Novel:Tempest of the Stellar War - Chapter 0520

Tempest of the Stellar War
Total of 1442 chapters
Chapter 0520
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Chapter (1-1442) Exchange

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas




就像是校园庆典开放日一样, 各个班级都有自己的节目和活动, 都是由学生自己组织的, 恐怖屋, 咖啡厅, 茶艺室, 各种各样, 形形色色... 教学楼仿佛变成了热闹的商业街.

庆典的主会场, 是在万人大操场, 人头攒动, 原本讲话的主席台被打造成了大型舞台, 台上表演着娱乐节目.

School anniversary.

Dawn Middle School had become a vast ocean.

Just like a school open house, each class had their own programs and activities, organized by the students themselves. Haunted houses, cafes, tea appreciation rooms, all kinds and shapes... The classroom block was changed into a bustling business district.

The main venue of the anniversary was the field which fit 10, 000. The crowd's heads bobbed. Formerly a podium and stage, it had been reconstructed into a large dance stage, where various entertainment programs ensued.

表演者并不都是学生, 还有着许多知名的艺人表演家, 都是曙光中学出去的学生.

百年名校, 桃李天下, 这句话, 可不是空口白讲的.

王铮, 严小稣和叶紫苏三人, 也是早早的到了场, 看着母校的大门, 严小稣摇摇头, 有点感叹, "啧, 看到校门, 还真有点想体育老师了, 真是母校虐我千百遍, 我爱母校如初恋."

在曙光中学, 大块头留着大胡子的体育老师同时兼任纪律纠风, 不是很喜欢遵守校规的严同学, 没少被大胡子抓住给教育, 当时简直就是恨得不行, 现在回想起来, 却是浓浓的想念了, 人的感情还真怪.

Not all of the performers were students. Many were famous artistes and entertainers, former alumni of the school.

A famous 100-year school whose influence had rippled through the world. This phrase was not hollow flattery.

Wang Zheng, Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu had arrived early. Staring at their alma mater's main gate, Yan Xiaosu had shaken his head, sighing."Haiz, looking at the school gate, I think of our Physical Education teacher. Those were some tough times, but I love the school like a first love."

At Dawn Middle School, the PE teacher was broad shouldered and sported a beard. He concurrently held the role of Discipline Master, and only the most rule-abiding of students could claim to have avoided being hauled up by Beardie for some discipline. At that time, they had detested him, but now thinking back, they were nostalgic. Human emotion was a strange thing.

先是逛了学生们组织的活动室, 很有意思, 居然有个班级弄了个游戏室, 还是最复古的街机游戏...

玩得很开心, 主要是很放松, 三个人很久没有这么轻松过了, 最重要是, 严小稣和叶紫苏好久没见王铮这么放松了, 似乎放下所有烦心的事儿, 两人更是乐得陪他热闹.

严小稣如愿以偿得见到了大块头的体育老师, 现在已经是训导主任了, 穿着笔挺的西装, 满脸春风的迎了过来, "严小稣, 叶紫苏, 还有王铮, 你们三个终于来了."

First, they explored the students' activity rooms. Many were interesting, and one class even made a game lab, with the most complex, ancient street machines...

They were really enjoying themselves and feeling relaxed. All 3 had not felt relaxed in a long while. Most importantly, Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu had not seen Wang Zheng so relaxed in a long while, as though he had put down all his cares and worries. Both were more than happy to accompany him and enjoy themselves.

Yan Xiaosu got his wish of meeting the hulking PE teacher, who had now become the Head Teacher, wearing a crisp business suit. He came over with a warm expression to welcome them."Yan Xiaosu, Ye Zisu, and Wang Zheng. The 3 of you have finally come."


"夏老师好."严小稣就挺直了腰, 满脸笑容, "还是要叫夏主任好?"

"贫嘴, 一点都没变."

夏傅搏就带着三人来到内厅, 很显然, 严小稣和叶紫苏在学校都是榜上有名的, 才会有训导主任亲自来请.

内厅和外面完全不一样了, 很明显, 是用来招待特别人士的.

庆典是所有校友的庆典, 但是, 真正的核心, 还是在这个不大不小的内厅宴会.

Wang Zheng and Ye Zisu smilingly greeted Teacher Xia.

"Hello Teacher Xia." Yan Xiaosu straightened himself, all smiles."Or should I call you Head Teacher Xia?"

"Shitty mouth, never changes."

Xia Fubo ushered the 3 into the inner hall. Clearly, Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu were famous in the school, to be personally attended to by the head teacher.

The inner hall was completely different from the outside. Clearly, it was for receiving special guests.

The anniversary was for all the school alumni, but the real core was at the modestly sized inner hall banquet.

在之前的同学会也说明过了, 大家都心知肚明, 谁都能来, 只是进来的条件是捐助学校一万银河币的助学捐款, 学校要在百年名校的行列当中发展壮大, 师资, 新的教学设施等等, 仅仅依靠学生的学费显然入不敷出, 向成功校友募捐才是大头.

曙光中学百年的底蕴也是很有份量的, 内厅中人不少, 其乐融融, 大家也很乐意在母校的召唤下, 做点贡献的同时, 拓宽自己的人脉关系网, 大家都是成功人士, 又是校友, 以前是没机会认识, 现在的认识就是未来的机会.

叶紫苏和严小稣两人很受大家追捧, OMG自不用说, 在太阳系的地位, 已经是牢不可破, 小福星公司也借着空间项目的东风, 钱是真的赚得盆满钵满, 而且小福星正在转型, 最近计划不断, 更是收购了几家小有名气的生活用品公司, 商品开始从单一的卫生巾转型为多元化的产品阵线.

They had said as much at the previous student gathering, and everybody tacitly knew. Anybody could come, as long as they donated the 10, 000 dollars to the school assistance fund. To enter the ranks of a century-old elite school, teachers, new facilities etc. could not be sustained by school fees alone. The school alumni donations were a huge source of income.

Dawn Middle School's 100 year's meaning was noteworthy. The inner hall was sufficiently crowded with people enjoying themselves. At the same time that they were contributing to their alma mater, they were also broadening their relationship networks. Everyone here was successful and also an alumni. Even if they had never known each other in the past, getting acquainted now meant more opportunities in the future.

Ye Zisu and Yan Xiaosu were sought after by many. OMG needed no introduction. In the Solar System, its position was already immovable. Little Lucky Star company had also ridden the coattails of the space program, and earned a mountain of profit. And Little Lucky Star was currently restructuring. The plans came non-stop, and they had even bought a few small but reputable everyday product companies, changing their product line from sanitary products to a larger range of general products.

相较之下, 和王铮打招呼的人, 就没有那么的热情劲了, 在世人眼中, KING宇宙空间科技公司的第一股东是肖菲, 虽然坊间也有些传闻说第一股东其实另有他人, 但谁都不知道, 也不会去相信, 未来可以改变人类改变银河命运的大公司的真正BOSS会是一个今年才读大二的年轻人.

校长齐洛阳是个很有手腕的人, 人群当中左右逢源, 这次聚会, 来的可不全是年轻人, 十几二十年前毕业的老校友, 现在正是身居要位, 掌控社会的主流精英, 其中不乏政府要员.

正是得意之时, 就看到叶紫苏和严小稣进来, 便带着一名年轻人走了过去, 人未至, 声先到, "哈哈, 严先生, 叶小姐, 欢迎欢迎啊!"

In comparison, those who greeted Wang Zheng were less warm. In the average person's eyes, KING universe space technology company's number one stock was Xiao Fei. Although there were some whispers in the streets that the key was actually someone else, but nobody knew more, and they did not believe it either. Could someone responsible for changing humanity and the fate of a huge company like BOSS be someone in their second year of university?

The principal Qi Luoyang was a resourceful man. He worked the crowd, making connections left and right. At this reunion, it was not only the youthful crowd that came. Even those that had graduated 10 or 20 years earlier had come. They were now the mainstream elite in the key positions to control society, and numbered many government officials as well.

It was indeed a proud moment. Just then, he saw Ye Zisu and Yan Xiaosu enter, accompanied by a young man who he did not know. He called out "Haha, Mr Yan, Ms Ye, welcome, welcome!"

"齐校长, 我们可是您的学生, 您叫我们名字就行了, 先生小姐的, 捧杀人啊."严小稣连忙叫道.

"哈哈, 你们还认我是校长, 那我也就不客气了, 小稣啊, 你们能来, 我很高兴, 来, 和你们介绍一位朋友, 和你们年龄差不多, 凯尔. 门特先生, 月球最大生活用品公司狄安娜集团理事, 凯尔门特先生是个非常重视教育的慈善家, 这次百年校庆的所有花费, 也都是由狄安娜集团资助."看得出来, 齐洛阳非常重视这个凯尔门特, 介绍得非常的郑重.

王铮明显感觉到严小稣脸色变了变, 狄安娜他自然也知道, 是太阳系最大的日用品公司, 涵盖广泛.

"Principal Qi, we're your students. Just call us by name please. Mr and Ms... no need for such pedestals." Yan Xiaosu quickly replied.

"Haha, you still treat me as principal. In that case, I won't stand on ceremony. Xiaosu, I'm really happy that you all could make it. Come, let me introduce you to a friend. He's about the same age. Mr Kyle Ment, the director of Diana Group, the largest everyday products company on the Moon. Mr Kyle Ment is a philanthropist who really values education. All the expenses for this 100-year anniversary are sponsored by the Diana Group." Clearly, Qi Luoyang held this Kyle Ment in the highest esteem, introducing him with special deference.

Wang Zheng clearly saw Yan Xiaosu's face change. He naturally had heard of Diana, the biggest daily product company on Earth, their range prodigious.

"凯尔. 门特先生, 这几位, 都是我们曙光中学毕业的天骄, 这位是叶紫苏, OMG的大设计师, 风神机甲的主设计师, 这位, 是小福星公司的严小稣, 这位是王铮, 了不起啊, 大学生科技贡献奖得主, 狠狠地为咱们学校争了一把光, 你们都是年轻人, 多聊聊, 我这个老头子, 就不打扰你们年轻人的世界了."

齐洛阳说了些场面话, 就满面春风的又去迎接其他贵客了, 年轻人的场合, 他就负责一个介绍搭桥, 何况还是凯尔. 门特的请求.

凯尔门特自动过滤了王铮和严小稣, 直奔叶紫苏, "叶小姐的风神机甲, 可是我们太阳系的骄傲, 仰慕已久, 这次能见到叶小姐, 实在是幸会."

"Mr Kyle Ment, these few are our pride and joy who have graduated from Dawn Middle School. This is Ye Zisu, an important architect behind OMG, and also the main architect of Wind God mecha. This, is Little Lucky Star's Yan Xiaosu, and this is Wang Zheng. Admirable! To have won a Scientific Contribution Prize as a university student, and secured glory for our school. You lot are all youngsters, please do chat more. An old windbag like myself won't bother your conversation."

Having said that, Qi Luoyang left, all radars scanning for the next honored guest to welcome. In a situation full of youngsters, he simply served as a bridge. Besides, this was Kyle Ment's request.

Kyle Ment automatically ignored Wang Zheng and Yan Xiaosu, directly gunning for Ye Zisu."Ms Ye's Wind God mecha is the pride and joy of the Solar System. I have been an admirer for a long time. To be able to see Ms Ye today, it is indeed a fortunate day for me."

叶紫苏淡淡一笑, "凯尔. 门特先生过誉了, 我其实还只是个学生, 倒是凯尔. 门特先生, 这么年轻就能成为狄安娜集团的理事, 才是真正让人赞叹的事情."

说着不动声色把手抽出来, 对方还一副恋恋不舍的样子, 严小稣已经有点想踹对方了.

"叫我凯尔就行."凯尔门特看着叶紫苏, 越看, 越觉得心痒, 这次资助曙光中学百年校庆, 就狄安娜集团而言, 是为了彻底垄断亚洲区市场而做的先期准备, 借着这次曙光百年校庆, 整个上京都会知道月球狄安娜生活用品集团, 但就凯尔. 门特来说, 这只是个小场面, 哪儿需要他出面, 他的目的只有一个——叶紫苏!

Ye Zisu smiled mildly in response."Mr Kyle Ment is too generous in his praise. I am just a student. Besides, Mr Kyle Ment should be the one to have his praises sung, to have made it to Director of Diana Group at such a young age."

Saying that, she abruptly retracted her hand, although the other party seemed unwilling to let go. Yan Xiaosu already wanted to kick him.

"Just call me Kyle." Kyle Ment kept looking at Ye Zisu. The more he looked, the more he felt his heart itch. Sponsoring Dawn Middle School's 100 year anniversary this time round had been the offer of the Diana Group, a preemptive move for the complete monopolization of the Asian market. Borrowing Dawn's 100 year anniversary, the entire elite would know of the Diana group. But to Kyle Ment, this was but a small stage which did not require his presence. His aim here was singular - Ye Zisu! Exchange

Chapter (1-1442)