Novel:The Achievement Junkie - Chapter 245

The Achievement Junkie
Total of 736 chapters
Chapter 245
Heart-to-Heart with Daruun
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Chapter (1-736) Exchange

Daruun began to recount his tale, "A man once sought ultimate power, just like most men. He was willing to do anything and everything in order to get. Some of his motives were noble while others were not, just like everybody else. After countless years of searching and scouring, this man finally found the ability to have all the power in the world, the ability to defy fate itself and anything else that tried to go against him.

"Just as everybody does he had gone through countless cycles in his life of good times and bad times. Of emotional highs and emotional lows. At that particular moment, he was at what he would call his greatest emotional low...

"Throughout most of his life, this man had sacrificed everything he had to finally gain this power. But now he had no one and no thing to share it with... "

An even longer pause took place, so long that Jack interjected, "And what does this have to do with me? I'm not after having the greatest power, and I'm not willing to give up everything and anything for it if I had the chance. "

"Sorry, I was caught up in an afterthought but I will continue. " Daruun raised his hand as if not to worry.

"This man wasn't always like that either. In the beginning he was much like you. He wanted to enjoy life to the fullest alongside his love. Sure he sought power, but not by unconventional or self-destructive means. The man was happy to be strong with no need to be the strongest.

"But one day that changed. Unbeknownst to him, his most cherished love was murdered. She was tortured... Mutilated... Burned... Along with his growing family... And he had no clue. He was away on a business trip as trading was his expertise at the time. During his weeklong journey, his family was hunted and removed from existence without his knowing. When he got back... The man broke...

"The culprits didn't try to hide anything. They left behind a symbol, a crest. It was the crest of a guild that the man had refused to do business with because of the unjust stories that he had heard of them... "

Taking a moment to swallow some saliva caught in his throat, Daruun frowned as he looked off into the distance. "That man did nothing wrong, in fact, he was absolutely in the right to avoid the evil that guild took part in. He then tracked those people and made sure to pay a visit to that guild leader. Any guesses as to what happened then?"

Jack stared at Daruun who didn't meet his gaze. "He killed them all in a rage, I'm guessing. "

"No... He was almost killed because he was too weak. He had always considered himself strong until he was threatened and confronted by those at the top of the world, who are willing to do anything on a whim so long as they desire it. And if they don't have their way, then they'll only make things worse. "

"So... Are you saying I shouldn't settle with my strength until I'm at the top of the world? Isn't that a little bit much?" reasoned Jack.

"That's a good question. I wonder how the old Jack would feel about that, the Jack that became the Achievement Junkie, one of the most accomplished and feared ancient heroes?"

"It was just a game back then. If it were--"

"It may have been a game but you had the same ideals when you first arrived here, remember? Or have you allowed your own fear to keep you from acting how you really wish?" stated Daruun while finally looking back at Jack.

The young hero was glaring at the god but Jack felt tongue-tied when he felt the brokenness behind Daruun's eyes.

Daruun eventually continued, "I'm not trying to say that you should abandon your emotions. What I want you to realize is that sometimes you'll have to act against your emotions to get what you really want the end. Nothing will ever work out exactly how you wish. It's your choice. You can fight for what you want or you can coast through life and hope that your agenda doesn't conflict with that of someone stronger, who is willing to fight. "

"... There's no other option?" asked Jack, blinking to keep water from building up in his eyes. "Is there really no way to live without risking our lives? What's the point of living if there's no option to live how you wish without risking your loved ones? That doesn't sound like any kind of life I want... "

"That sounds like quite a cause to fight for. Maybe after all this, you can help the rest of the world feel such freedom. "

"In other words, I'll never have such freedom with my friends?"

"You will, but not before fighting the gods to earn it. "

Neither of them said anything after that and since the rest of the world was frozen in time momentarily, not even the quiet crickets could join the conversation to break the silence.

"Well, if you don't have any more questions about my story or any other questions for me, I should probably get going. "

Jack's mouth scrunched up as he tried to think of something to say. "Daruun... "


"That man, how long did it take for him to get that power?"

"Technically it took him more years than he could count. " Just as the hero was about to frown Daruun added, "But it won't be the same for you. The system you've been given is incomparable to anything that man was lucky enough to find. "

"Then how long will it take me?" asked Jack.

"Not sure. That's up to you and how hard you're willing to work for it, " replied Daruun. "And as for your friends, some of their lives are in your hands, and some aren't. Only time and circumstances will prove whose fate you can somewhat control. "

He then opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself. Daruun refrained from saying too much.

Giving Jack a soft smile, Daruun nodded his head in a graceful manner. "Thank you, Jack. Though you accepted the quest, I am still at fault for bringing you here and making you go through so much hardship. Note that I'm trying my best to help and that I'm doing everything possible to help you succeed and keep your friends alive. "

Jack was taken aback. He was used to talking with the know-it-all Daruun, not the grateful god who was willing to bow his head in gratitude. "You're welcome... I hope you mean that. "

"I do... I do. "

In the blink of an eye, Daruun's figure vanished and the world came back to life. Only Jack didn't seem as lively as before. He sat there and thought, not caring how much time passed.

It was early in the morning while the sun was rising when Jack next heard someone else's voice. It rang loud within his mind and wasn't from any party member.

'Jack, how are things looking? Has the army left yet?'

With a chuckle the young man replied, 'No, they're still cooped up in the mountain pass. I imagine they'll be busy for the next couple of days, at least while they wait for support and supplies. '

'What did you do?'

'All we had to do was set fire to their tents and steal all their food. But don't worry about us, right now we're not even within the mountain range. All that's left is targeting the regiments bringing the next round of supplies and fresh troops. Once we do that, then they should be halted for at least five days, like you wanted. '

'That's great! Of all people I knew that you could make it happen, ' replied Tralon'What did you do with the stolen supplies?'

'I was going to ask if you needed them. Since you're raising an army and we have enough supplies for an army, why not put the supplies to use. '

'Can I come to pick it up now?' asked Tralon.

'Sure, I don't see why--'

Before Jack could finish his reply, Daruun had already appeared in a flash of light. "Wonderful! Your efforts and aid will not go unnoticed in Trodar, that's for sure. With this, so long as you're at least lv. 40, you may gain enough support to join the Council next election. "

Jack flicked a ring to Tralon with a smile. "If doing this much would give me a shot, then just wait till you see what else I have in store. After this, we'll be cutting off the supply lines from Churstin to Prachten and paying a visit to Korten. "

"Really?!" Passionate fire burned within Tralon's eyes as he looked to the young hero. "You're just a spectacular, even at a lower level. I'm proud to call you Master. "

"Enough of that. Get going and go deliver the news. That should cause a surge in army applications so you'll be even more ready to face Limneer when the time comes, " stated Jack as he held up his hands innocently.

The two old friends smiled at each other and nodded. Then, in another flash of light, Tralon disappeared. Exchange

Chapter (1-736)