Volume 2, Artbook
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Volume 2, Artbook
Translator: lucathia and Raylight
(Below is a translation of the artbooks included with these two volumes of Female Warrior. Yu Wo has already named all of the first generation of the Twelve Holy Knights even though not all have appeared in the Prologue. As they have not appeared in the storyline yet, PR! has not settled on a translated name for many characters. We reserve the right to change our mind about the names but will strive to keep close to names and spellings given by Yu Wo, unless they don't make sense in English, or we might just prefer some other more common spelling. Not every single picture from the artbooks has been included here, as not all require translation, and we don't want to take away from people who bought the novels and artbook. We hope this is enough for you to get a feel for all of the characters. )
Ah, Carol, what do you feel is the best number?
One? But one is so lonely. It definitely has to be an even number! It has to be even in order not to be lonely!
But even numbers are also numerous...
Oh right, how about twelve?
It feels so numerous and lively!
Twelve, twelve... It sounds so nice!
Artbook 1 Profile
Silvester Uriah Nate
Characteristics: Blond hair, blue eyes
Profession: Bard
Weapon: Harp
Names: Silvie, Sun
Famous quotes:
- "Why..."
- "Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose!"
- "Carol, don't hit me..."
Artbook 2 Profile
Name Given by Yu Wo: Silvester Uriah Nate
Translated Name by PR!: Silvester Uriah Nate
Names: Silvie, S. U. N.
Weapon: Divine Sun Sword
- Singing
- Dancing
- Smiling
- Making Carol mad
- Playing with Ohmygod
- Getting teased by his companions
Famous quotes:
- "I didn't do it on purpose..."
- "Carol, don't get mad!"
- "Ohmygod, save me!"
- "Let's celebrate! How about it? Can we?"
- "I love gatherings!"
Life Motto: As long as you are willing to repent, the benevolent God of Light will definitely forgive you!
Name Given by Yu Wo: Shahot Elate
Translated Name by PR!(tentative): Shahot Elante
Names: Shahaha
Weapon: Storm Leg Armor
- Admiring beautiful things
- Flirting with beautiful girls
- One night stands
- Protecting women
Famous quotes:
- "Are you joking with me? A place without women is unsuitable for men!"
- "It's a babe!"
- "Sun, have you ever considered finding a woman to lose your virginity?"
Life motto: Life is just a game. There's not much you need to be serious for!
Name Given by Yu Wo: Half of Leaf
Translated Name by PR!: Halfleaf
Names: Leaf, Little Leaf, Elf
Weapon: Divine Leaf Bow
- Singing and dancing
- Going into a daze, so much so that he forgets to eat and sleep
- Asking Silvie to sing for him
- Shooting his arrows
Famous quotes:
- "I'm a guy. Really, I am! Sorry that I caused your misunderstanding."
- "That's not it, I only inherited half of the bloodline of elves."
- "Erm, I apologize, I went into a daze again."
- "Silvie, shall we sing together?"
Life Motto: Why not sing a song and forget about life's troubles?
Name Given by Yu Wo: Car Ben
Names: Loudmouth, Stuben
Weapon: Blaze (the second half of the name has not been provided)
- Laughing heartily
- Battling
- Laughing at Silvie and Halfleaf for their girliness
- Being absent-minded
- Indulging in wine and meat
Famous quotes:
- "Man, you sure you have anything in your pants?"
- "Sun! Not that I want to say this, but can't you be more like a man?"
- "Really? I said that? I forgot."
Life Motto: Cut the crap and let our weapons speak for themselves!
Name Given by Yu Wo: Cash Elante
Translated Name by PR! (tentative): Cash Elante
Names: The chick's mom, Baby-face, the little fellow
Weapon: The Shield of Earth
- Taking care of his older brother
- Raising little animals, mostly little chicks
- Saying sorry
- Discussing the beauty of mankind with Silvie
- Getting teased together with Silvie by everyone else
Famous quotes:
- "Sorry, sorry, sorry..."
- "Little chicks are cute..."
- "Don't eat my chicken!"
- "I'm only baby-faced."
- "Brother, you must stay close to me!"
Life Motto: People should take care of each other!
Name Given by Yu Wo: Idane Qwun
Translated Name by PR!: Idane (Undecided last name)
Names: Disappeared
Weapon: Cloud Rapier
- Reading
- Sleeping in the shade of a tree
- Drinking wine
- Collecting various odd trinkets
- Disappearing
Famous quotes:
- "..."
- "There's no such matter."
- "I don't want to waste time."
- "Give me a reason."
Life Motto: To live in this world, you must learn to take care of everything by yourself.
Artbook 1 Profile
Characteristics: Black hair, black eyes
Profession: Warrior
Weapon: Dual blades
Names: Dancingblade, Warriorblade, Warrior Queen, Dragon
Famous quotes:
- "Why don't you go die?" (used specifically with Silvie)
- "I'm going to kill you!" (used specifically with Silvie)
- "Shut up and let me slice you up!"
Artbook 2 Profile
Name Given by Yu Wo: Carol
Translated Name by PR!: Carol
Names: Warrior Queen, Bloodblade
Weapon: Dual Blades
- Battling
- Leading troops
- Training her comrades
- Getting super angry at her comrades
- Dealing out punishment to enemies who sin or comrades who are simply asking for it
Famous quotes:
- "Silvie!!!"
- "Go on and resist if you don't want to live anymore!"
- "My blade or talking, you choose!"
- "It's useless even if you strip this time!"
- "Silvester!!!"
Life Motto: Every world is the same. Without power, there is no justice!
Name Given by Yu Wo: Cale
Translated Name by PR!: Cale
Names: Thief, Miser
Weapon: Twin daggers
- Teasing his companions
- Causing mischief
- Making money
- Taking advantage of a crisis for personal gain
- Exhibitionist
Famous quotes:
- "If merely showing my butt can save my life, that's super easy!"
- "As long as you have money, things are easy!"
- "Silvie, lend me some money!"
- "Boss, your call."
Life Motto: Money can't buy everything, but without money, you can't do anything!
Name Given by Yu Wo: Sasha
Translated Name by PR!: Sasha
Names: Prince, Your Highness
Weapon: Whip
- Dressing himself and his companions up
- Fixing clothes
- Admiring jewelry and accessories
- Designing clothes
- Gracefully going about his days
Famous quotes:
- "Appearances make a person!"
- "Only beggars are allowed to look like that!"
- "Even companions are a type of accessory. You're not allowed to wear something that ugly!"
- "Taste determines everything."
- "Hmph, what do you think you are?"
Life Motto: Only when you dress beautifully will your feelings be beautiful as well.
Name Given by Yu Wo: Shu Noah
Translated Name by PR! (tentative): Shu Noah
Names: So Cold, Killer
Weapon: Divine Ice Sword
- Settling things with one strike
- Not beating around the bush
- Not speaking
- Following Carol's orders
Famous quotes:
- "..."
- "......"
- "........."
- "Yes."
Life Motto: Silence is golden.
Name Given by Yu Wo: Felaxe Anderite
Translated Name by PR! (tentative): Felix Anderite
Names: Commander
Weapon: Stone Broadsword
- Giving commands
- Stubbornly following Carol's orders
- Obeying rules
- Always being on time and never going back on his word
- Protecting his comrades
Famous quotes:
- "Yes!"
- "Duck behind me!"
- "I rather die than go back on my word!"
- "Don't be late!"
Life Motto: One must be responsible for one's words and actions. If you err, you must take responsibility!
Name Given by Yu Wo: Yu (Yu sounds like the second half of "Hell" in Chinese)
Translated Name by PR! (tentative): Ell
Names: That Fellow
Weapon: Long shortswords
- Coming and going without a trace
- Not talking
- Listening to Silvie's orders
Famous quotes:
- "..."
- "No, I don't understand."
- "?"
- "Tell Silvie."
Life Motto: What is a human? Is a human different from other creatures?
Artbook 1 Profile
Name Given by Yu Wo: Lancero Ornister
Translated Name by PR!: Lancel Ornister
Characteristics: Blond hair, golden eyes
Profession: Knight
Names: Holy King
Famous quotes:
- "I was born for the world."
Artbook 1 Profile
Name Given by Yu Wo: Lorenzo Louis
Translated Name by PR!: Lorenzo Louis
Characteristics: Frivolous
Profession: Bard
Names: LL
Famous quotes:
- "Life is but a game."
- "Sing a song to pass the days."
Artbook 1 Profile
Name Given by Yu Wo: God, Little What
Translated Name by PR!: Ohmygod
Characteristics: Golden jelly
Profession: Pet...no! God!
Weapon: Entire body
- "God" (used by Silvie)
- "Ohmygod" (used by Silvie)
- "Come over, you lump." (used by Carol)
Hello! I'm Wu Ling.
My blog is located at blog. yam. com/user/ku5050. html.
In order to draw Female Warrior, my blog is now full of weeds...
Once this is published, I should have finished weeding my blog and uploading some miscellaneous Female Warrior drawings that weren't included here.
And then! It's once again time to write my award thanks here (wrong).
First, I have to thank Yu Wan.
While being super busy, she helped me design the font for "Female Warrior."
I'm very sorry that it wasn't used, but your designs were still national level~
Next, I have to thank Dr. Black.
Thanks again for helping me draw so many 4 panel comics and Q versions in this book.
Even though I thought of all the ideas, but because of time, I had to summon you to draw it. XD
Finally, I have to thank Yu Wo.
When I was stuck with the drawing and teaching at Lian Cheng (I'm teaching a Painter drawing course at Lian Cheng. Best regards if you see me!) and wanted to discard the poster more than once, Classmate Yu extended the deadline. What a good person~
Dr. Black's blog: blog. yam. com/DrBlack
Yu Wan's blog: blog. yam. com/user/tangyuann3. html
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