukewarm. The meaning couldn't be understood. Reading the report, Clark was honestly feeling awe.

If Jeremy's Original One missed its target than it was game over.

"Wish we could make them acknowledge that I and my bodyguard Jeremy won't come out in the battle with the Chiefs, with the intention of sniping Hayashizaki Kazuki from the shadow in the middle of the battle huh."

The first plan was torn and discarded. Because of Hayashizaki Kazuki's quick-wittedness she had to go out to the battlefield.

"Certainly the proof that Medicine Wheel won't come out to the battlefield is insufficient. I cannot quibble unreasonably because he picked at that fact. If that's the case... it will need a little fiddling so you can hit Hayashizaki Kazuki with the magic bullet. Now then... what way is available?"

There was a plan. There had been a trap laid out already at the discussion just now.

Even while she was asking what way was available, Clark didn't request for an opinion from her surroundings and gave a hand sign to the Numbers to get out of the room.

The close aides wordlessly bowed and left from Clark's room.

Toward Jeremy who was the last to leave the room, Clark exchanged looks with her in a glance.

Only Jeremy was left in front of the door.

"Jeremy. Put Mary and Ginny under control. You get what's the meaning of control right? So that they won't think of anything strange. Both of them are already double-crossing us."

"Understood." Jeremy flatly replied and exited the room. The conversation inside the cold room was all over with that. What left was just waiting. Just like always, while saving more wealth.

Part 5

"The shut-in that swoops down upon the positive space called intensive training... Kamimura Itsuki sanjou." (Note:Sanjou, calling in/visiting. It's also the catchphrase of some giant robot anime when they launch, don't know which though. )

Kamimura-san in her gothic dress was taking a weird pose while swooping down upon the hotel Yggdrasil's courtyard.

"Sorry to call you into a place and time that doesn't agree with you."

Kamimura-san shook her head left and right.

"Even though I came outside my room, if it's Kazuki that calls for me, there is a part of me that thinks that it's not all any chance is it because I have been class-changed from a shut-in into a riajuu that has a boyfriend!"

Kamimura-san suddenly made a face of realization 'hah' and began to tremble rattlingly.

"For me to stand on such a Cinderella stage of youth... when I think about it calmly it's just too unsuited for me that nervousness and nausea are welling up unstoppably inside me, uu...!"

"I like that aspect of Kamimura-san who looks cute like a small animal you know."

When Kazuki tightly embraced the rattled Kamimura-san, she raised a strange voice.

"Hawawa―! It's scary that a handsome boyfriend is acting too kind to an unpopular woman like me―! Messiah―!!"

Beside the two of them a light of magic power was produced, {Hee―yy, you handsome guy} in an appearance wearing sunglasses with the military jacket of the army, the funky and American Amaterasu appeared as an avatar.

{Try to lift Itsuki-chan just like that for a little bit. }

Kazuki followed what he was told, he put strength into his hugging arms and lifted up Kamimura-san. Kamimura-san went 'kyaa- kyaa-'while swinging around her arms and legs.

"This reminds me, when we got off the ferris wheel while I was carrying her in a princess-carry I also thought this but, most of her weight has come back huh."

{HAHAHA, she will soon have a potbelly like my wife. }

He left aside the American joke that was not funny in the slightest from the highest god of the Japanese Mythology. He was not here to talk about Kamimura-san's fatness.

Kamimura-san was a deceased person. The soul of Kamimura-san that escaped from the unforeseen death was preserved by Amaterasu in the Gate of the Celestial Rock Cave. However regardless of how Amaterasu was a chief god that governed over life, she couldn't go as far as reviving the flesh body of her contractor who had her contract broken in one occasion. Thereupon with Kazuki getting along well with Kamimura-san, a circuit of bond could be formed between them and through there Solomon Mythology's magic power could be supplied to Kamimura-san. Combining the two powers of Amaterasu and Solomon Mythology, Kamimura-san was successfully resurrected.

But when Kamimura-san's own attachment towards life thinned, her very existence itself would also get thinner and she would fall into an ambiguous state. Kamimura-san right after she came back from the underworld had a hollow weight when he lifted her up, as if she was a hologram girl that had no real body.

But now her weight had already been close to her original weight.

Right now perhaps her weight was a little bit lighter than Lotte who was the lightest among his comrades.

"Yes... right now I have become unwilling to die compared to before." Kamimura-san said."But in the case that Kazuki betrays me, then I'm going to die at the speed of light. That's why right now I'm happy but uneasy... it's scary to be hated..."

"I won't do anything like betraying Kamimura-san. Absolutely."

Kazuki stroked Kamimura-san's head a lot. Kamimura-san leaked out a voice "Hawawawa~". While frolicking around like that, Kazuki asked something he was concerned about to Amaterasu.

"Then anytime now, will I be able to use the power as the King of Japanese Mythology?"

Kazuki had the principle to not conquer a girl for the sake of power. However, if he deepened his bond with Kamimura-san, Kazuki was supposed to be able to wield the authority as the King of Japanese Mythology.

"Hawaa-!" Kamimura-san raised her voice.

"Tha...that's so isn't it? Kazuki is only making friends with me for the sake of power isn't it? Fufufu, it's okay, no problem. If I think in reverse as long as Kazuki needs the power of Japanese Mythology that means Kazuki will value me importantly. I'm not concerned at all. I have never expected to be loved or anything as myself in the first place...!"

"Something like power is just an extra Kamimura-san. You are cute after all."

Kazuki lightly kissed the cheek of Kamimura-san who once more fell to her negativity.

"Hawaa―! My cheek is kissed again...-!!"

It felt like treating a kid kissing the cheek, however tasting the sensation of the cute and chubby cheek with his lips had a different good feeling than a kiss lips-to-lips, it had its own charm. *chuu chuu* Kazuki tasted Kamimura-san's cheek many times as if pecking on it.

Kamimura-san turned bright red saying "awawa" and curled herself.

"Bu...but doing something like this at best, is like kid treatment, it's nothing more than being affectionate to a pet, no difference at all... yo, you are not considering someone like me as a lady at a-..."

"If you say that kind of thing then I'll do this."

Kazuki went around Kamimura-san's back and rubbed Kamimura-san's breast squishily from behind. He immediately found the sensitive tips across the fabric of the no-bra goth-loli clothes and he pinched it with his finger tips.

"Aa-? That place is no-? That place is sensitive so it will quickly feel good, it's no good-?"

"I won't do this kind of thing to a pet you know."

When Kazuki repeatedly pestered the throbbing nipple that had been developed by Kamimura-san herself, Kamimura-san "aa-?" in just a moment went gasping and writhing around. And then the largest size heart mark flew at him.

Receiving waves of love attack from Kazuki, Kamimura-san's face was dazed and reddened and she finally recognized herself saying "I am riajuu..." (Note: Just now it was said with broken English)

"Amazingg― have completely mastered the way to corner Itsuki-chan."

Amaterasu opened her eyes wide.

After all not everyone was skillful like Mio in acting spoiled.

"Leaving this aside, with Susanoo's defeat the full authority of Japanese Mythology was transferred to me, and it seemed that I became able to send that to you through the well-connected circuit of bond. With something like that, now you are already able to thoroughly wield the King's Authority of the Japanese Mythology you know."

"What kind of power is that? No~, it doesn't matter at all what power is that because it's nothing but an extra of Kamimura-san though! I don't have any interest at all in that though~! But I want to know, just in case!"

"It's fine already about something like that." (Note: She uses Kansai dialect here. )

Kamimura-san poked at Kazuki's cheek sharply with a tsukkomi.

"Anyway leaving the joke aside, I think it will practically become a terribly important key. At the battle on board of the ship I was using Solomon's power once. And then when I confirmed it with Mary later on, she said that the matter about that had been completely reported to the King. That cunning Clark Moore should have already prepared some kind of counter-measure against the power of King Solomon."

Kazuki recalled the gaze of Clark that was directed to him. That eye was an eye that looked forward to a sure victory. He couldn't possibly think of her as having no plan. She had already prepared something.

"If there is a weapon that they don't know about, it can become a reserve I think."

{Then I'll teach you, the King's Authority of Japanese Mythology, that is ~Power of Harmony~. It brings together the power of your comrades and uses them optimally. A power that boosts you many times over. }

"Using optimally?"

{Specifically, gathering and redistribution. For example a magic power with aggregate amount 100 exists inside Otonashi Kaguya who has possible amount of instantaneous magic power emission 60. The magic power's aggregate amount is like a water tank, and the emission amount is like the tank's faucet. The elf Hiakari Koyuki has aggregate amount 120 and somewhat large emission amount 40. That kind of number fits doesn't it. Even though there is 100 magic power amount in Kaguya but because the amount she can fire 'boom' once can only reach until 60, she cannot invoke her level 10 magic [Seventh Inferno] that has magic power consumption 80 by herself alone. }

"That's why she needs to chant by combining power through chorus magic to use level 10 magic huh."

{There, if Kazuki uses the ~Power of Harmony~, you can gather magic power and redistribute them to another. Taking 40 each from Kaguya and Hiakari, then if you gather those into Kaguya she can chant magic that consumes 80... you can do such a thing. }

"In other words... level 10 magic can be used much easier compared to all those times until now?"

{Of course the chanting itself is needed, but because there is no need to take time matching magic power wavelengths it should be far easier to use compared to chorus magic. Next as a simpler way to use it, Kazuki who goes through a fierce battle and get exhausted with only 3 magic power amount remaining in you can gather magic power from everyone and recover, or something like temporary doping in order to fight a powerful enemy, and so on. }

"It's Spirit Bomb isn't it? Everyone of our comrades, they share their spirit to Kazuki!" (Note: Reference to Dragon Ball)

Kamimura-san interrupted with something incomprehensible.

{Though if you stuffed too much magic power you will burst and die. Sorry about this plain ability. }

"No, thank you. If from now on the battle intensified, there will be a big difference whether I have this ability or not."

Everyone used up almost all of their magic power and fell down, everyone gathered their few magic power all into him and he somehow stood up, he then challenged the Basileus into one-to-one fight, something like that... he wished he could be spared of such last moment situations though.

{If you still want more new power then you have to master the three Sacred Treasures I think. You surely understand from the fight with Susanoo, but in Japanese Mythology the three Sacred Treasures possess considerable strength. That's also one of the factors that make our Authority become quiet plain. }

Kazuki recalled how Ikousai used ~Yata no Kagami~ and ~Yasakani no Magatama~ in their full-spec by half turning into Susanoo. She displayed outrageous ability of using auto-defense and teleportation consuming almost no magic power at all.

"Can I use them skillfully until that much in this short time? I am using them often in my training everyday."

{That's quite difficult―. After all Sacred Treasure is reticence. Rather than hitting it off with them in one go it's more like you need to laboriously accumulate time with them. }

"Then to use them as good as Ikousai's level, there is no other way than to get Amaterasu possessing me just like how Ikousai was possessed by Susanoo then."

{I'm not recommending that okay―. I'm not thinking of taking over Kazuki's flesh or anything, but with a human that had already got contracted with Lemegeton, if then you get further possessed by a voluminous Diva like a chief god from another Mythology, you head is going to get 'baa―ng" like a watermelon. }

Even so, if from here on they lost here, everything would end... that kind of battle might be increasing in the future.

{In that case it's Itsuki-chan's turn you know. A lot of Amaterasu's(My) Summoning Magic has commonality with the hidden power of the three Sacred Treasures after all, I think if you train together with Itsuki-chan you will make progress."

"Just leave it to this coach Jonny yeah―"

Kamimura-san whose nipple was still hard from the messing around just now puffed up her chest.

"Of course that's exactly the reason I was calling for Kamimura-san."

In other words he was going to practice his Sacred Treasures with Kamimura-san's Summoning Magic as his model.

"I'm really a convenient existence. Are you really―? Really not aiming for power―?"

Kamimura-san chuchkled "fuhihi" while lightly slapping Kazuki's cheek *peshi peshi*. Really, what a great bargain that was full of perks, this conquered heroine Kamimura-san.

In Las Vegas, there was a change visible to the eye that appeared. The residents began to evacuate outside the dome, in exchange the mechanized soldiers and Magika Stigmas were entering.

"This is, are you planning to completely prepare Las Vegas as the ground of the decisive battle?"

Looking at the situation where the whole army was gathering, as expected Kazuki became uneasy, he then asked Clark who he happened to see taking command of the city.

"That's my plan. I'm gathering all the military force of North America here."

"Isn't that too dangerous? Even the Indians might notice the movement of military force in a scale this large. What are you going to do if a part of them attack another city to shake us?"

If a city was felled then an enormous damage would come out.

To say nothing of how the Indians changed death into their power.

"That's a needless worry. I made all the spies that I have to infiltrate South America's camp. They were gathering information. According to the information of the lucky guys that survived and came home, there is no mistake that the way those Indians are gathering their battle strength is to aim at Las Vegas."

Kazuki's expression reflexively stiffened hearing that reply.

This person, she treated human's life and death so lightly all the time...

"Besides the other side also acknowledged that our side is the better one in a battle of information. From the other side's point of view, rather than competing in wit reading each other's hand, they surely desire a head-on fight collision more."

She had a point. But thinking how if her reading missed there would be an enormous damage that came out, if it was Kazuki, this was a choice that he would be absolutely unable to take.

"My bad but this is the way how I do things since I was just a brat, how I survived until now. This is how the weak fight."

A single bet from a sharp reading. As if telling him to stop meddling more than this, Clark turned her back to him and left.

At first Kazuki was disgusted at Clark's way that didn't care of the method that she used. But right now he was beginning to feel dreadfulness from her thorough persistence.

"Perhaps I might get along well with that side's boss yeah. I get the feelin' that we're the same kind of people. She ain't doing anything half-way. How about you take a lesson a little too?"

Suddenly Shouko showed her face from Kazuki's side saying that.

"The same kind of people...? Shouko shared the same realism with her but, you and that woman are not similar at all right?"

Kazuki tilted his head. Shouko blinked her eyes as if to say that Kazuki's reaction was truly unexpected.

"Just from our realism ain't we quite similar already...?"

"Because you take consideration for your surroundings quite much right? Joking around, when someones ask you a favor you will say [can't be helped huh] or the like while taking care of it really well more than needed. You also like to take care of those younger than you, don't you? At first I thought that you were calculating and haggling, but I'm gradually seeing your plain face....What, what's with that face?"

Shouko was making a face as if she was biting a bitter bug.

"Are you embarrassed?" Kazuki poked at her shoulder.

"...Are you an idiot? Well, if a na?ve guy like you thinks like that then it's just as planned. Anyway this time I don't really have any motivation to help. It's pretty dodgy is what I'm sayin'."

"Well, I'm not going to ask you or Arthur to actively fight at the front lines."

Both of them were [someone that try to know Kazuki and came into contact with him], but they were by no means [Kazuki's comrades]. He couldn't see their positivity levels, the Power of Harmony was also... seemed unusable at the two.

"Ou, then I'm gonna take a rest yeah."

Looking at Shouko who was purposefully saying spiteful things like that, it made him wonder whether she actually wanted to be relied on a little.

"It's fine for you to not fight, however use that Sacred Treasure that looked like a map that you used before."

"...You mean ~Taikyokuzu(Grand Zenith Map)~?"

Kazuki nodded."No matter what kind of Mythology it is, there will surely be unknown magic. If it's impossible to predict, then it's important to immediately grasp the situation and deal with it. After all, this time we are in the receiving side."

"So you are thinking that they will launch surprise attacks with an unknown method then."

"There is no way they will come to attack in a simple way."

Shouko sneered "fuh", then she nodded saying "Can't be helped huh." Exchange

Chapter (1-171)