Novel:Inevitable Road To Divinity - Chapter 466

Inevitable Road To Divinity
Total of 643 chapters
Chapter 466
I am from Xue Household, sexy girl
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Chapter (1-643) Exchange

It was not time yet for Xue Ren to train within the lava pool.

But as he had already suffered a lot in the molten world's fire sea, he was sure he can survive through this as well! His body and divine fire cloat did everything to assure this!

Within the red world, Xue Ren could see the clue!

Normally, he would just allow the flow of the lava pool to carry him, but this time, it was different! Xue Ren got his bloodline to be strong enough to tell the 'road' within the lava pool! He could tell the way, thus, his arms swept as he swam towards this direction!

Finally, after few struggles of the lava's pressure and deadly hotness, Xue Ren found himself in the unknown room.

The red, majestic tiles decorated the corridor while releasing the hotness as if yet another trail!

Xue Ren's hands scorched upon touching these, but it was far easier to move than in the lava pool! He quickly popped out from the red water, then sprinted forward remembering to keep his presence low.

After all, Milliane is already here.



And after Xue Ren approached the main room of this secret place, he found out that there is surely someone protecting the inheritance! But since the voice was full of pride, it was more likely that there was an soul of vermillion bird to pass down the inheritance.

Thus, the anger clearly meant that Milliane had said something wrong.

Quickly spotting woman's beauty first, Xue Ren looked over Milliane whose clothes were undirtied. And the lady herself has quite strange fashion. Her body is covered by short black dress that exposes her long legs and arms.

On these limbs, there were hard protectors all in black with some kind of red cracks! As her boots stomped the ground few times, the lady's equipment shone brightly! As if utilizing some kind of technique, her whole body flared up, the wings flapping wildy.

"You want me to use your household's name?"

In front of her, there was huge vermillion bird avatar! The avatar was that of an ancestor who seemed angry! The words of the lady were said with utmost hate and scorn!

It looks like the lady doesn't want to get the inheritance with easy way.

"You either accept the duty of spreading the name of my household or begone! The inheritance of Oges Family is going to revive our name!"

"Oges Family is all prospering."


"But now, you just made them to be my next target."

Reaching the ceiling, Milliane declared so. Her hand also exploded with the power, turning into three clawed red weapon! The fire specks danced widly around her new hand! Descending with the new weapon in front of her, Milliane created three deadly trails that began burning up with tremendous heat.

Upon reaching the vermillion bird ancestor, the claw strongly swept through his fire wings! At the same time, the burning trails turned into several vermillion bird's tails, whipping him from all angles!

"Oges Family is alive! Ahaha!"

However, the ancestor was in quite estatic state. The soul of his was being whipped yet he laughed madly. In next moment, the estatic mood turned serious, the killing intent like waves going throughout the room!

It was because he took red halberd! The weapon was decorated with thousand small feathers clearly belonging to the vermillion bird's lineage!

This weapon was the inheritance, one of many things!

The soul of the ancestor easily could connect with this weapon, so holding it, he knew that there is a chance for him to beat Milliane, take over her body and contact the family of his that ought to be long fallen!

"Are you the reason these fools use halberds?"

But Milliane ain't on the losing side! Her other hand turned into the similar claw while the body began exuding even more pressure! The fire of hers began devouring the killing intent of the ancestor as it madly left her body!

Her hair could no longer be tied, fiercely scattering behind her.

"Little girl! I am the real vermillion bird!"

Saying so, the ancestor turned wholly human form! Well, it was easier for him to use his halberd this way! But even though he did it, his human self had wings coming off from his back with few feathers around his face and other parts of the body.

His hands were clad in the claws similar to Milliane though.

Holding this vermillion bird halberd, the ancestor raised it high summoning a lot of power! The sharp edge of the weapon turned into red hot beak! It at least looked like that!

Then finally moving this weapon down, the ancestor was all ready to slash Milliane who was standing in front of him with her arms crossed. Though it looked like she is allowing the ancestor to prepare his technique, it all happened in mere seconds.

Thus, she relaxed herself while gathering a lot of power around her two claws.

And as the sharp edge was very close to her head, the lady moved at outstanding speed shoving her arms up high!


The huge explosion of fire particles rang out! It completely swept through the whole place, shattering the majestic tiles a little! As the cracks began both ringing out in the room and Milliane's claws, the ancestor laughed more!

"Real vermillion bird?"

"You won't understand, little girl!"

"No, no. I understand very well. We are all humans with the bloodline implanted."

"Hahahaha! That's right!"

This was something that shook Xue Ren's heart slightly, but it was not like Xue Ren also hadn't thought about such possiblity! He, who was sneaking around to steal other treasures from the inheritance stopped a little, then continued taking out the feathers and red items.


However, moments after such statement, the halberd halted. It no longer could pressure Milliane who was looking into his eyes with fiery light! This shout caused her to smile widely, however.

The wicked smile one would say!


The loud screech of the vermillion bird left the body of Milliane! Her hand turned lava like as she gathered truly a lot of fire! The weapon of hers, the claws, quickly followed the suit. Turning so red, the claws began melting the sharp beak of the halberd!

The fire specks soon left her hot claws, slashing the weapon!

She was melting the ownership!


As the beautiful and mesmerizing laugh rang out, Milliane's body moved forward as she set up the total domiance! Her hand pierced through the heart of the soul body of the ancestor with utmost ease.

Thus, it was clear that the weapon already fell out form his hands...


Following his own weapons pattern, the ancestors butt quickly hit the ground! He coughed as if truly alive, then as his eyes went up, he noticed the beauty standing in front of him... with his own weapon.

"Do you understand the meaning of this?"

"W-what are you-"

"Hahahaha~~ You aren't real vermillion bird, trashcan."


"This halberd is going to plucker all the feathers of your Ognes Family!"

Raising her new weapon, Milliane slashed down the halberd, taking out the 'soul arm' of the ancestor!

"There is no family!"

Then, she took out the another arm.

"There is no fame!"

The leg...

"There is no order!"

And another one.

"There is only one desire."

Saying so, Milliane slashed the body of the ancestor into two halves. In one move, she completely got rid of him, ending his last struggles to revive the family's name! And as she began taking his soul to turn it into pure fire to feed herself...

Her desire became known.

"Sexy girl wants to get rid of her humanity to become the pure vermillion bird."

Xue Ren said so! He was not that far away from Milliane! When she was taking down the ancestor, he was simply gathering other treasures!

There were a lot of feathers from the 'Vermillion Flight' technique! These appeared the moment the ancestor turned into human form, so his huge vermillion avatar was comfily sitting on all this treasures which was part of the inheritance.

"Not only you had gotten rid of my Vermillion Lock, you also appeared here."

"Sexy girl, no need to look at me like that."

"Tell me the name of your household and I will spare you."

"Xue Household."

"There is no such household."

"Yeah, I am all alone now, but it's bound to change with all my good techniques, don't you think so? Now, spare me, as I am taking these resources for my household."

"Enough of these jokes. Since you don't treasure your life, I am going to peek into your memories."

"Then you would turn into sexy woman, virgin."

"You are dead." Exchange

Chapter (1-643)