Change of Plans
← Ch.252 | Ch.254 → |
Sooner than expected, the young guard came bolting around the corner, shouting at the top of his lungs."Ma'am, I'm back to help!"
Eliza took the initiative to start standing herself up, making sure to support herself firmly like any weak old woman would. The last thing she wanted was for the young guard to touch her. Though she looked the part, her illusory robe couldn't change her actual physical form, and the young man would realize instantly that things weren't what they seemed.
"Don't force yourself, ma'am. Let me help you."
"No, I'll be fine. Just give me a moment." Eliza waved the young man off, not letting him support her arm.
"Ma'am, I insist." Not taking no for an answer, the young man pulled Eliza up by the elbow."Here, hop on my back. I'll carry you to the inn."
"Young man, I appreciate your kindness, but please let me keep my pride, " Eliza insisted, pulling her arm away."Just wait a few seconds for me to catch my breath."
"Ma'am, please. I've taken my break to help you and I'll need to hurry back to my post. It would be best for us both if I support you, " stated the young guard, stepping forward to pick her up.
'Is that him'
"You're such a kind young man..." Eliza nodded with a sigh."I think it would be best for you to take the day off and not worry about me."
"Ma'am, I've got responsibilities waiting..."
Just then, the young man lost his breath and fell forward, but he somehow stopped falling in midair.
'I'll hide him in that ally. '
Rydel was already dragging the unconscious body away. Had anyone else seen it, they would've been so confused and curious to know how a sleeping man was sliding across the cobblestone road belly up.
Not long after the body was hidden and Rydel's voice sounded out for the whole party. 'That's taken care of, but now we've got less than ten minutes before the next guard comes by. We need to hurry, Jack. '
'Maybe I should ask around... '
Jack was narrowing down the remaining tents, but he was getting more stressed with each passing moment. Looking to the side, he found a few buddies sharing brundies outside their tent, a perfect situation to take advantage of.
Both of the buzzed soldiers chatted loudly, not caring what the passing men thought of them during their break time. But as they reached for their mugs their makeshift table shook and quaked.
They blinked and refocused their eyes to see a big glass bottle with a light brown liquid sloshing around inside. Rather than get mad, their grins grew wider.
"Take a seat! Anyone willing to share is more than welcome to join!" shouted one of them.
"I'm a little busy now, but once I deliver a message to the official I'm clear for a few hours, " explained Jack while scratching his head."Problem is, I can't seem to find the man. Got any idea where he got off to?"
"Oh yeah!" the other inebriated man clapped his hand atop his head as he recalled his memory."That guy went off that way toward the back. Rumor has it that some big shot was humble enough to share a tent with us infantrymen."
"Really, well I better go find him. Maybe I'll get lucky and meet someone famous!"
"Hurry up, and leave the liquor behind. We'll open it up for you, " joked the first man.
"Thanks, I'll be right back!"
Leaving the bottle behind to distract the drunkards, Jack made a course for the back of the infantry tents. After poking his head in every tent he passed Jack managed to narrow the field even faster as he eventually reached the final infantry tent, and he could already hear a conversion going on inside.
'Guys, I think I found him, but I'm not sure yet. '
'Why aren't you sure? Just look at his uniform, ' stated Rydel.
Jack explained the situation, not daring to act just yet. 'According to the soldiers, he's inside the last infantry tent, and I've already verified that he's not in any other one. '
Knowing that a punchline was coming, Rydel tried to hurry Jack. 'So, why haven't you checked yet?'
'They also said some big shot was humble enough to stay in that tent, but it was only a rumor, ' explained Jack. 'Do you still want me to check, or should you, Rydel?'
'The last infantry tent? Give me a minute. '
To not seem suspicious, Jack walked around the neighboring tents. Though he was stood out a little, he wasn't the only one. Other than Jack, a few soldiers were constantly coming and going past the tent, probably seeking out the truth to the rumor going around camp.
'I'm guessing it's the tent surrounded by gossip?' asked Rydel, stating the obvious.
'Yup. '
'Give me a moment, but be ready to act, cause we're almost out of time. '
Under the eyes of dozens of soldiers, walked up to the tent and leaned in close to better understand the conversation going on inside.
The conversation wasn't anything special and it seemed like some old friends were catching up. However, Rydel's heart sunk to the bottom of his stomach.
Rydel fought the fear freezing him up and managed to get a sentence out, 'Jack, just hurry back to the first official we found. '
Confused, Jack asked, 'What do you mean? It'll be hard for me to get there in time without drawing attention. '
'Just go, a little bit of attention won't be a bad thing. I'll take care of this one. It'll be tricky sneaking into the tent, perfect for me, ' replied Rydel, not giving in.
'Oookay, then I'll hurry up. '
Jack knew that something was off, but he also understood that Rydel was their best bet at getting in and out of that tent with the least amount of trouble. With that in mind, he jogged away, rushing back to the front of the camp, passing the drunkards who had already emptied the gift he left them.
'Jack let me know when you're in position. '
'You've got it. '
Now that Jack was in charge of the first official, Rydel felt a bit better, but another unexpected weight collapsed onto his shoulders.
Controlling his breathing, Rydel walked around the tent, searching every fold and crevice for the best way in. The best thing he could find was a flap opened at the top for light and to let smoke for the night fire out.
He pondered a moment about what his next step should be. Two targets to choose from, yet only one moment of opportunity.
Putting his nerves to their limits, Rydel walked away from the tent and climbed atop the nearby wall. With the new vantage point, the hunter was able to look into the tent with neither of its occupants any wiser about his presence.
'Rydel, I'm almost there but I'll have to act fast since I'm drawing some attention.
Taking Jack's warning to mind a bow appeared in Rydel's hand, yet still not visible to the masses below him. 'Tell us when you're walking into the tent, Jack. Daliea will need to follow your timing. And the moment after you kill him, scream out loud for the entire camp to hear. '
'What? Why should I--'
'Just do it, ' insisted Rydel. 'It will help Daliea take on both of her targets and give me an opening. '
Again taking note that something was off in Rydel's voice, but agreed nonetheless. 'Okay, I'm entering the tent now. '
'Daliea, you go too, ' directed Rydel.
'Right. '
Rydel let loose a deep breath as he cocked his bow and readied a one-of-a-kind arrow he had treasured for years. Something he had bought himself in the case he ever ran into a beast too tough to handle or escape from while on a hunt.
Bow held tightly, arrow fletchings at his cheek, and eyes locked in on the man sitting in front of Assitant Dirk.
← Ch. 252 | Ch. 254 → |