← Ch.325 | Ch.327 → |
Hm... I think it's best that you make the decision, but I'll send you information regarding the average cost of houses, cars, and the cost of living. I can send it to you before you get to the bank.
Min Sung hung up and looked ahead of him with annoyed eyes.
The traffic was horrible.
Since he brought out the most expensive sports car called a Ferrari, the driver's seat was uncomfortable and so was driving it.
He realized it could be much more comfortable to drive around the city in an SUV instead.
But since Min Sung had the intention to adjust to society, he sucked it up and kept going.
He couldn't give up just because something was bothersome.
There were many beautiful and delicious things in this world.
And in order to enjoy those things, he had to acclimate to the environment around him.
While he passed through a traffic zone, he saw people snapping pictures from all around.
Just as he was about to ask where the nearest bank was, he got a notification that he received a text message.
Min Sung checked his phone. The message contained the average cost of houses, cars, and the cost of living sent over by Central Institute.
While Min Sung read through it.
Honk, honk!
He heard the sound of honking from behind.
The car in front of him was far ahead.
He stepped on the accelerator, but he was hit with yet another congested area.
After much struggle, Min Sung finally discovered a bank.
He parked his car in front of the bank and got out.
'Is it this door?'
Min Sung walked toward the door that he perceived to be the main entrance and walked through.
He hadn't been to a bank in a really long time, but the system hadn't changed very much.
Once dungeons appeared and most of the technology shifted toward magic, technology pertaining to the economy came to a halt.
He stood in front of a machine in order to take a number.
He saw a button for transfers, so Min Sung touched it.
As soon as he did, a number printed out.
There were around 15 people ahead of him. After that was Min Sung's turn.
Since there were many people, it would take a long time.
In order to wait, Min Sung walked toward a crowd of people and made himself comfortable in a seat.
The people at the bank were unable to recognize that he was a famous person.
Min Sung crossed his arms and legs and waited for his turn.
'How bothersome... '
Min Sung knitted his brows.
He knew he had to get used to society, but once he got to the bank and waited, he couldn't have been more bored.
He wondered if he should've made Ho Sung Lee do it, but since he was already at the bank, he threw away such pathetic thoughts and waited for his turn.
At that moment, a grandmother passed by slowly.
The grandmother was spitting out unpleasant words as she always did and walked toward the window.
Just as she spoke to the teller and received her cash, a noisy sound came from toward the entrance.
The police were holding up both hands.
While Min Sung looked around with confused eyes, two men with blank masks were coming in with guns.
Women screamed from all directions, but it only lasted a while.
"Shut up and give me your money!"
One of the robbers screamed.
Min Sung sighed and looked at the robber.
Many thoughts crossed Min Sung's head.
One of them had to do with the fact that hunters lost their jobs once the dungeons disappeared.
The act of committing crimes for money after losing a job was a very simple thought process in Min Sung's mind, but he also wondered why it had to happen while he was there.
Since it was easy for hunters to get their hands on weapons, robbing a bank was a sure way to get some cash.
But the problem was that they didn't expect him to be at the bank they were going to rob.
What Ji Yoo Kim told him that she heard from Ethan came back to him.
They said that as soon as the dungeons disappeared, the hunters simply followed where the money went.
It was hard to see this as a simple crime.
This was the recession of the hunters caused by the loss of hunters' jobs.
But a crime was a crime.
As soon as the robbers threatened the people with guns while Min Sung was watching, the tellers shed tears and began taking out all the cash.
The robbers grabbed the money and put them in their bags with wide eyes and curse words coming out of their lips.
The robbers then saw a grandmother trembling with her bag, so they snatched her bag away from her.
The grandmother tried to resist to keep her money, but it was impossible for her to beat young hunters with her strength.
The grandmother ended up falling to the ground.
Once Min Sung saw that, he slowly walked toward the robbers.
As soon as the robbers noticed Min Sung walking over, they jolted their eyes wide open.
They held up their guns as if they were about to shoot before they froze and stared at Min Sung's face.
The frozen robbers were unable to move and didn't even blink an eye.
All that was moving were their shaking pupils.
Min Sung glared at the robbers as if he didn't want to be bothered and gestured at their bags with his chin.
"Take it back out, " said Min Sung.
The two robbers gulped.
"Take it out, " said Min Sung in a lower voice.
Since they were utterly afraid, the robbers didn't have a choice but to take out the money.
The robbers began taking out the cash from their bags with trembling hands.
Min Sung saw them finish and stand with their hands behind their backs, and that was when Min Sung opened his mouth.
"I can understand you robbing."
Min Sung looked back at the grandmother.
"But don't you think you crossed a line?" Min Sung lifted his chin at the robbers and asked.
The robbers trembled and exchanged gazes.
It was as if they were exchanging their last words as they were prepared to die.
Upon seeing that, Min Sung punched the robber that pushed over the grandmother in the mouth.
Along with a loud noise, blood exploded.
As soon as he hit him a few more times, he wobbled and spit up blood.
The robber beside him stayed frozen still without even his eyes moving.
He was completely frozen in fear.
By the time one of the robbers were unable to hang on any more and plopped down on their knees, Min Sung took out a sword from his item window.
Just as he was about to kill the robber with emotionless eyes, he felt someone grab him by the pant leg.
When he looked down, he saw the grandmother grabbing his pant leg and shaking her head.
Looking at her reminded him of his own grandmother.
100 years was a long time.
It had been such a long time that he barely remembered her face, but he still remembered her image.
Min Sung stared down at the grandmother before putting the weapon back into his item window.
At that moment, the Central Institute soldiers arrived at the bank.
The hunters of Central Institute almost looked like a special forces unit.
They entered the bank with weapons and fought against the robbers along with Min Sung.
But once they checked Min Sung's face, they immediately paid their respects.
Min Sung sighed. He gave them a quick explanation of what happened, and then they took the robbers out.
Min Sung took the waiting number out from his pocket and then sat back down where he was originally.
Upon the storm's passing, the employees began cleaning up.
They counted the money that the robbers tried to take, and they cleaned up the blood from the floor.
Meanwhile, the grandmother approached Min Sung.
Min Sung stared back at her.
"Thank you, young man."
The grandmother smiled and limped out of the bank with her bag in her arms.
Min Sung watched until she was gone.
Seeing her slightly curved back brought back memories from his childhood.
What he saw was his own grandmother's backside.
Min Sung sighed deeply.
A sense of emptiness stabbed through his heart.
He had returned to the human world from the Demonic Realm, and he had trillions of won in his bank account, and not a single person in the world could mess with him, but none of that could fill the void in his heart.
That was the result of losing 100 years.
While he was deep in thought, the alarm from one of the windows woke him back up.
Min Sung checked the number on the window and realized that he still had to wait a while until it was his turn.
At that moment...
"Mr. Kang?"
When he looked beside him, the bank branch manager was standing there.
As soon as Min Sung looked at him questionably.
"Let me escort you to the VVIP room. Right this way."
The branch manager pointed toward the room that was labeled "VVIP."
Min Sung got up and entered the VVIP room.
He didn't realize that he could get VVIP treatment since he had a lot of money.
He entered the VVIP room and sat down on the fancy sofa.
The branch manager serviced Min Sung kindly.
"What can I help you with?"
The branch manager didn't even sit down and kneeled in front of Min Sung as he asked.
"Sit down."
Min Sung pointed at the sofa.
"Yes, Sir."
The branch manager didn't talk back and immediately sat down after straightening his clothes.
"I want to transfer money to this account, " said Min Sung as he took out the piece of paper that had Ho Sung Lee's account number on it.
"Please make the transfer."
The branch manager smiled softly.
"Yes, Sir. How much would you like to transfer?"
In response, Min Sung thought for a moment before nodding.
"100 billion won."
In response to Min Sung's calm response, the branch manager was at a loss for words.
← Ch. 325 | Ch. 327 → |