Novel:The Love of a Lycan - Chapter 0886

The Love of a Lycan
Total of 1198 chapters
Chapter 0886
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Chapter (1-1198) Exchange

Jedrek opened his eyes and found himself in the middle of a disastrous place.

The tent was no longer standing and the campsite looked like it had just been hit by a violent typhoon. People whimpered and groaned, writhing on the ground, which was now cracked creating a few fissures.

Jedrek observed with cold eyes the state of his people, who were trying to stand up and check on their fellow lycans, whether they were alive or not.

Above him, the faes were fluttering their wings, but their focus was on a certain object, or... a person, murmuring something that Jedrek couldn't hear clearly.

What the hell is happening!?

Jedrek shook his head to clear his mind, when someone approached him, it was Theo.

The general couldn't talk, thus he used mind-link to communicate with his king, but it only added to Jedrek's headache.

[Are you alright, my king?] there was a hint of concern in his voice.

"I am fine, " Jedrek groaned, but the first thing that came into his mind when he cleared his head, was his mate.

His eyes turned sharp, as he looked around to find Lilac.

Only then did he realize that the person that the faes gathered around was her. Something must have happened to Lilac until those faes looked fearful just to get near her, but also couldn't leave her alone.

Without a second thought, Jedrek immediately dashed toward his mate. He gritted his teeth as all the worse possibilities scattered in his mind and it pained him to imagine all of that.

Jedrek was about to see what happened to her when Sebastian suddenly stopped him from going closer.

"No, my king... she is not stable..." Sebastian said, and for the first time Jedrek could hear fear that was clearly evident in his voice."You can't go any near to her."

Jedrek snarled when he heard that. What the hell happened that he couldn't see his mate?!

"SCRAM!" Jedrek yelled at Sebastian, but the general stood his ground and didn't move an inch. Instead, he pointed his fingers to the direction of the city.

And it took Jedrek a minute to recover from the shock as he noticed how the city, which stood tall and looked impenetrable a few hours ago, had now completely collapsed.

No, saying it was collapsed would be an understatement.

The city was buried under the ground. Find authorized novels in, faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/the-love-of-a-lycan_13952362506619705/the-damage_50481174971206734 for visiting.

It only left the spire of the castle, which was the only thing that could still be seen on the surface of the ground, as the rest of the city had disappeared from their sights.

"What was happening?" Jedrek asked grimly. He clenched his fists when his head couldn't wrap around what went wrong that lead to the this mass destruction."Did she do all this?"

Even before hearing the answer, Jedrek knew by heart that none of them present were capable enough to impose such destruction except for his mate.

"Yes, my king, " Sebastian answered solemnly."All of a sudden we heard a very loud explosion and the ground split." He gulped down hard when he remembered what he witnessed a few minutes ago."We were trying to climb our way from the crater before the ground caved in again."

In spite of the fact that all of it lasted no longer than two minutes, but the damage caused was still mind- boggling.

"My king, you should..." Sebastian was about to advice him to stay away from Lilac until they could be sure that she was fine.

However, Jedrek had a different idea from his. All the things that he had witnessed, only left him craving to see her more.

"SCRAM!" Jedrek shoved Sebastian away, as he was blocking his way.

What actually happened when he lost his consciousness? The last thing that Jedrek could remember was; he was about to bite his mark on Lilac's neck, in order to sap some of her power. He was reluctant to do so and couldn't remember whether he managed to do it or not.

Yet, the first thing that he saw when he gained his bearing, was all of this destruction and a nonsense advice to stay away from his mate.

What happened to Lilac?!

Jedrek didn't care about the destruction or the disappearance of the city. The only thing that he wanted was; to make sure whether she was all right or not.

The king quickened his steps and the faes moved aside to give way to him.

And there, sitting on the ground, was Lilac, who was hugging her legs tightly while burying her face on her knees. She didn't move and didn't make any sound, but from the way her small shoulders trembled, he knew that she was crying.

Lilac hugged herself very tight, as if she was afraid she would fall apart.

"Move, " Jedrek told the faes to leave them alone.

At first, those faes just looked at one another, they were not sure if it was a good to let Jedrek go near Lilac, yet the king's rigid expression told them, it would be wise of them to listen to him and not question his decision.

Slowly, the faes flew to an acceptable distance and gave some space for the two of them.

Jedrek approached Lilac carefully. He wanted her to know that he was coming for her and didn't mean to cause any harm, so she could let her guard down.

"Lilac..." Jedrek called out her name softly and crouched down in front of her. He put his hand on top of her head and she let out a pitiful whimper. He caressed her hair gently.

"It's all right now..." Jedrek persuaded her, as he came closer and pulled her to him, yet the guardian angel still didn't want to see him. Lilac covered her face with her hands, while sobbing softly."My little flower..."

After Lilac's futile attempt to get away from Jedrek, finally she relented and let her mate hug her instead, letting him hold her so she wouldn't fall apart.

"It's all right... everything is okay now..." Jedrek coaxed her, as he cradled the girl in his arms and let her cried her heart out.

Jedrek didn't know what went wrong. However, since he felt better now, then he assumed that it should be the method that Lilac suggested was a success, but what exactly happened to result in all of this mess? Exchange

Chapter (1-1198)