Leaving The Capital
← Ch.347 | Ch.349 → |
The day Charlton was to leave the capital, the sun was shining high above the skies. People were milling about in the streets, doing what they normally do. Nothing changed and life kept on moving.
With a heavy heart he asked Jack, his coachman turned driver, to drive his car to the ministry of defense where he would meet with Earl Hugo Cobalt who was also tasked to leave the capital and lead the campaign in extinguishing the rebels as punishment for his failures.
If something made his mother's heart feel any better, it was this. That he was not alone in the punishment and Cobalt, being the son of another duke loyal to the crown, would be with him in this mission.
He sighed. Talking about his conversation with his mother, last night, he contemplated over and over if he should give Serena a visit. It would be difficult, but not impossible. He thought of at least seeing and talking to her one more time before he leaves. He doesn't want to part with her on bad terms. However, in the end, he decided that doing so was pointless.
As his mother told him apologetically, to continue asking for Serena's hand now would only fan the king's suspicion towards their family. In fact, even after he comes home successful from his mission, and prove his father's innocence, they cannot do that anymore. She cried and cried, very sorry that she and Charles, as parents, failed Charlton, their only son.
Charlton just smiled at his mother then. He told her that it's alright that he understood the circumstance, that she should not think about that as he can let Serena go, but not the ones who brought him to this world. His heart was in shambles, but he had to reassure his mother.
He has to let Serena go unless he plans to join the rebels. Truth was, he thought of doing just that, him becoming a turncoat. But then, his father was in prison. If he didn't know any better, he would think that the crown was keeping his father hostage. But he knew better. His father was a criminal that did commit the crime.
Anyhow, if it's any consolation, at least Serena hated him already. Him leaving would not make her feel that bad. She won't have to wait for him for he himself did not know how long it would take for him and Cobalt to extinguish the rebels. They would need to find them, get information, find who their backers were, etc. It might take as short as a few months, or it may take a few years.
As he arrived at the grounds just outside the ministry, he saw that Earl Hugo Cobalt was already there waiting for him along with some soldiers. He alighted his car.
They greeted each other, and Hugo introduced him to the soldiers. They discussed some matters regarding their mission, and afterwards, they decided to start their journey to Norfolk which was the base camp of the ministry's soldiers. Charlton also has his own soldiers to command from his family, but they were in Suffox protecting their duchy.
Hugo exhaled loudly as he faced Charlton."So, I guess this is it eh?"
Charlton tilted his head to the left, 'what was Hugo trying to say?' he wondered.
Hugo started laughing, "If there's one thing that makes me feel better about this stupid mission, it's that I'm not alone in this. Never thought that the most promising youth of our generation will fall just as in deep shit as I'm in. ?One a failure, another a son of a criminal. Aish! What a wonderful pair we make in this journey akin to an exile."
Charlton did not want to laugh as he was feeling like shit, but he could not help the chuckle that escaped him. Hugo was taking this in strides, taking lightly of their punishment. He shook his head."Could I bring my car and driver to get there?" he asked.
Hugo looked at his car "Yeah sure. Just so you know though. After arriving in Norfolk, that car will only stay in camp. Some paths we would need to take upland would only allow for horses." He explained.
"It's alright. Thank you for the heads up." Charlton replied.
That way, since Hugo allowed it, Jack was able to join Charlton in this journey too.
"Your highness, Lord Cobalt and Lord Daniel left this morning. Lord Daniel was accompanied by his aide. Should we..." the man asked as he hovered his thumb to his neck. Indicating if they should get rid of Charlton already.
"No need. In the meantime, just observe him. Tell Lucas that.". Geoffrey did not postpone getting rid of Charlton because he brought Jack with him, honestly, one man would not be able to do much with an army against them. However, he does not want to rush things. Also, although he hated his cousin, him out of the picture was already enough for now. Geoffrey shook his head with the excuse. In the end, he could not go through with it. He could not kill his own kin in cold blood even though he betrayed him. His father was right, he was too soft hearted.
"Yes, your highness." His aide replied as he bowed then left the room.
Goeffrey stood from his chair to look through the window. He looked at the sky with the sun shining brightly. It stung his eyes and his vision blurred.
His revenge was almost through, and it has been spectacular. He was able to ruin the relationship between Serena and Charlton, got them to taste the betrayal they put him through, get the grand duke in prison, drive his cousin away, even his life unknown to him was in his hands. Serena... does she know that Charlton already abandoned her?
Anyhow, he should be happy now. But why? Why was it that he felt so empty?
Perhaps, the end really does not justify the means. No. He could not regret this. This was the choice he made. He will just try to make it up to Serena for the rest of their lives.
← Ch. 347 | Ch. 349 → |