Reunion III
← Ch.358 | Ch.360 → |
Charlton opened the door to his room. Considering his status, he did not suffer much when in camp. His room was similar to his dormitory in school. Whenever they were out to find the rebels, he did not encounter much problem too. People still showed him respect. So, to be honest, there's nothing much to complain about, except that he could not return to the capital or home to Suffox until their mission was over.
While getting dressed after taking a shower, someone knocked on his door. He ignored it at first. What? he just arrived a while back. Anyhow, the knocks did not stop. Annoyed, he walked to open the door.
"Well, that took you long enough." Kylo greeted with a grin.
Charlton was pleasantly surprised, "Kylo? What are you doing here? When did you arrive? Come in."
Kylo walked inside, "Just this morning. Anyhow, don't you know that your lady love is getting married? I mean, I quickly came here upon arrival to see your pitiful self like I imagined, but color me surprised. It's a bit anti climatic you know, seeing you now like nothing big is happening."
Charlton sighed."Yes, I know. I read about it in the news." He replied as he went to get 2 bottles of water and passed one to Kylo.
"Aren't you too nonchalant? When I left last time and let me highlight that that was just about 3 months ago, you were still wanting to go Romeo and Juliet for her. Honestly, I thought you would be so sad and depressed when I came here. I even thought of lines to comfort you. Now I'm here, I feel like I'm more affected than you are." Kylo said as he received the water.
Charlton shook his head."You know my situation now. Her marrying Geoffrey, it's only a matter of time. Besides, we're over."
"Huh? How did that happen? Were you the one to break things up with her? Don't tell me you went martyr mode again and decided that you should let go of her because you're not good enough and all that shit your head always comes up with?"
Charlton chuckled."You know me too well." Well, it's better for Kylo to think that way.
Kylo sighed."Still, I think Serena's too much. Marrying Geoffrey in just a month or so after what happened to you just screams how little she cared for you. What a bitch. Did you hear the new song she released? It's sickening."
Charlton frowned hearing Kylo call Serena that."No, I haven't. It's good that she can still write a new song at this time."
"Hah! Then let me tell you about it. Its title is 'for the first time' and I admit that it has a fine tune to it, but gods, the lyrics was so hypocritical. Like it goes, now I know what love is for the first time, and I'm like, so what did she feel for you? Not love? Lust? Argh. When you hear it, believe me, you will want to just tear her mask off."
"It's good that I haven't then." Charlton commented as his hand trembled. It's fine. This was his choice.
"Hey, are you sure you're alright?" Kylo asked when he saw Charlton's expression.
"You think?"
Kylo laughed."Finally, some reaction. I would be more concerned, if you're totally nonchalant. But hey, it's all good. At least we saw her real face now before it's too late. It's not a loss to you. I kinda pity Geoffrey though. I think he's the one who got the short end of the stick. I do wonder though, if they already did it and if they did, how he not figured out that she's no longer... you know."
Charlton gave Kylo a warning glance. Although it was no secret to Kylo that he and Serena did that, it's still unpleasant to hear him talk about it. Besides, not all girls have an intact hymen when they engage in sex the first time.
"Well, just saying."
Charlton just shook his head."Let's stop talking about this topic already. Tell me about you. How's it going between you and Via?"
With that, Kylo started regaling Charlton about the events of his life, how he asked for her hand from her parents, how his mother wanted to just burn him on the stake, how he must abdicate his right to the throne to marry Via, etc.
Charlton listened. For a while, it did entertain him, but then, his mind drifted back to his relationship with Serena. Truthfully, he regrets his choices. That he did not choose to fight when he had the chance. Hearing Kylo sacrificing everything for Via, made him feel like his efforts were all farce.
When Kylo left the next day, Charlton was again left in his room. The wedding was on the day after tomorrow. For a moment, he thought of just doing something crazy. Like kidnapping the bride before her wedding.
He shook his head. Then what?
To be honest, he felt torn. On one hand, he felt regretful. He had his chance and he lost it. He loved her, but he was too stupid. Always playing safe, always thinking of the repercussions if they get caught.
On the other hand, it would be a lie to say that he totally did not blame Serena. A part of him was scornful too. That she did not tell him what Geoffrey was doing from the start. That she did not confide that Geoffrey was doing those things to her. For if she did, he would have acted. He would have sped up everything or chose a different path.
Then again, it's also good that she didn't. For apparently, she herself has participated willingly as she told him herself. At first, he doubted the reality of that. However, seeing the proof with the upcoming wedding and hearing her song earlier that morning while having breakfast, it made him feel like what they had was but a sham.
Did she truly love him? Or was it that she only played with him? He did not know what to believe anymore. Either way, does it matter?
Later he would figure, that yes, it does.
← Ch. 358 | Ch. 360 → |