Novel:Tempest of the Stellar War - Chapter 0522

Tempest of the Stellar War
Total of 1442 chapters
Chapter 0522
Little Lolis Invitation
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Chapter (1-1442) Exchange

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas


接下来的几天, 王铮过的都很轻松, 除了日常的锻炼, 其他事情都是陈秀他们厮混, 可惜少了张山, 不然肯定更热闹, 张山也传来了信息, 他正在很积极很努力, 争取将来当王铮的上司.

蒙恬和章如男也有消息, 蒙恬还是那么淡淡的, 但是明显表情比以前柔和多了, 至于章如男, X能力稳固之后, 已经不复当年肌肉女的形象, 相当的英姿飒爽, 但是男姐还是喜欢以前的安静, 现在身边多了不少苍蝇整整嗡嗡嗡的叫, 众人也是哭笑不得, 一般女孩子肯定喜欢的, 章如男却很反感, 她还是跟以前一样.

不过X精英学院这第一波, 他们没份儿去, 让王铮有点惋惜.

In the next few days, Wang Zheng was very at ease. Besides daily training, the rest was hanging out with Chen Xiu and the gang. The only thing they were missing was Zhang Shan, who would definitely make things even livelier. Zhang Shan had sent a message. He was currently working his hardest, aiming to be Wang Zheng's superior in the future.

Meng Tian and Zhang Runan had news as well. Meng Tian was as cold as ever, but clearly her stance had softened. As for Zhang Runan, after her ability X had stabilized, she was no longer the macho woman of that time. Now she carried herself tall. Although Nan liked the peace and quiet of the past, she was now surrounded by all kinds of houseflies buzzing around her. Those around her looked on amused. Normal girls would like it, but Zhang Runan was irritated. Some things did not change.

But they had not been included in the first wave of Elite X College, which Wang Zheng felt was a pity.

等接待了盖尔, 王铮就只等着去参加X能力的测试了, 他现在掌握了三种能力, 风, 火, 冰. 火和冰的能力并不是特别的细腻, 这点王铮也明白, 也是他希望能到精英学院得以提升的, 风的能力要比火和冰好一些, 相当控制起来也更精确一切, 但是离开迪达泰坦星之后, 效果也是大打折扣.

王铮也有些怀念, 想当年, 人类可以足够接住外力的时代, 是多么的疯狂, 但现在肯定是不可能了, 但是借助机甲, 人类也可以更多的发挥自己的力量, 只是X能力和机甲的融合增幅上, 还需要更进一步的研究, 超重力能量矿无疑是个好东西.

校庆结束之后, 叶紫苏就进入了忙碌的试验, OMG获得开采权的消息震惊了整个太阳系联邦.

After hosting Gail, all that was left for Wang Zheng to do was to wait for the ability X test. Now he had mastered 3 types, wind, fire, ice. His fire and ice abilities were not particularly refined. Wang Zheng understood this, and hoped that Elite X College could help him develop it. His wind control was a bit better, with a bit more coherence. But after leaving Dida Titan Star, his results had suffered greatly.

Wang Zheng missed the days when humanity could hold their own against the outside. Those were wild times, but now it was impossible. However, using mechas, mankind could still display its power. Only, the complementation between ability X and mecha still needed more research. The super-gravity energy ore was definitely a step in the right direction.

After the school anniversary, Ye Zisu entered a busy experimental phase. The news that OMG had been awarded extracting rights had shaken the entire Solar System Federation.

目前已知得到超重力能量矿开采权的只有阿斯兰帝国, 但这是人家回音公主冒死前往迪达星支持, 谁也说不出什么, 而OMG是已知的第二个, 还是一家公司, ... 还是来自太阳系地球的.

虽然不知道OMG的配额是多少, 但光是这个消息, 就足以让OMG再度名声大噪, 毕竟空间项目还是个烧钱的项目, 并没有产出, 过了那阵风也就算了, 但是这个消息的轰动性可比空间项目大多了, 而OMG的董事长叶秉文也竞选议员获得成功, 双喜临门.

这大概也是叶秉文反对商会发动战争的回报, 至少外界是这么认为的, 谁会想到其实是反过来的.

Before, they had already knew that the super-gravity energy ore's mining rights had been awarded to Aslan Empire, but this was on the basis of Princess Huiyin risking death to support Titan Dida, and nobody could challenge that. But OMG was the second to be awarded it, and it was a company... and from Earth.

Although nobody knew OMG's quota, but the news alone had brought OMG to the spotlight once again. The space program was still a money burner, with no results yet. After that wave of hype, it had been over. But this news was way more stirring than the space program, and OMG's board chairman Ye Bingwen had also succeeded in the election. There was indeed ample cause for celebration.

This was perhaps also why Ye Bingwen was opposed to the chamber of commerce declaring war. Even if the outside world thought so, no one actually knew that the reverse was true.

但是目前这个消息还是在内部和金融圈里流传, 没有对外公开, 毕竟迪达星还没有正式公布名单.

小福星公司的形式也是大好, 严小稣已经拿到了迪达星的合同, 这可是救命的大事儿, 以银盟关注的迪达星为宣传点, 小福星绝对可以一炮而红.


狄安娜集团虽然庞大, 但迪达星项目实在太重要了, 是整个集团未来的发展重点, 因为门特兄的臭嘴全部泡汤, 董事会可是要抓狂的, 这样的集团公司可不是那个人一家的, 牵扯了各方的利益, 因为门特一个人的愚蠢, 丢了这样巨额的单子是绝对不允许的.

But now that news was only making the rounds internally and in the financial circles, but not publicly released. Furthermore, Dida Star still had not released the official name list.

Little Lucky Star's position looked good as well. Yan Xiaosu had already secured an agreement with Dida Star, which could be a huge lifesaver. With the talk of the galaxy Dida Star as the selling point, this could be Little Lucky Star's road to fame.

Now it was time for that Ment guy to be the one to come begging.

Although the Diana Group was big, but the Dida program was really too important. It was what the group's future would completely revolve around. Because of Ment's ill words, it had all gone to pieces. The board had been furious. Such a corporate group was not the plaything of a single person. It had implicated all their interests. To have forgone such a huge window because of Ment's stupidity was unforgiveable.

而对于小福星来说, 在其他方面的扩张, 尤其是在太阳系布局, 光是渠道上就很头痛, 这方面狄安娜集团则是轻车熟路, 双方有了合作的基础, 当然主动权是在严小稣这边.

土豪稣为了变成贵族稣, 已经过了意气用事的年纪, 该教训也教训过了, 现在他开始计划着如何从狄安娜集团那里获得足够的好处.

兄弟姐妹们都忙碌着, 王同学一下子倒闲了, 直到接到林回音的天讯.

"王铮哥哥, 我对你的意见很大!"林回音撅着小嘴说道.

As for Little Lucky Star, expanding in other areas, especially in the Solar System, even just paving in-roads was a headache, while this was a piece of cake for the Diana Group. Both parties had some common ground to cooperate over. Of course, the initiative stood with Yan Xiaosu's side.

Tyrant Su, in order to become Aristocrat Su, had already passed the age where he ran business purely in a righteous manner. Lessons to be taught had been taught, and now he began to plan how to best win concessions from the Diana Group side.

Everybody was busy about their own business, and Wang Zheng suddenly felt left with nothing to do. Until he received a Skylink from Lin Huiyin.

"Big Brother Wang Zheng, I have many things to say to you!" Lin Huiyin pouted her petite mouth.

王铮这是丈二和尚摸不着头脑, "小公主, 我又哪里得罪你了!"


王铮哭笑不得, 他是怕影响到林回音, 谁知道皇室的人会不会监控回音, 后来想想也不至于, 皇室又不是间谍性子, 公主也不至于这么惨.

"好, 是我的错, 下次见面, 我请你吃大餐!"王铮说道.

"一看就没有诚意, 下次要什么时候, 现在就请我吃!"林回音说道, 小公主只穿了一个小裙子, 粉红色的蝴蝶结显得格外可爱, 让人忍不住有捏捏的冲动.

Wang Zheng was completely confused."Little Princess, what have I done wrong now?"

"You haven't contacted me for so long!" Huiyin replied.

Wang Zheng was not sure how to respond to this. He had been afraid of affecting Lin Huiyin. Who knew if the people in the palace were monitoring her? But in hindsight, perhaps not. The palace was not so full of intrigue, and the Princess was probably not subjected to such things.

"Alright, it's my mistake. The next time we meet, I'll treat you to a feast!" Wang Zheng said.

"From one look, I can already see your insincerity. When is 'next time'? Treat me now!" Lin Huiyin said. The little Princess was only wearing a short skirt. Her pink butterfly ribbon was especially cute, and stirred emotions.

"难不成让我瞬间传送到阿斯兰, 目前还没这技术啊."小孩子撒娇起来只能哄, 虽然没有弟弟妹妹, 但王铮一直渴望自己有个妹妹, 太孤单了.

"嘻嘻, 我有办法, 你等一下, 我传给你."

林回音说道, 王铮的天讯多了一个接收提示.

看到这个东西, 王铮就愣了, 因为他的天讯上已经有了, "你怎么也有这个东西?"

这两天王铮已经把那倒灶的东西给忘了, 谁想到他竟然在林回音手中看到这个.

"I also wish I could instantly teleport to Aslan, but there's no such technology yet." When the childish temper came, all one could do was wheedle along. Although he had no siblings, but Wang Zheng had always wished for a younger sister. Things were too lonely.

"Heehee, I have an idea. You wait a bit, I'll send it to you."

Lin Huiyin said. Suddenly Wang Zheng's Skylink had another acceptance notification.

Seeing the thing, Wang Zheng was stunned, because his Skylink already had it."How do you come to have this too?"

In these 2 days, Wang Zheng had already tossed the wretched thing from his memory. Who would have thought that he would actually see it in Lin Huiyin's hands?

"啊, 你已经有了, 难怪这么厉害, 我们在里面见面不就行了, 对了, 还有叫姐姐, 他们肯定想不到, 哈哈, 我真是个天才."


"你是说, 你们早就开始使用了?"

"是啊, 这是个很神奇很好玩的虚拟世界, 不过来历很神秘, 我们阿斯兰也试图追踪过, 但无功而返, 管他呢, 只要好玩就行!"



"Ah, you already have it, no wonder you're so good. We'll just meet inside! Right, and call me Elder Sister, they'll never figure it out. Haha, I'm a genius!"

Highness Huiyin was getting puffed up with herself.

"You mean, you all already started this way earlier?"

"Yup. This is a mysterious and exciting virtual world, although its origins are a mystery. Aslan has tried to chase it down, but with no results. Never mind that, as long as it's fun!"

Huiyin smiled.

"I've only entered that thing once before."

"啊, 没事, 王铮哥哥我会保护你的, 不让让别人欺负你, 不过那里是挺危险的, 尤其是新人, 不过你这么厉害, 他们应该很难欺负到你!"


王同学老脸红了, 丫的, 第一次进去就被人骗了个精光, 太丢人了, 当然当着林回音的面儿他也不好拆自己的台.

看来这还是舍不得孩子套不着狼, 而且若是能在里面和爱娜见面, 那就是最幸福不过的了.

忽然之间, 亏点也就没那么亏了.

"Oh, it's fine. I'll protect you, Big Brother Wang Zheng. I won't let anybody bully you. That said, it is quite a dangerous place, especially for newbies. But you're so clever, you should be difficult to bully!"

Clearly, Princess Huiyin still held that level of respect and trust in Wang Zheng.

Wang Zheng's face reddened. Damn, the first time he entered he had been swindled clean. That was too embarrassing. Of course, in front of Lin Huiyin he was not about to show that side.

Well, it looked like no pain, no gain. Besides, if he could see Aina inside, that would be the best.

Suddenly, the bad points did not look so bad anymore.

"王铮哥哥, 我的ID是小白兔, 你的呢?"林回音好奇的问道.

王铮也是忍俊不禁, 要不要这么可爱, 一般女孩子都喜欢起什么公主之类之类的, 不过想想眼前这位本就是货真价实的公主, 返璞归真点反而更可爱.

"黑炭."王铮脱口而出, 这才意识到自己起这个名字是被骗子嘲笑过的, 难道名字能反映智商?

"哇, 好可爱, 不过王铮哥哥一点也不黑, 刚刚好."林回音拍手说道.

这让王铮心里稍微好过了一点, 群众的眼睛是雪亮的啊, 他当时只是偷懒, 骨头和黑炭各用一次, 省得厚此薄彼.

"Big Brother Wang Zheng, my ID is Little White Rabbit, what's yours?" Lin Huiyin asked curiously.

Wang Zheng could not help it. She was too cute. Normal girls would like princess-y stuff, but this actual genuine princess, returning to her true girly self was in fact even cuter.

"Charcoal." Wang Zheng replied without thinking, before realizing that it had been the name laughed at by the swindler. Could it be that a name could reflect one's intelligence?

"Wow, that's really cute. But Big Brother Wang Zheng isn't 'black' at all. You're just right." Lin Huiyin clapped her hands.

This made Wang Zheng feel a little better. People were perceptive. He had been lazy at that time. Bonehead and Charcoal had been used once each, so there was no favoritism between the two.

王铮往圣徒里充值了二十四万, 获得了二十四个小时的时间, 王同学很少花钱, 还是这么一大笔, 想想那个骗子还真有点牙痒痒, 长的那么可爱, 竟然这么狠.

在圣殿范围内是不消耗时间的, 哪怕有一分钟, 也可以长时间呆着, 但对方是一下子把他的时间清零, 肯定就弹出去了.

王铮只想说一句, 木有人性啊!

果然有钱好办事, 王铮在此进入了圣殿当中, 等着林回音来找他.

吃一堑长一智, 这次在遇到好心人, 可不上当了.

打开自己的储物空间, 王铮发现了上次的交易品, 现在他弄清楚了, 对方是直接设定的全额交易, 王铮哪儿会想那么多, 随手就确认了, 自己的剩余时间就全到了对放那里.

Wang Zheng charged the Saint program with 24, 000, and received 24 hours of time. He rarely spent money, let alone in such a large sum. Thinking of that cheat made his teeth itch. To think that such a lovely looking girl was so cruel.

In the Saint hall, time did not pass. With even just 1 minute left, one could spend a long time there. But the opponent had cleaned his time out, and that had booted him from the system.

Wang Zheng thought that she must be a piece of wood that looked like a human!

Although money was a great enabler, Wang Zheng entered the Saint hall, and waited for Lin Huiyin to come find him.

Failure was the mother of success. If he met another kind-hearted person, he would not fall for the same trick again.

Opening his trade space, Wang Zheng found the last trade deal. Now he understood. The opponent had directly created a complete transfer trade, and Wang Zheng had accepted readily without thinking further, transferring all his remaining time to his opponent.

拿出那个卡片, 王铮随手一点, 好歹也是花了八个小时买的.

卡片一打开就变成了缤纷的碎片消散, 然后一串串的信息直接灌注在王铮的脑海里.

这东西是真的, 属于一次性消耗品, 情报卡, 对方这点倒没骗他, 里面真是关于圣徒世界的基本介绍.

圣徒世界分为三层, 门徒层, 也就是王铮所在的这个世界, 所有人唯一掌握的功法只有八度刀锋诀.

信徒层, 进入这个层面之后, 可以通过多种方法获得匹配自身属性的功法, 人分五行, 金木水火土, 进而表现形式多样的X能力.

He took out the card. Well, he did spend 8 hours to buy it.

Once he opened it, it dissolved and disappeared, and then a chain of information directly streamed into Wang Zheng's brain.

The thing was real, and was the one-use consumable type. An information card. On this point, he had not been lied to. It indeed contained a basic introduction of the Saint world.

The Saint world was divided into 3 layers. In the Disciple layer, which was where Wang Zheng was, all people could master was the 8 Tier Blade Skills.

Once entered into the Acolyte level, there were many ways to acquire martial arts that suited one's own body. People were classified into Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, which gave rise to all kinds of ability X.

圣徒层, 一个神奇的层面, 因为只有进入圣徒层, 才有可能把前面两层世界所学的东西带回到现实当中去.

除了刚进入游戏的开窍所得的伐经洗髓是可以理会体会的到, 其他所有的修炼和经验, 包括功法都会存在于卡片当中, 只有进入圣徒层, 并符合一定的条件, 才可以把这一切转化为真实.

显然由于开窍的所得, 会有相当一部分人愿意相信, 据说, 一旦转化成功, 虽然不说是长生不老, 对身体的益处是任何仪器和生物科技无法代替的.

这点王铮信, 功法这东西对身体的强健作用超乎想象, 若是没有归一诀, 他早就不知道死多少次了.

刀锋诀, 王铮知道, 似乎是上一个隐匿时代的功法, 跟自己所学的有一定渊源.

The Saint tier was a magical tier. Because only by entering the Saint tier, could one bring what they had learnt in the previous two levels back to reality.

Besides the basic way of movement gleaned from the game, all other training and experience, including martial arts, were stored on cards. Only by entering the Saint level, and fulfilling certain conditions, could this all be transferred to reality.

Clearly the enlightenment would have convinced a majority of the players to believe in this. It was said that once the transfer succeeded, although immortality was not attained, but the benefits to body were something that no mechanism or biological product could substitute.

On this point Wang Zheng was sold. The extent that martial arts strengthened the body exceeded the imagination. Without the Primordial Regression Technique, he would have been dead countless times in the past.

The Blade skills, Wang Zheng knew, was a martial art from a lost era, and was somehow connected to what he had learnt.

在圣徒世界里, 一切交换都是以时间为单位, 可以通过完圣徒任务获得时间, 也可以充值获得时间, 但后者比较靠谱, 小心甜言蜜语和黑暗的世界, 抢夺时间算是好的, 要是被人夺取了领悟的东西, 才是悲惨世界.

注:虽然我骗了你的时间, 但送上最宝贵的经验, 菜鸟——欺负是为了爱护.

后面的备注显然是那个女孩子留的, 王铮都不知道自己该说什么好的, 当真是阴沟里翻船, 要是被骨头知道, 还不笑掉大牙, 尽管他似乎也没有牙.

圣堂的三个世界都很广阔, 不过比较无耻的是, 底层的想去上层, 没问题, 要花钱, 上层的想下来, 没问题, 要花钱.

In the Saint world, everything used time as the currency. One could earn time through completing Saint missions, or directly charge it with money. But the latter was more reliable. In the world filled with darkness and honeyed words, stealing time was counted a good thing. If some enlightenment was stolen by others, that would be a cruel world indeed.

Note: Although I cheated your time, but I gave you the most valuable experience, noob. Bullying is tough love.

The last note was clearly left by the girl. Wang Zheng was not sure how to respond to that. It was truly a dumb mistake to make. If Bonehead found out about it, he would laugh until his teeth fell out, even if he had no teeth to fall out.

All 3 worlds of Saint were vast, but the nasty thing was this. For the lower level to ascend, no problem, just spend money. For the higher level to descend, no problem, just spend money.

在圣殿周围, 是跟一般虚拟世界没什么两样的生活区, 包含了贸易, 餐饮等等, 甚至有宾馆和私人建筑, 当然要花钱, 至于其他虚拟世界赖以生存的两性关系在这里倒有着相当严格的规定, 必须双方同意, 同时... 要花钱, 好像需要一种叫做"幸福卡"的东西.

本来觉得有点高端神秘大气, 了解到后面, 王铮已经无语了, 没见过比他还死抠门的, 在这里印证了一句话, 时间就是金钱.

In the confines of the Saint hall, it seemed no different from any other living zone in other virtual worlds, including trade, food etc. There were even inns and some private architecture. Of course, this cost money. Even the relationships between the sexes were governed rather strictly, requiring both parties to consent. At the same time... it cost money. It seemed like something called a "Happiness Card" was required.

Originally, he felt that it was a posh and mysterious place. But the more he understood, the less he had to say about it. He had never encountered a stingier place. The saying was true here: Time is money. Exchange

Chapter (1-1442)