Parasite Kill >> Battle for Liberation Within Manhattan (1)
← Ch.131 | Ch.133 → |
Part 1
Bloodrics Capistrano chose the "beaten up" option.
"Pant, pant, pant!!"
"... G-gbweh. Wait, it would really help your Onii-chan if you ended this attack..."
Frolaytia Capistrano gasped for breath while holding her brother's bowtie in her left hand. Her dominant hand was of course clenched in a fist.
They were in a military port of the Amazon District where the Legitimacy Kingdom held a lot of sway.
They were a few hours away from the Central American ocean. They had taken a submarine which clearly had too much speed and stealth for civilian ownership. Its distress signal had been picked up and the few survivors, including Frolaytia, had set foot on dry land once more.
After arguing with her blood relative in a guest room for noble visitors, the busty silver-haired 18-year-old clicked her tongue and let go of the trash. She then spoke to the laptop sitting on the heavy work desk.
"Princess. Things have calmed down here for the time being. You've gathered enough information, so return to base before you go too far and get burned."
"... I know what you're trying to say, but if we waste our trump card here, we really will lose all means of rescuing our people from the Bermuda Triangle."
Needless to say, Frolaytia and the others had not been sitting around doing nothing.
The Princess's Baby Magnum was a multi-role First Generation that could race along the ocean at more than 500km/h and swap between multiple different main cannon types: low-stability plasma cannons, railguns, coilguns, laser beams, rapid-fire beam cannons, etc. Even if it could not immediately supply a decisive blow, it was the perfect Object for directly engaging the enemy force to get a sense for what it could do.
And what had they learned after firing various types of cannons from a distance with no expectation of a hit?
"Electronic simulation division."
"We only have rough estimates, but we have finished analyzing the footage."
Frolaytia spoke to a different channel and received an immediate response from one of the experts who continued working with what equipment had survived. She was clearly exhausted, but there was no dissatisfaction in her voice. Everyone knew it was only coincidence that they had been protected. If the luck of the draw had placed them in the other category, they would have been devoured by the Information Alliance.
"To start with, the Manhattan really does have extraordinary firepower. That electromagnetically-launched reactor cannon is essentially detonating a JPlevelMHD reactor with each shot. By firing that main cannon in every direction like the face of a clock, it could entirely surround itself with a wall of plasma like some kind of fortress city."
"That's a lot like an old-fashioned ABM system... or a defensive theory using nuclear mines."
Frolaytia stuffed unique-smelling shredded tobacco into her long and narrow kiseru as she spoke.
Laser beams were light, so they could be bent if high temperatures altered the refractive index. Plasma and rapid-fire beams were weak to electromagnetism. Railguns and coilguns used metal shells, so their trajectory could be bent using expanding air or explosive blasts.
Simply put, an absolute defense was possible if you forced it through with enough firepower.
However, it was a strategy only possible for the Manhattan and its hundreds or possibly thousands of reactors.
"But it didn't do that, did it? It only used the electromagnetically-launched reactor cannon the very first time."
"Yes. And the theory of bending a laser was also used by the Nitrogen Mirage. It still used ultra-high temperatures – albeit not as high – but it achieved that by firing low-stability plasma fireballs around the battlefield and then firing the laser beam or railgun. It was a lot like a rollercoaster. It ignores all existing artillery theories."
But when the Manhattan had responded to the Princess's "test firing", it had not filled the area with firepower; it had returned fire with pinpoint sharpshooting. It had shot down each of the Baby Magnums various shells and lasers like a venomous snake targeting mice or frogs.
The metal shells had been fried with electron beams or laser beams.
The optical weapons had been reflected and neutralized by metal shells.
"So far, it has only intercepted our attacks, but if it goes on the attack itself, the Baby Magnum will not last five minutes, " said the electronic simulation division.
"Ah, you idiot!!"
Frolaytia tried to stop her, but it was too late.
The Princess was already childishly pouting her lips on the screen.
"I don't mind. Because it's true. Hehh, hohh, hmm."
"Listen, everyone can get along when things are going well. The true value of teamwork is when things are going badly. Everyone needs to keep that in mind!!"
"Also, " continued the electronic simulation division."Including Manhattan's visitors, there should be more than 10 million civilians onboard. If they are used as hostages, any direct attack will be a target of international criticism."
"Have you not even noticed the trouble you've caused us, you geek!?"
Frolaytia shouted, but the Princess still looked suspicious. She brushed back the short blonde hair plastered to her forehead with sweat, unzipped her special suit, and sprayed a coolant directly on her flushed soft skin. Everyone, including the analyst, was female, so she did not need to restrain herself.
The fact that arrogant Frolaytia had to act as a cushion for her showed just how chaotic the 37th Mobile Maintenance Battalion's situation was.
(Heivia can wait until later, but we really need Quenser back immediately!!)
Frolaytia placed a hand on her forehead while having that very rude thought.
And as stated, they could not use an Object's firepower to fry 10 million civilians, even if they belonged to an enemy nation. Thus, the Baby Magnum had made sure its main cannons would not hit during its reconnaissance mission.
... Of course, that was also because moving too close before understanding their enemy's specs was likely to result in the Baby Magnum being turned to ashes by a variety of super weapons, including the electromagnetically-launched reactor cannon.
The Manhattan had easily fired a deadly blast from New York to New Caribbean Island – from North America to Central America.
The Princess used her small hand to fan air into her opened special suit and made a suggestion while sounding dazed from the heat.
"Since it intercepts attacks that are not actually going to hit, could we fire randomly but rapidly so it uses up all its ammo?"
"It's not a bad idea, but remember how large the Manhattan is. Even if it's forced into back-to-back battles without resupplying, we'll dry up first."
What could they do?
How could they supply an effective blow to that monster?
(If a direct attack won't work, I guess we'll have to try some kind of trick. Like sending a small group right up to that giant thing... )
Frolaytia narrowed her eyes with a quiet look on her face, but then slowly shook her head.
Had she been infected by those idiots' way of thinking?
The Princess breathed a heated sigh and spoke with a blank look in her eyes.
"I want to see Quenser and the others soon."
(Agreed. This is hard work without anyone to shove the most annoying parts onto. )
Frolaytia kept that part to herself and then spoke up.
"Analyst, the Martini Series holds the AI network's reins, so why do you think they authorized this?"
"That is unknown, including just how many of them have malfunctioned. We simply have too little information to say. But assuming they are not wishing for their own destruction, I can't imagine why they would send the Manhattan to the front line on its own..."
"Capulet is an AI network. If it sees no special meaning in the loss of individual physical devices, then it might view even the Manhattan as a disposable game piece."
"If the algorithm was that digitally destructive, I doubt the Information Alliance would have prospered as much as it has. At the very least, it would not be so accepting of the highly-wasteful lifestyles of humans."
If not all that many Martinis had actually lost control, it would explain why Manhattan itself had taken action all of a sudden. But they had no real evidence and the situation was fluid. And if the other Martinis were affected in a rapid chain reaction, it would hardly matter.
"Any sign of our people who disappeared at sea?"
"None at all. Our embassies and consulates have received no notification that they were taken prisoner.... We cannot even say whether they are still alive or not."
"It's too late to go check the Information Alliance maintenance fleet that was nearly obliterated by their own side. I wish we had at least sent out a spy plane to keep an eye on it, but it's simply too late. Thanks to a certain moron!!"
Bloodrics responded to Frolaytia's shout by raising both hands without getting up off the floor.
"Tia-chan, you know that would not have been realistic either way, don't you?" said the pummeled brother."Even if you had accomplished something then, they would have gotten serious and vaporized New Caribbean Island."
An alarmed cry came from the screen.
Bloodrics could not see the laptop screen from his position, but the Princess must not have known that. As soon as she heard a male voice, she blushed and quickly held the front of her special suit closed with her small hands.
Frolaytia ignored that and spoke coldly to her blood-related brother.
"So what?"
"If no one reports on it, no one would know any of your people were left with the Information Alliance maintenance fleet. Then there would be zero hope of rescue for them."
The brother's point made the sister grimace so hard she nearly bit off the end of the long, narrow kiseru in her mouth. He was right, but she did not want to accept it. Anyone could tell just by looking at her.
There was nothing they could do.
But that did not mean they had no thoughts on the matter.
They knew their comrades were clinging to life on a deadly battlefield across the ocean where they could not even ask for help, but they could not reach out a hand. They wished they could trade places. That was not just a nice thing to say after seeing some tragedy on TV. They all meant it. Otherwise, they would not have forced their exhausted bodies to keep moving and continued gathering information without any sleep or complaint. The Pilot Elite, the base commander, the maintenance soldiers, and the analysts were all in agreement on that.
Bloodrics Capistrano understood that.
And that was why he had done more than just flee.
"I provided a starting point for you. How is he doing?"
"Rigas Blackpassion was one of the people on that Capitalist Corporations submarine."
"But you saw that report that he said something interesting, didn't you?" Bloodrics got up from the floor."The Ragnarok Script. It seems to be a toy capable of interfering with the Martini Series that forms the core of the Information Alliance. Although we don't know if they inject something of pure data into their heads or stimulate their senses using pheromones, ultrasound, flashing lights, or whatever else. That means solving this might require more than simply attacking the Information Alliance. This might sound somewhat dirty, but this Ragnarok Script might be an opportunity for us.... If an external attack looks hopeless, causing them to crumble from within might create enough of a 'crack' to rescue your people stranded in that deadly ocean."
Frolaytia clicked her tongue again and sent a fist into the center of Bloodrics face for getting carried away.
Without even a glance toward her collapsed brother, the sister left the guest room with her laptop full of classified information. She walked to the interrogation room with some large men from base security. There, she found an upper middle-aged man bound by leather belts to something like a dentist's chair.
The long-haired, gloomy, and timid interrogator girl whispered to Frolaytia. Her face was hidden by her bangs, an eyepatch, a mask, and some headphones, so her nickname when she was younger may have been Kuchisake Onna.
"H-he seems to have lost a lot of blood when Sir Bloodrics severed his hand with a katana, so I need to stabilize his blood pressure first. We should be able to administer the drug after that, so, um..."
"Rigas Blackpassion, " cut in Frolaytia."The Ragnarok Script. I want to know what that means. Did you really procure it yourself? I doubt a small fry like you is pulling all the strings. What is hidden behind the scenes?"
The Capitalist Corporations man raised his limply-hanging head.
"I don't expect the war treaties to apply in this sealed room... but my life still has value. Look at my arm. Ha ha. Push me too hard and I'll die before you can get any information out of me. Treat me with care or you will be wasting your time."
"Is that so?"
There was nothing more than that.
Frolaytia must not have been expecting anything from the beginning because she casually glanced over at the interrogator who had desperately hidden her face.
"The plan was to loosen his lips by ridding him of his mental willpower with a drug, right?"
"Y-yes, um, we will be using an animal anesthetic. It's the same idea as someone talking more readily when they're sleep-deprived or intoxicated. But before any of that, we have to give him a blood transfusion to stabilize his blood pressure..."
"No, that gives us another option. Hold this a moment."
Frolaytia pushed her laptop into the interrogator's arms, shocking the flat-chested girl into silence.
And with a dry gunshot, a dark red hole opened in Rigas's neck.
"Ah... bah?"
There was a blank in his memories.
As Rigas looked over his sweaty body, he tasted a rusty flavor spreading through the back of his throat, saw dark, dried blood on his uniform, and felt the pain receding. He must have been given some kind of anesthetic.
The Capitalist Corporations officer blinked in confusion at the unnatural passage of time and Frolaytia spat some disinterested words his way.
"Your heart stopped for about 1 minute 45 seconds. From the shock of blood loss. You should be thankful Luce was skillful enough to revive you."
His breathing was not functioning properly.
He heard a whistling sound with each breath.
"Y-you're kidd-..."
Another bang.
"35 seconds."
"Wait, are you saying you-..."
"1 minute 2 seconds."
"Abbeh. Gurgle gurgle..."
"Oh, that was a close one. You were out for 2 minutes and 30 seconds."
A yes or no answer changed nothing. To transform him into a human device that would spit out whatever they wanted to know, his mind had to be thoroughly torn down first. The violence would continue until Rigas Blackpassion no longer said anything unnecessary.
Each time his consciousness cut out and returned, the amount of boxy medical equipment surrounding the dentist-like chair had increased. At this point, the electronics probably weighed more than Rigas himself.
For some reason, the interrogator girl (who was now soaked with blood) was gagging and crying behind her eyepatch and mask more than the Capitalist Corporations officer himself.
The look in Frolaytia's eyes had not changed. The handgun drawn from her hip was still aimed directly at him.
"Not even an expert can completely control the revival. So it might not work next time."
"... You... what about the war treaties... the fundamental articles on treatment of prisoners... ?"
He was killed twice more.
Rigas was now covered in tubes. He had essentially been turned into a living mummy and was nearly encased in the blocks of medical equipment. And Frolaytia's eyes were even colder than the machinery.
"Blood loss intoxication. That's the excuse used by perverts with an abnormal fetish for drinking blood or having their own blood drunk. It's also theorized to explain why a police officer can dramatically stand back up after being shot in the gut. If all we need to do is adjust your body's internal state to loosen your lips, we don't need to inject a drug. We only need to cause enough blood loss to leave you woozy. Of course, take too much and you'll die before telling us anything, so it isn't exactly favored by experts. And sure enough, you're approaching death pretty quickly now."
They were neither killing him nor not killing him.
Her casual tone led the Capitalist Corporations officer to move his tense vocal cords and force out the words.
"Y-you're insane..."
"Don't even try it, you fool. I'm the piece of shit that retreated to this safe base while ignoring so many of my people who needed help. And yet you think your life should be guaranteed when you're the one that messed with the Information Alliance and set up some kind of conspiracy? Just how convenient a world do you think you live in!?"
He could no longer speak.
While Rigas gasped as he struggled to breath, Frolaytia Capistrano pressed her handgun muzzle to the center of his forehead and roared at him while the heat sizzled on his skin.
"I will do whatever it takes to get the information I need to rescue those idiots. The Ragnarok Script. Either tell me everything you know or you can continue playing ding dong dash at the pearly gates!! Now, what will you do, you piece of shit!!!????"
Part 2
"Simply put, it was practice."
The tall Asian beauty named Taratua Martini On-the-Rocks spoke on the cruiser's bridge.
Unlike the past, modern ship's bridges were not all that important. Ship and weapons control were generally done in the windowless combat command center on a lower level, so this bridge was mostly just for show. In an intense battle, the captain on down would have to withdraw from this central point. That seemed like a case of mismatched priorities, but it had gained a new value.
It was the perfect place for the privileged class to clear everyone else away for a private conversation.
Although it did require some caution for female officers in skirts because the reinforced glass window extended all the way to the floor just like a broadcast tower's viewing deck.
"To be honest, the Olympia Dome's broadcast facility was not all that high a priority. It was better off destroyed, but we could have dealt with the issue even if it was not. Same with forcing the Legitimacy Kingdom to pay reparations. That must have left quite a few bodies behind, but it seems the Faith Organization was up to no good as well. What really mattered was proving the method as effective.... That is, a method of directly accessing the moving Manhattan 000, gathering information, and sabotaging it if necessary."
Wraith, another Martini Series, maintained a troubled expression.
Taratua remained seated in her fancy chair and casually clapped her hands twice at her fellow Martini who had safely returned from the Olympia Dome.
"As a giant artificial floating island, the Olympia Dome has many similarities to the world's largest Object. To be honest, the Olympia Dome is the more difficult of the two when looking only at the infiltration phase. After all, our maintenance fleet and the Manhattan 000 are both from the Information Alliance. If we set a damaged ship adrift and send out a distress signal, the Martini holding the Manhattan 000's reins will follow the rulebook and approve a rescue even as she argues with the AI network. Simply put, we can get onboard using the exact same method."
"But how many Legitimacy Kingdom soldiers are left? Thanks to your meaningless harassment, they were driven nearly to disaster and most of them were slaughtered by that flying Object."
"Oh, is that why you're so irritable?" Taratua did not seem to care."Disposable personnel are only valuable when you dispose of them. Can you win a war if you're too afraid to fire a single bullet? We just have to gather spare personnel from elsewhere. Any new soldiers can be provided the necessary information through training. They work and we profit. Simple, right?"
"Is what you're doing even war?"
"Oh, it's war. A war by me and for me. In that sense, I may have wronged you, Wraith. They're only disposable, but they do have experience packed in their heads. So I promised them your head as a reward for a successful mission."
"Given how much the blood had rushed to their heads, I imagine they'll kill you before they can even think up a cleverer but more perverted plan. Well, just accept it as your fate. I will increase the value of the Martini Series, so you can be part of the foundation."
Wraith sighed.
"Let's discuss a hypothetical."
"Hold on, do you think this is a chat between friends or something? Romantic advice is simply outside my area of expertise."
"... Let's say there is a method of completely destroying the Martini Series from without, using the same kind of active self-denial as throwing out everything you own to get a new start on life. Would someone as universally capable and foolish as you be able to forgive your fellow Martinis who went insane?"
"Is that what this is about?" Taratua Martini On-the-Rocks gave a snort of laughter while elegantly crossing her legs."It would be one thing if you were born with it, but when it's something done to you afterwards, then you should have been able to prevent it or stop it. No attack or defense is perfect if it is made by human hands. That is why the Martini Series was created to make up for the AI network's flaws. We're supposed to play house with Capulet which may not even have a center anymore."
"Your point?"
"Active self-denial? If someone takes advantage of a vulnerability, the responsibility lies with the person who knew of it but didn't put together a countermeasure."
"I see, " muttered Wraith while squirming a bit.
Now, did Taratua notice that the medals on her chest reflected the sunlight to inconspicuously send a signal somewhere?
A moment later, a spider web of cracks ran through the thick bulletproof glass on the floor of the bridge.
"Oh... ?"
There was a surprised expression there.
The leather chair's stuffing scattered everywhere. Taratua's butt slid forward in that luxurious chair. She tried to hold onto the armrests, but her entire body had gone limp. Her hips fell from the chair and she collapsed to the floor.
Had the wet sensation finally caught up to her by then?
Fresh blood was splattered around like someone had rubbed red paint around with a mop. Needless to say, it drew out the path Taratua had taken as she rolled along the floor.
And lastly...
There was a dark red hole in the tall Asian beauty's stomach.
"Ah... bh."
"If someone takes advantage of a vulnerability, the responsibility lies with the person who knew of it but didn't put together a countermeasure? You are awful through and through, but it doesn't really matter if you were broken or if you were always that way."
Wraith Martini Vermouthspray's expression had not changed.
"Who do you think did this?"
She slowly leaned forward to bring her face in close, but she showed no sign of stopping the hemorrhaging blood or providing any other first aid to her fellow Martini.
"You're the kind of asshole who hides information on the Hammer Throw 001 for no other reason than to be cruel. You probably can't even keep track of how many people hold a grudge against you. If you were mediocre enough to be convinced, I would not have had to rely on this."
"... ———"
"Yes, yes. No need to worry. None of our people will be blamed. They made sure to bring back some Faith Organization guns and ammunition as souvenirs. Shoot you with those and, well, all the documents will say you were shot by an enemy soldier in the normal course of the war. War is not treated as a crime. Although this might change some rules so we can't hold private conversations on the bridge any longer. The adults will be sad to lose another valuable smoking area. Personally, I'm not too fond of the combat command center and its thick walls. It feels too oppressive."
Nothing dramatic happened.
Taratua Martini On-the-Rocks could not close her wide-open eyelids and she simply stopped moving like her battery had run dry.
Humans were selfish creatures. She did not inspire the kind of emotion that Piranirie had.
Wraith held a hand to her ear and spoke into her earpiece.
"She is dead. I will send her body to the military doctor and have it proven that the wound came from a shot fired from 400 meters. And that it was done by the Faith Organization bullet embedded in the wall."
"Oh, is that so? Thanks for actually choosing to kill her. I don't think I could have handled it if you had tried to bring Taratua into this. But what else would I expect from one of the great Martinis? No one's better at sending people to their death."
"Honestly, this is the last time I do anything as annoying as a sniper job from a one-man submersible rocking in the waves. Now you need to take command. You can do that as a Martini, right?"
"Hold on. That's much easier said than done. It's not just an issue of rank. You need to consider affiliation and the command structure as well. You are aware how many hurdles I have to clear here, aren't you?"
"I don't care, Madam Lieutenant Colonel. The only reason I didn't shoot you first is because you're easier to control and thus more valuable than Taratua. Well, there was also all the people who died because she hid the information about the Hammer Throw 001. After we settle this Manhattan issue, you need to modify the records so they don't list us as dead. That's the only way we can return to our normal lives."
"Are you sure?"
This was not an icy voice.
Heivia's voice was somehow mechanical. That was proof that he had passed the temporary surge of emotion and his drive for revenge had settled in as a normal thing. With the exception of a certain individual, no pain or death he witnessed would shake his heart now.
Wraith had seen plenty of people like that on the battlefield.
As a Martini, she had maintained order within the Information Alliance military by managing losing armies and occasionally eliminating berserk units or indirectly executing war criminals by sending them to certain death.
"Your life is a limited-time-only deal that lasts as long as you're useful to us. Once you're useless, you will meet the same fate as Taratua. You can give me an upturned look with tears in your eyes and you can place your hands on the wall and stick your ass out toward me, but it won't change a thing. I'm having a hard time finding reasons not shoot you right in your insane head. So work hard for the Legitimacy Kingdom."
The cold and mechanical transmission ended.
Wraith was all alone for the moment.
No, it was possible no one had ever filled the gap left by that one boy. Not even the young man who was always by her side. Especially when she knew how angry it would make her if someone casually offered to fill that gap.
Part 3
"Captain Taratua Martini On-the-Rocks was killed in a cowardly and calculated surprise attack by a Faith Organization remnant. I will take command for the remainder of the operation. I am sure some of you will not like having me go over your heads, but I would like you to leave this to me as I am an expert at recovering from failure in combat."
Inside the tilted supply ship, Wraith explained that with her aide by her side.
The operation was already underway.
"I am having a retaliation list put together based on who could have made that sniper shot given the conditions, but that is being handled by a different team. Because we have our own timetable. We will show all standard condolences and respect to Taratua by continuing with her suggestion. We will disguise one of 'our' maintenance fleet's ships as a wreck and place it along the Manhattan 000's predicted path. We will have it pick up the crew and bring them directly onboard."
"... So it's essentially the same as with the Olympia Dome. The problem is it's still hard to say whether that was a success or a failure."
Heivia sounded fed up with the whole idea.
The fox saw that look on the tanuki's face and nodded.
"The Manhattan 000 has extraordinary size and power and it is currently the world's largest Object, but it cannot attack us if we are right up on it. Because it can't fire on itself. Boarding it will be the first obstacle."
After all, a normal(?) Object was about 50 meters, while just the portion of the Manhattan visible above water was more than 20, 000 meters. It also had more than one reactor and the total number was unknown. The fact that its electromagnetically-launched reactor cannon had obliterated Heivia's unit in the blink of an eye from North America to Central America made it clear that its range and power were both far beyond the norm. Any standard Object that challenged it would be vaporized before it even arrived within firing range.
Any explanation would just sound like someone bragging about its abilities.
Did it not have even the slightest weakness or flaw?
"Is our objective to destroy it?"
"If necessary." Wraith readily agreed even though she too was from the Information Alliance."But while the Manhattan 000's specs are on another level entirely, it still has more than 10 million normal residents on its surface. We cannot make a general attack from the outside."
"What has even happened to them?"
That alone was an honest question. Taratua had said Manhattan itself was traveling south at 388 knots, which was around 700km/h. If that was true, it would be like clinging to the wing of a passenger plane.
But Wraith only shook her head.
"I don't know, but it doesn't seem there has been any major damage."
"??? Were they all evacuated to the subway stations or something?"
"No, not that." The blonde girl answered Myonri's question while her hand wandered through empty air as if in search of a pen to twirl."It seems they're artificially manipulating the air currents to protect the Manhattan surface from the violent winds."
"Wait, what? Manipulating the air currents???"
"It makes sense in theory. Even your average factory uses air curtains. By blowing an artificial wind vertically, you can keep out the dust and dirt that would otherwise get in horizontally. By scaling that up by a lot, they're using the wind blown up from below to divert the fierce headwind hitting them from the front. It forms a dome."
"That's simple enough to say, but we're talking about the same winds a passenger plane would experience!"
"So what? Just how much of your ordinary, everyday common sense do you think applies to the Manhattan 000? Not even I know how many JPlevelMHD reactors it has."
Just how forceful could it be?
But that was exactly how Objects had ended the age of stealth bombers and nuclear weapons.
"As long as they can solve the air current problem, the rest is easy. 700km/h might sound scary, but it's really the same as riding a linear motor train or a passenger plane. It should be a comfortable ride as long as it doesn't make any of the sharp footwork seen in Object combat."
But once you were onboard, you could not get off.
And no one could predict what the Martinis or Manhattan would do. There was no guarantee the 20, 000m mass wouldn't suddenly perform footwork that exceeded a fighter craft's movements.
"... What's going on there?"
"Who knows. We are intercepting some of the EM signals as a part of analyzing the Object, but it seems the people's usual smartphone-dependent lifestyle is continuing. They're still posting on social media and video sites without a care in the world."
Myonri blinked at that.
"Um, they're not connected to the outside internet, are they?"
"You can analyze someone's conversational patterns if you can see their social media friends list and message log. They're probably receiving automated responses disguised as their online friends' accounts. The Martini in charge of New York may be doing her best to deny reality as a part of her active self-denial. Thanks to that, the logical and thoughtless Capulet AI Network is in top form today. Everyone in New York probably thinks they're internet heroes. Their desire for approval is probably being satisfied more than ever before."
Heivia found it hard to decide whether or not that just meant their senses had been dulled by peace.
Legitimacy Kingdom military textbooks told the story of a man who cooked instant ramen even as his house burned down around him. When humans were faced with a situation too difficult to accept, a defense instinct would apparently kick in and they would continue their normal daily routine to preserve their mental balance. That way they could tell themselves they were still living their normal life and had yet to stray beyond it.
Wraith brought a hand to her slender chin.
"Our objective is to discover the reason why the Manhattan 000 is on its way here. From the look of things, I doubt we can hope for the Pilot Elite to go on strike. As I said before, the ultimate decision is up to the Capulet AI Network that supports the Manhattan 000 and the Martini who holds its reins. The idea that it is here to settle the mess around New Caribbean Island concerning the Nitrogen Mirage and Katarina Martini is no more than speculation, so we don't know the actual reason. If that girl is acting in the overall interest of the Information Alliance, I will protect her. If she is ignoring an error in Capulet and has steered in the direction of annihilating the human race, then I must destroy and stop the Manhattan 000 that acts as her eyes and ears and her arms and legs."
"Is that the Information Alliance's overall opinion?" asked Heivia."If not, this will count as treason and you'll be reduced to a slave."
"It's an issue of the human heart. I was 'created' in the hopes that I would have the humanity to stop a rampaging machine when the adults alone could not make the appropriate decision. So that is what I will do." The Martini Series girl did not bat an eye."Also, I will share the details on Melly Martini Extradry who was in charge of New York security. All contact with her has been lost and there has been no report of her death. The very fact that she has intentionally failed to report to the military is an irregularity. It is possible she has been broken by abuse of active self-denial just like Piranirie. As you experienced with Piranirie, a broken Martini is more dangerous than a machine. The Elite may have been affected as well."
Wraith closed her mouth for a moment there.
Before death, Piranirie had mentioned some external factor that could drive the Martini Series mad. She had assumed the culprit was Katarina, the engineer asking for asylum, but she had been wrong. And she had said an enemy force was the most likely suspect as they would gain the most from doing that to the Martini Series who preserved order in the Information Alliance.
Was the true enemy in the Legitimacy Kingdom, the Capitalist Corporations, or the Faith Organization?
Myonri must have been quick to adapt to new environments because she raised her hand before speaking to an enemy commander.
"U-umm, then, uh, how do we from the Legitimacy Kingdom benefit from looking into the secrets of the Martini Series and Manhattan?"
"To be blunt, you don't."
Wraith Martini Vermouthspray sounded indifferent.
But she may have been better than Taratua since she did not hide the truth and deceive them.
"But if you fake your deaths during the intense fighting with the Manhattan 000, you will have a chance to escape the control of Capulet which manages the entire Information Alliance."
"You have to be joking. You're the commanding officer here. Aren't we free once you sign the right document?"
"I am not Piranirie or Taratua. Without their rule of fear, the many people below me will grow suspicious and might shoot you in the back if you attempt to leave with a smile." Wraith quietly sighed."With how big the Manhattan 000 is, a single shot will reduce you to ashes, preventing anyone from identifying your corpse. And a naval facility should have plenty of ways to escape in an emergency. More than just small boats and submersibles, I wouldn't be surprised to learn it has an entire giant submarine.... All I want are the results. When you see a chance, then run off on your own."
"What about the documents the Information Alliance rewrote!? I was a noble heir back home, but they'll treat me like a ghost now!! I don't want to get home only to be turned away as a lookalike and forced to live in a cardboard box!!"
"Your military will have your DNA data on file. Run to a base or embassy with a hair or tissue full of squid-smelling filth and have them check the genetic information. You can tell them the report of your death was just more of the Information Alliance's usual harassment."
"... You have got to be kidding. We're not talking about a loan shark's 5-second smartphone eligibility check. That's not exactly a guarantee."
"Then this knowledgeable beauty will write up some memoirs on a website anyone can access. If I mention the harassment operation, you won't have anything to worry about."
It was a very Information Alliance kind of thing to write up fake memoirs as a way of getting out the truth.
Wraith Martini Vermouthspray lightly clapped her hands to gather attention.
"We all have our own goals here, but right now we need to clear the first hurdle. Then we can use the situation to our advantage. The strategy itself is simple. Taratua said the Olympia Dome incident was practice, so we just have to do that again."
"That sounds great. Very reassuring."
Heivia breathed a heavy sigh.
And then he said it.
"The problem is that the damn Manhattan saw right through our trick, fired a giant blast our way, and tore a huge chunk out of our ship, so now we can see the ocean right there. Goddammit!!"
A rapid-fire beam had punched through the side of the ship, so the entire thing looked like a half-circle arch. Even if its height was restricted to keep the center of gravity low, it was still more than 9 meters. The steel supply ship just ended all of a sudden and there was the ocean directly below. The exposed cabins and corridors were visible in the other end of the cross section a few dozen meters away.
The artificial storm had passed, so it was sunny.
They were afraid to remain on the flimsy deck. The sea shining in the light of the blue sky and sun had never looked so sinister before.
A single attack from Manhattan had transformed a nearly 80m steel ship into an arch, but it must have been more of a game for it. It was like an exterminator poking at the beehive with the insecticide nozzle to see if it was still full of pests or if it was empty.
It had been a cannon, but only the smallest of the small.
If it had used its electromagnetically-launched reactor cannon, all metal would have been melted over an area of several dozen kilometers.
"I-I'm actually surprised, " said Myonri."Information Alliance ships can take this much damage without sinking!?"
"Well, the ballast tanks are functioning as floats and the bulkheads and watertight doors were shut. Plus, a supply ship will have more tanks than usual. It's basically filled with small balloons like the packaging material used to protect online store shipments."
"She meant that as a rhetorical question, you overly serious idiot!! More importantly, what do we do? The Manhattan knows we're here. Lightning is about to strike on the level of your parents finding out you were browsing porn on the tablet you borrowed from them!!"
According to Taratua Martini On-the-Rocks, the Manhattan was supposed to arrive near New Caribbean Island 4 or 5 hours after leaving New York. They could not tell from the edge of the arch, but they were already sharing the ocean with it.
There was a bright beam of light.
But it was not the Manhattan.
"What idiot did that!? What bastard just poked the hornet's nest without even asking permission!?"
"Those are... probably Faith Organization Second Generations. Challenging that thing with only 5 Objects is suicidal, but maybe they were ordered to gather information no matter what."
Wraith's judgment was proof enough that this had surpassed the assumptions of the clean wars.
They did not have time to figure out the individual traits of the Objects. Cannons were fired one after another. Any one of those Faith Organization elites would have been able to easily defeat Heivia's group in a proper fight, but they were almost immediately blown away like a sugar sculpture placed too close to a heater.
"It... The Manhattan took some damage from that, didn't it!?"
"Probably not, " said Wraith."With that much firepower, it can divert anything from plasma to lasers. And have you not noticed what the weather is like?"
"It's bright and sunny, but what does that have to do with-... ah."
"So even a fool like you has finally caught on. A single shot from its prized electromagnetically-launched reactor cannon will stir up the atmosphere to the point of causing rapid pressure changes that produce a major storm, but there's no sign of that. That means it was holding back. The Manhattan 000 is intentionally keeping its electromagnetically-launched reactor cannon in reserve."
Needless to say, it was not holding back for the Faith Organization's sake.
Wraith's opinion was rational.
"A storm would expose the people of Manhattan to lightning strikes. That's the only concern it has. If any of the Faith Organization cannons could have scored a direct hit and done serious damage to the people, it probably would have ended the battle even sooner using its electromagnetically-launched reactor cannon. It showed no hint of that."
It had been too easy.
The last of the five Objects was unemotionally blown away.
"That's awful. The battle is already over. That wasn't even enough time to cook some instant noodles."
Heivia had gone pale as he fiddled with his assault rifle and shoulder-fired missile launcher at the edge of the arch, so Wraith continued in exasperation.
"Since you might actually be that stupid, I guess I'll ask: You don't think you can sink the Manhattan 000 with those, do you?"
"It's already learned of our plan!! I've never heard of a would-be surprise attacker being treated with much care. We'll definitely be executed for their amusement. There will be no kindness for us after we used this method. If we raise our hands in surrender, we'll just be vaporized! I'm not about to excite people's living rooms as a shocking year-end news story!!"
"You won't have to worry about that. In the Information Alliance's internet culture, television is dead." The black-uniformed girl smiled coldly."And you seem to be mistaken about some things, so allow me to correct you. One: The Manhattan 000's Elite is probably just a figurehead. Its actions are determined by the constant conversations and mutual error corrections between the Capulet AI Network contained in unknown physical devices and the Martini in charge of New York security. Two: I'm honestly skeptical that Capulet has even detected our presence."
"Um, what do you mean?" asked Myonri.
"They are simply being cautious after what happened to the Olympia Dome. If it could accurately detect our numbers and locations from our heat and magnetic signatures, it would have vaporized us with pinpoint accuracy. It would not blast a huge hole in the ship like this. Why did it carefully 'remove the fat' with a smaller secondary cannon instead of vaporizing the entire ship with a powerful main cannon it can fire as many times as it wants?... The Martini, who we suspect has fallen victim to active self-denial, is not certain. So she is removing everything she is not certain of so we will panic and reveal ourselves."
"That's all speculation."
"Yes. But if you climb up on the deck and fire a shot, then she will be certain. Once the Manhattan 000 detects hostile intent – even from a peashooter – it can rest easy and transform us into sea debris. And this time, it will use one of its many main cannons."
Wraith slowly moved her lips to repeat the phrase "rest easy".
In other words...
"The correct choice here is to wait. The Martini holding Capulet's reins made a mistake due to her active self-denial. Silence will be more helpful than a million bullets here. No matter how suspicious this ship might be, it is officially registered as an Information Alliance supply ship, you are powerless prisoners, and I am a commander who can manage that kind of noncombatant. We have made no mistake and yet the Manhattan 000 fired on us without advance warning. And it fired right into the side of the ship instead of just a warning shot. Their Martini must really be in a crisis right now. AI can't be charged with human crimes, after all. If this really is a harmless ship, it was all for naught. She'll have no choice but to admit to the mistake and quickly rescue us."
"You have no guarantee that we'll all be saved!!"
"It's true your odds of survival are pretty low with my plan. But if you challenge the Manhattan 000 to a hopeless final battle, those odds are precisely 0%. Now, which will it be? I know I shouldn't say this at my age, but even a child could do that math."
A dull metallic sound followed.
Heivia had aimed his assault rifle at Wraith.
But even more noises surrounded the delinquent soldier.
The other Legitimacy Kingdom potatoes aimed identical guns at Heivia's back. They seemed to be saying sorry in their hearts. Even Myonri was among them with an apologetic look on her face.
"Wait... you're kidding, right? Whose ass do you think you're aiming those tiny dicks at?"
"It would appear that everyone except for you is a rock-hard adult." Wraith teased him by lightly raising her hands, slowly lifting her butt from the floor, and standing up."It is highly likely that the Manhattan 000 will fire a few more test shots. And even if it doesn't, the deck will break soon. That could throw us out into the ocean, so grab some oxygen tanks and anything that will work as float. This is a military ship, so it will be well supplied. Frank! Gather a few emergency kits for me."
The aide young man grabbed a bag hanging on the wall. Whether it was a joke or not, Heivia bit his lip when he saw it said AED on the side.
"... I refuse to accept your methods here."
"You don't have to, but the clock is ticking all the same." The black-uniformed girl winked and stuck out her tongue a bit."By my estimate, the next attack will arrive in less than 3 seconds, so... sorry, the time passed while I was talking."
With a deafening blast, their battlefield was transformed.
All of them were shaken by the intense impact and thrown from the edge of the arch-carved supply ship and into the glittering ocean.
"Bwah!! Bwoh!?"
Heivia misjudged the timing of his landing, so he swallowed a bunch of seawater as soon as his face hit the water's surface. He somehow managed to get his head above water while his vision spun, but he could not stop coughing. He did not feel like he was getting any air at all.
"... Dammit."
And he did not have time to choke.
The supply ship's flimsy deck had broken and the entire ship sank into the ocean as it fell apart. To make sure he was not dragged down with it, Heivia grabbed onto some broken wood that must have originally belonged to a table. The sight before his eyes felt like something from another world altogether.
It was there.
A 20, 000 meter length of ordinary skyscrapers was approaching.
Its 700km/h speed was nowhere to be seen, presumably because it had already arrived at its destination. It was motionless. That only made its presence all the more imposing.
If he was looking down from a helicopter while it was lit up at night, it would have been a million-dollar view. But that impossible location rose up from the clear blue ocean. It was like a dragon. A giant dragon with a thick forest growing from its back.
It had completely left the category of modern weaponry.
That was why Heivia's mind erroneously saw it as something from another world.
He was less than 200 meters away from it.
That was barely within range for infantry to target a moving human without the assistance of a scope, but what about for that extraordinary Object? You might understand how he felt if you kissed a crocodile that was larger than you were.
He no longer felt anger at the unreasonable situation he found himself in.
Definite fear now squeezed at his heart.
"It's there. It's really there. And it's way closer than I expected! This is like a sudden close-up of the actor's you-know-what in a 3D movie, goddammit!!"
"Do not fire!!" shouted Wraith while clinging to the same waterproof bag as the aide young man."Restrain your fear. Silence is the correct answer here. If you don't fire, it will rescue us. This is all over if you touch your guns, you hasty and simple-minded animals. The difference in firepower and armor does not matter. You saw what happened to those 5 Faith Organization Objects, didn't you? Step outside this 'blind spot' and you will be reduced to ashes in an instant!!"
"~ ~ ~!!"
What would that boy have done in this situation?
Would he have found a weakness and challenged this great a monster with just the equipment he had on hand?
Heivia thought and thought but could not find an answer. Heivia Winchell was not Quenser Barbotage.
Something shot by in the sky overhead.
The boomerang-like craft was likely an unmanned spy plane. Relaying information was their entire purpose, but just like a submarine, they only emitted signals when absolutely necessary and used simple circuits for their power system. At any rate, you would never end up with that trimmed-down silhouette with the thick armor and fire-extinguishing equipment needed to increase a pilot's survival.
"Tch. They're spying on our little swim, dammit!!"
It did not matter if it had missiles hanging from its wings or not. Once they were located, the Manhattan could send any number of shells their way.
Wraith said something like a prayer.
Was it meant as advice for the Legitimacy Kingdom soldiers, or as a means of calming her own pounding heart?
"Slowly, slowly. Just let the current take you. That will bring us closer to the Manhattan 000... Listen, it can fry an area of several dozen kilometers with a single main cannon blast if it wants to. The one safe zone is right up next to the Manhattan 000 itself. Arrive at point-blank range and it can no longer use its main cannons. We haven't lost and it hasn't escaped. This is the best result. Understand!?"
They did not actually do anything.
The Legitimacy Kingdom potatoes were carried over to the Manhattan. No, that extraordinary monster had probably taken up that position to begin with. The 200 meters were gone in no time. Their sense of time may have been malfunctioning.
"... ?"
Heivia felt an odd bubbly feeling around him.
It was like soaking in a bubble bath or in the jets of a jacuzzi. He looked down at his uniform below the water and saw small bubbles covering it like he was soaking in a carbonated beverage.
Hadn't Taratua, the girl he had shot himself, theorized that it used supercavitation to reduce the resistance of moving through the water?
Heivia's group was carried over to a location that jutted out sharply.
Wraith groaned while she rocked in the waves.
"The downtown district. Lower Manhattan. This is probably where you would normally board the ferry to the Statue of Liberty."
The distance was now zero. They had arrived at Manhattan.
Heivia managed to grab onto the concrete bank.
He sensed the presence of quite a few people.
With no hesitation whatsoever, he obeyed his survival instincts and aimed his assault rifle straight up.
And a moment later...
"Wow. Hey, can I take a picture of that?"
He heard a silly voice.
It was a small child of less than 10.
The boy had an innocent smile that looked out of place in a city that had just been targeted by 5 Faith Organization Second Generations. Was he even aware that there was a war going on?
"That's a Legitimacy Kingdom uniform, right? I've seen videos of those. The southern sea is really dirty. There are all sorts of things floating here."
In the Central American heat, Heivia froze in place with his soaked weapon still aimed up at the unarmed children who crouched down, aimed the lenses of their phones and game systems his way, and produced electronic shutter sounds.
The children were carrying backpacks and water bottles, so they were probably on a field trip or something.
"Who is this?"
"Teacher, it's like the person we saw juggling over there!"
"Yes, a street performer. You give them money to tell them they did a good job."
They threw some change his way like anyone would at the water's edge in a tourist area.
A soft female voice came from somewhere. It was probably a recorded announcement.
"Welcome to Battery Park at the southern tip of Manhattan! Why not take a break and enjoy the greenery to recover from sightseeing at the famous Wall Street? At our park..."
Another look around showed a park below the blue sky.
A few speakers stood up from the gently rising hills covered in a carefully-maintained lawn. And beyond that were true skyscrapers. Those were the buildings of Wall Street, the world's largest financial street.
The field trip children were not the only ones there.
A young wife was stretching on a yoga mat laid out on the lawn. An old man was jogging slowly down the winding path and a large pet dog was running out ahead of its master. There were plenty of people practicing martial arts or playing guitars on the grass.
There was a giant divide between sea and land.
The difference was so great that Heivia could not shake the feeling that he had just traveled through time.
It was peaceful.
He had come across a true safe country.
It was enough to make Heivia and his assault rifle look absurd.
"What the hell... is going on?"
"The eye of the storm may be surprisingly calm. It is always the onlookers and not those directly involved who make the biggest fuss. Which is why you professionals should be more responsible about what you say."
Wraith must not have been able to get up on the concrete by herself. Drenched, she climbed up into Battery Park with some help from the aide young man pushing up on her small butt.
She then extended her small hand to pull the young man up.
"See? We were right not to fire. Provoking them would have been dealt with like a major crime in a safe country. You would have been shot as a violent criminal instead of dealt with like a prisoner of war."
Then they heard the sound of thick rubber scraping on the ground.
Something had approached them at some point. It was probably made of the same substance as a special operations rubber boat. A girl moved across the grass with her butt inside a giant swim ring. There were no apparent tires or treads on the bottom... but as far as they could tell, it was moving as smoothly as a curling stone.
"Oh, Wraith. 419. Long time no see."
"Hi, Melly. You've changed your look again, I see."
Wraith smiled, but she gave off some slight tension. If this girl was using active self-denial, any past relationship with her was no guarantee of safety.
She was a girl of about 14 with brown skin and a blonde bob cut. The gentle curves of secondary sexual characteristics were contained by what looked like a two-piece surgical gown made of crimson oil paper. It was reminiscent of what one would wear for a massage or medical exam. She held a tablet in both hands... except it may have actually been a notebook-sized game system.
She wore what looked like a backwards baseball cap, but it was not.
Were those special VR goggles?
"Yes. The wheelchair and medical bed were not very promising. I got bedsores on my back. Ever since I partially retired after breaking my spine, the earth's gravity is pure torture. From there, it was a battle with the literature. In the end, I decided to revert to the basics. 881. I don't know if you should call it a waterbed or an oil damper, but it's something like that. I fill this swim ring with a special liquid and then have it vibrate with a set pattern."
This was Melly Martini Extradry.
If the information they had been given was accurate, she would be the Martini in charge of New York's security.
She controlled Manhattan over the head of the Pilot Elite. She must not have been used to the male gaze despite her risqué outfit because, when she was exposed to concentrated fire from the eyes of Heivia and the other potatoes floating in the ocean, she pulled her hands back toward her chest like a praying mantis. She somewhat nervously continued as if trying to distract them from something.
"The undercarriage uses a flagellum structure. 791. Okay? Do you remember the insane team that researched the structure of euglenas based on the theory that you could overturn the food chain if you gave plants the ability to move as quickly as humans?"
"Oh, the one where they settled on the conclusion that euglenas aren't actually plants?"
Wraith looked up at a flower-like security camera looking down at her.
"Is that for more than just decoration?"
Security cameras were all about mutual surveillance. With a square room, you could place a camera in opposing corners to cover both their blind spots. But that distribution grew much more complex outdoors.
The swim ring girl nodded proudly.
"It's cross-pollination. Whether they use the wind, insects, or birds, flowers can prosper as far as their pollen reaches. That made them incredibly useful as an example of how to set those up to cover for each other."
"If you were that thorough... Oh, so that's the basic theory behind the excessively-large Manhattan 000."
"Turgor pressure is incredible. The Bullmites were the extent of what animal research could handle. At this size, existing examples of muscular and skeletal structure are no use whatsoever. 660. It might be easier to think of it as crossing the divide between plant and animal. A 1000-year-old cedar supports more mass than a whale or mammoth."
Wraith already looked exasperated, but Melly did not stop. It was not clear if this was her area of interest or if she wanted to keep her mind off of the male gazes focused on her, but she felt the need to say it all. Just like a child showing off their treasure in a local park, the brown girl smiled and raised the game system she held in both hands.
"Tah dah! It's Stick VR. 721. With smartphones and computers, we reign supreme here in North America, but we just can't seem to compete with the Island Nation when it comes to video game systems."
"Hold on. You aren't making any sense. Weren't Stick VR and Paste VR rivals?"
"That's why I forcibly built some compatible software to bypass that. Man, it was quite a job concentrating all of Manhattan's functions down to this one device. 993. But that improved things immensely."
It was like she was showing off her level of influence.
The next thing they knew, the gathered children had been casually led away by their teacher. Was Melly monitoring all of Manhattan on that one flat-screen monitor and could she spy on the 10 million people's personal lives whenever she wanted? What was the actual Elite doing?
Next, they heard the sound of metal fitting together.
Two or three 2-meter quadrupedal animals made of steel and composite armor walked up alongside the girl whose butt was inside the giant swim ring. They were combat support robots modeled after bulls. They could carry weapons, act as shields, search out the enemy, drive the target out from behind cover, or even crash into the target with more force than a large motorcycle. They blatantly rubbed their bodies together. They could communicate without accessing a server by recreating the actions and society of animals.
They did not even need a controller.
Just give them a general target and their programs would have them work as a group to surround and neutralize that target as quickly as possible. The sheep dog did not even need to give any instructions. Those serverless unmanned weapons would work together and achieve victory all on their own as long as they had an objective set. The cowgirl watching over them only had to provide the herd with corrections when absolutely necessary.
Wraith glanced upwards at the 6-petalled flower shape of the devices distributed using the theory of cross-pollination.
"... Everything you do is always so involved."
"789. Manhattan is only one of New York's 5 boroughs, but it contains more than 700, 000 security cameras. Of course we're going to make sure they look nice."
Needless to say, those were not the only eyes and ears in Manhattan. Even during the intense fighting with the Faith Organization, Melly must have accurately predicted where on Manhattan Wraith and the Legitimacy Kingdom soldiers would wash up. She had clearly sent out that unmanned spy plane to check on the situation.
And with that in mind, the brown girl wearing nothing but a two-piece surgical gown made of crimson paper asked a question.
"So who are they? 002."
"Oh, them."
Wraith kept her cool.
And Heivia's group still had not climbed up onto land. That proved a devastating mistake.
"They're something of a souvenir. They're the ones who killed Taratua."
They didn't even have time to shout.
Wraith took a device the size of a large lunchbox from the young man and tossed it toward the ocean. It was an AED, a medical device that used an electric current equivalent to a stun gun in order to shock the heart.
"Bwah... !?"
The power light flashed and the two electrodes attached by the same curly cables as a home phone flew through the air. The flat electrodes contacted the ocean's surface. Heivia was already soaked and there was nothing he could do even when he saw it coming.
With a dull bursting noise, the potatoes were neutralized in an instant.
The bright blue ocean disappeared. Everything fell into darkness.
"It seems you didn't trust me, but did you think I would still have any fondness for you left after you kept threatening to kill me? The Information Alliance maintenance fleet corrupted by Taratua was the worst, but the Legitimacy Kingdom is just as bad for helping. To be honest, I'm sick of it all. You can't expect someone as honest and straightforward as me to not want to switch sides."
As Heivia's consciousness faded, he thought he heard the girl laughing scornfully down at him.
"When you get down to it, I belong to the Information Alliance. The gears shifted out of place after I shot Quenser, but I shouldn't have had any reason to be trapped between enemy and ally.... Melly, I will sell them to you as a sign of trust. Will that cover the Manhattan 000's boarding fee?"
Part 4
Only ten minutes had passed.
"Oh? Is this what their new maple caramel parfait is? It's just soaked in maple syrup! What does that have to do with the Island Nation!?"
"I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you..."
After leaving the park of betrayal and passing through Wall Street which was often seen in movies and dramas, they found a strange scene filled with Asian writing. It was the area known as Chinatown.
For some reason, Wraith the traitor and Heivia the betrayed were seated at the same table in front of an Asian chain café there. The scene was just as awkward as having a café maid kick you out and later running into her at a nearby convenience store.
The group of drenched potatoes in Legitimacy Kingdom uniforms must have seemed like better content than a kitten climbing into a bag because phone cameras were aimed their way from every direction.
Wraith Martini Vermouthspray was equally soaked, but she had a towel draped over her head.
"I didn't expect this outcome either, so what can I say?" She sounded annoyed."I never expected the enemy soldiers I sold out to be released into the city with only their weapons confiscated."
"Speaky! Tell me how to silence this piece of shit!!"
Heivia's shout was only meant to comfort himself, but the bottle-shaped speaker in the middle of the table provided the clever reply of "Start by taking a deep breath. Some days are like this."
The Legitimacy Kingdom potatoes had all gathered in one place, but they had not been handcuffed or given GPS ankle bracelets.
The enemy must not have deemed it necessary.
The flower-like stationary security cameras were not the only eyes watching them. They were apparently a rare sight wherever they went because Asian strangers were aiming their phone cameras at the soldiers purely out of curiosity. Having lenses aimed their way from every direction made them feel a certain way.
"It's like we're animals in the zoo. I'm going to kill every last one of them..."
"Well, this is probably a cage made of data. Manhattan doesn't have a prison, so they have several layers of human management at each coordinate."
Water erupted upwards like a fountain from the fire hydrant at the end of the road.
New York's proper latitude was similar to Hokkaido in the Island Nation. No one was used to the Central American climate, so they all looked overheated. They could always stay indoors and receive the benefit of air conditioning, but they were so obsessed with finding content for social media that they braved the discomfort and let the fire hydrant's water cool them off.
"Maintaining a calm facade but going nuts on social media. That's just how New Yorkers are."
After giving an exasperated look to those wealthy people who were intent on showing off how unfazed they were that Manhattan had started to move, Wraith grabbed a junk food mini spring roll from a rectangular cardboard container and tossed it into her small mouth.
She winked and pointed at the floral security camera overhead.
"People who put a lot of wasted effort into appearances are willing to die for their pride. Closing yourself up in your room is the ultimate form of self-indulgence, but being closed up by someone else is solitary confinement in prison. You can live in the exact same coordinate in New York, but the label slapped onto you can make that feel like heaven or like hell. That's probably how the people are controlled."
"What the hell!? Does it only take you five seconds to forget who you threw under the bus, crazy girl!? Do you have any idea what you did!?"
Heivia shouted angrily and started to stand up, but then a heavy metallic noise rang out.
A 2m composite armor bull that was heavier than a large motorcycle had slowly stood up from where it had been seated on the ground.
Wraith gently raised both hands, winked, and devilishly stuck out her tongue.
"This city has the world's highest camera density. You heard what she said about the flowers, right? If you don't learn from the New Yorkers and increase your tech literacy, the government will be spying on you out in reality and on the internet. So until you learn the rules, how about you avoid any actions that might be misinterpreted? Those Bullmites do not use a server and only need their simple circuits to coordinate, but if one tackles you, you'll be bedridden for the remainder of your life. I'm sure they have you surrounded in an inescapable layout calculated out using big data simulations and baseball data theory. Nonlethal weapons can be a type of sadism. Since they can beat you up without killing you, no one has to hesitate before using them."
"Curse those weird Bullshits or whatever they're called..."
"You probably lost another life just now. The question is how many lives you have left before it's game over."
Heivia, Wraith, and the others had successfully landed on the extraordinary Object, but they saw no sign of soldiers walking around. The only people they saw were the New Yorkers of that safe country known as the racial salad bowl. Instead of people, the city was being patrolled and protected by unmanned weapons, primarily the Bullmites that kept gently rubbing their bodies together.
And the passersby showed no concern when they saw several dozen soldiers from an enemy nation.
A digital surveillance society was a creepy thing, but at the same time, everyone assumed it was targeted at the anti-government guerillas, enemy soldiers, and other minorities that had been rejected from the larger framework of society. They assumed they would not be affected themselves if they did the clever thing and obeyed.
But in truth, they had no guarantee whatsoever who the unseen observers would decide to cast out on a whim.
"... This really is the Information Alliance, isn't it?"
"Oh, is that so?" complained Heivia."I see where we stand here now, but more importantly, the instant I get my gun back, I'm firing some bullets right up your ass, goddammit..."
A large donut-shaped swim ring slid over like a curling stone and it carried Melly Martini Extradry who only had a game system and a two-piece surgical gown made of crimson paper. The ring looked like it would flip over on even the smallest slope, but the smiling brown girl maintained perfect balance. This was different from the unmanned weapons that used simple circuits and no server. Just like the game system, the ring may have been directly linked to the Manhattan 000.
The blonde bob cut girl held the family game system that was probably monitoring all of Manhattan, moved freely around in the liquid-filled swim ring, wore VR goggles like a backwards baseball cap, and pulled her limbs in close as if afraid of the potatoes' gazes.
"Sorry about the wait, Wraith. 650. Oh, would you look at that unusual pairing."
"Running across them was not exactly reassuring, just so you know."
"029. They're on a different layer, so it's fine. They couldn't touch you even if you are at the same coordinates. Okay? Now, let's go!"
Heivia spat on the ground and raised his middle finger, so a composite armor bull knocked over the table and crashed into him. Counting each individual wrong move he had made would be too much work, but it seemed he had just used up his last life. The serverless Bullmites' simple circuits could apparently comprehend manners.
After leaving the sweaty men, the brown girl with her butt in the swim ring looked more able to spread her wings. And that was more than a figure of speech. Her brown arms and legs had been freed, just like a butterfly spreading its wings after leaving the hard, dry chrysalis.
... Of course, Wraith did not want to let the brown girl notice her own tension.
"Hmm. What is it, Wraith? 202."
"Well... I was just noticing that you still haven't lost that habit."
"I'm only tagging my memories. 751. It doesn't really mean anything, so just ignore it."
Wraith had heard before that she added 3-digit numbers within her words to provide arbitrary landmarks to help her accurately recall her memories later on. The numbers could be entirely meaningless. As long as they were not too close together, repeats were fine and even gave the memory an antique feel, so there would be no unintended overwriting of the sort worried about during the Y2K problem.
As New York's defense commander, Melly held a very important position, but her eccentricities stood out even compared to the other Martinis like Wraith, Dorothea, Alisa, Rica, Orsia, Piranirie, and Taratua.
"New York's defense commander, huh?"
"Yes, what about it?"
(How much is she involved in all this? Did Capulet simply lend her the Manhattan 000 and its Elite for the benefit of the Information Alliance as a whole? Or has she succumbed to Capulet thanks to an abuse of active self-denial?)
Wraith was definitely suspicious, but she would gain nothing by letting her suspicions be known.
She turned a skeptical eye toward Melly whose butt was inside the swim ring and who only wore a red paper surgical gown.
"... That is quite the outfit you're wearing. You always dress so oddly."
"This was driven by necessity, so it's nothing to be ashamed of. Plus, fashions and common sense can be easily manipulated by continuous statements on social media. After establishing the basic supporting legs of beauty and health, you can add in some charitable and economic effects as the finishing touches. 515. I could make wrapping your naked body in a ribbon this year's biggest trend and I could create a high society where you're shunned if you don't finish it off with strawberries and whipped cream."
That sounded like a joke, but no one in the Chinatown aimed their smartphones toward Melly despite how much soft skin she was showing. In fact, their attention was drawn to Wraith in her black military uniform that stood out among all the colorful casual clothes.
... But Melly herself began blushing and trembling a bit with her butt still inside the swim ring. An ominous atmosphere had set in while Wraith was not paying attention.
"... Wait."
"Oh, excuse me. Heh... heh heh. Everyone just walks by this unusual sight without even noticing. Even though I'm showing an unthinkable amount of skin in an unthinkable location. Heh heh heh heh heh. No, I can't record this to memory. 081, 099. Yes, yes, I really shouldn't be. When will they notice? When will someone realize this isn't right? Eh heh heh heh heh heh heh..."
The black-uniformed girl could only form a small triangle with her mouth and fall silent.
Finding special meaning in no one noticing that something was out of the ordinary was subtly different from a perverted old man who wandered around the late night streets with only a trench coat on. It may have been more like someone who enjoyed the borderline thrill of walking through the crowds of a packed tourist beach in nothing but bikini body paint.
... This would explain the odd tension when Heivia and the others had looked at her. Unlike the residents of Manhattan, the Legitimacy Kingdom potatoes had not been on the receiving end of any data manipulation, so they would have seen the brown girl's paper two-piece surgical gown without any cognitive filters in place.
"You must have a... stressful job..."
"Oh, what ever are you talking about? 121. Nnn."
Melly stretched out her arms and legs to take a strange pose atop the swim ring, so her game system may have had bad reception in that exact location. Wraith was very worried that the crimson oil paper covering her soft skin was going to tear at any moment. Was she invincible as long as she had those cognitive filters? It may have felt something like taking a selfie, but the brown swim ring girl was constantly checking on herself with the countless floral security cameras. In accordance with the concept of cross-pollination, they were positioned so their pollen range just barely overlapped.
"435. Anyway, I never expected you to visit Manhattan like this."
"How can you say that after you stopped reporting back as your duty requires?"
Wraith and her aide did not even glance over in the direction of the chaos caused by the Legitimacy Kingdom potatoes and the two of them walked down the street with the other Martini Series girl. Three of the serverless Bullmites that rubbed their bodies together followed the giant swim ring that was presumably linked to the Manhattan 000.
As far as Wraith could tell, her aide did not "count" in Melly's eyes. She did not shrink down when his cold, mechanical eyes fell on her.
Or perhaps she viewed him as belonging to someone else.
Swim Ring Girl Melly glanced over at the composite armor bulls and spoke.
"They might seem intimidating, but this is necessary. Also, the Bullmites have air purifiers attached. 223. Try to feel at home around them."
"That sounds smart, but it's actually pretty foolish. There's no point in using those outdoors..."
"You're underestimating New York, Wraith. 090. This is a shockingly gluttonous polluted region that has the world's greatest medical development yet can't brag about its average lifespan."
They left the Chinatown and continued north into SoHo. As the swim ring passed right behind a uniformed police officer writing a ticket for a car parked on the curb, the brown girl started trembling again. Wraith spoke up while glancing over at the giant window of a luxury shop selling shoes and bags.
"What do you know about Piranirie Martini Smoky? I am speculating that she was using active self-denial."
"Ahem. Do you mean the method of breaking the Martini Series using an external source? We're near New Caribbean Island right now and I wouldn't have brought the Manhattan 000 all the way here if I wasn't aware of the Ragnarok Script. 381. As New York's defense commander, I put a stop to it across the entirety of Manhattan."
"Oh? You hadn't discovered that over-the-top name? It seems some Faith Organization rats snuck into the Information Alliance to investigate our vulnerabilities. 115. I left them alone and intercepted every last one of their transmissions to ensure I had the whole picture, but that may have been a mistake. They managed to slip away and I was too slow to react."
"... I want to ask this directly: Are you still a functioning Martini?"
"If you ask me, Piranirie was so easily corrupted because her stopper had so little influence. 991. Unlike the other Martinis, she always found some excuse to act independently."
The brown girl smiled and let her bare legs dangle from the donut-shaped ring like she was relaxing at home, but she also looked to a spot next to Wraith.
Melly was looking at the young man who worked as Wraith's aide.
"I'm jealous. 544. Mine died in the operation that broke my spine."
"You were the one that refused to accept a replacement."
"088. Imagine it happened to you. Would you be happy if they said they could supply a replacement so easily?"
After that blunt statement, Melly realized the contradiction of her words and gently shook her head.
Just as the large swim ring she controlled with her notebook-sized game system moved out onto the crosswalk, the crosswalk light switched from red to green. She had grabbed the game system with both hands, held the two detachable controllers with her toes, and stretched out her legs in a mystery pose, so had she done something?
A large truck waiting at the light was loaded full of crouching Bullmites. They looked like illegally parked bicycles or a wireless industrial power station at a security company that could charge devices by the dozen. It was a mobile power supply truck.
The surgical gown girl trembled a bit while exposed to the crowd's view in all directions at the middle of the large crosswalk.
"Well, I might be much the same since I distract myself from the loneliness by messing with machines. 777. That's essentially the same as being given a replacement."
This was no time for sentimentality.
The Manhattan 000 had left the Information Alliance home country and come here. And neither the actual Pilot Elite nor Melly Martini Extradry had a partner to act as a stopper. She had a high risk of going berserk just like Piranirie. She had just about reached the peak, but things were looking ominous. Even if she started descending the mountain out of active self-denial, no one would encourage her and tell her to continue toward the peak.
If its owner was to be believed, the swim ring moved so smoothly thanks to an artificial flagellum structure. Once it finished crossing the crosswalk, the brown girl spoke with her eyes lowered toward her game system's screen.
"Do you suspect me of going berserk? 895."
"If you want to clear away the suspicions of another world power using that Ragnarok Script thing to influence the Martini Series, then you at least need to remove the Manhattan 000's Pilot Elite from their cockpit. Showing that you can do that would prove your authority and sanity."
"290. Sorry, but I can't do that."
"Why not?"
As soon as great tension filled Wraith Martini Vermouthspray's small body, the young man by her side inconspicuously altered his position. He was preparing for a response from the Bullmites that coordinated their actions by rubbing their bodies together instead of using EM signals.
But the reality far exceeded his expectations.
The entire area of land shook.
The scale was so great that understanding slipped from their minds. Wraith and the others were in Manhattan, which meant they were on top of a giant Object.
It had moved ever so slightly.
Black-uniformed and blonde Wraith shrieked and clung to the nearby young man like a small child in a safe country, but the brown girl used her notebook-sized game system to hide the smile on her lips.
She could do more than monitor.
Once Melly had composed her expression once more, she lightly waved the game system.
"Didn't I tell you it was quite a job concentrating all of Manhattan's functions down to this one device? Okay? I am the Martini in control of New York's defense. That means I control everything related to Manhattan at the center. 808. Yes, and that includes everything related to the Manhattan 000 as the world's largest Object."
"Are you saying... it's you?"
Wraith stared in shock as Melly placed the game system itself on her belly, grabbed the two remote-like wireless controllers in her hands, and made some light punches without her hips behind them.
Did the controllers contain gyros, or were the movements being monitored by the floral security cameras set up everywhere based on the theory of cross-pollination that allowed multiple plants to cover each other's pollen distribution range? The exact method was unknown, but the sound of Melly's voice clearly changed
Wraith had not noticed at all.
Until now, the ring had been using a surround sound device to place a different sound amplitude over Melly's voice to alter it in real time.
This was what it sounded like without that support. She oddly pronounced each syllable very distinctly for a voice that sounded more machinelike than a machine.
"Yes, I have mastered the basics of every single strengthening program. I am #29 in the Martini Series and also the Manhattan 000's Pilot Elite."
That should not have been possible.
If the Martini Series could directly manage the Information Alliance's Objects, Wraith would not be needed to clean up after their troops lost or went berserk.
"Of course, it's just like the Gatling 033 in that it's assumed I'll be working with the AI. Capulet and I eliminate each other's errors in a symbiotic relationship. I don't know about the Information Alliance as a whole, but within my territory of New York and inside the Manhattan 000 as an Object, I have greater authority than Capulet."
In – other – words.
The brown girl once more passed her voice through the machine to stabilize it.
"This Object is mine and mine alone. 217. The Capulet AI Network is only borrowing it over the high-speed lines. Just like remote surgery."
"That's ridiculous... Aren't you afraid of a conflict?"
Wraith was dumbfounded by this product that sounded like suicide to her.
The blonde bob cut swim ring girl responded while waving her thin game system.
"Stick VR.... I said I had built some compatible software to bypass it, right? 567. Including everything I might need is my style."
She literally controlled everything in Manhattan.
She had become one with this pricey area of New York.
That explained why Melly could not escape her loneliness.
"But I also use Manhattan to control this assistance device I'm sitting in. Like I said, walking in earth's gravity is pure torture because of my broken spine. 765. I really am sorry, but I must ask you not to remove my helmet."
There was nothing to be done if she was rejecting it. Either way, Wraith could not force anything. One method of neutralizing a sturdy Object was to focus your attacks on the Pilot Elite... but she likely could not use her infighting or assassination trump cards here.
Choosing to oppose Melly Martini Extradry was the same as making a head-on attack on the Manhattan 000. Needless to say, choosing that would end with her being vaporized.
For now, she would have to solidify her position here as much as she could.
"Why did you bring the Manhattan 000 here?"
"Did you think it was all my decision? 915. Even if I wield the dual swords of Martini and Elite, I am still just an individual. There is only so much I can do. In general, everything is the result of my conversations with the Capulet AI Network. I thought it was necessary, so I lent it the Manhattan 000 as the quickest tool available. So, Wraith, the problem is the exact opposite of the one you think it is."
Of course, if Melly had fallen into active self-denial, she would simply go along with the AI's erroneous decisions. If the mistakes were not pointed out as mistakes, even Capulet would gradually shift off course. But something felt off, so Wraith frowned and asked about it.
← Ch. 131 | Ch. 133 → |